Chapter 27: Sister, What Does 'Handsome' Mean?

Who is this man, and why does he have such a strong presence?

Han Yao was filled with fear.

"Sister Han, I told you before, the reason I wanted to become a star was to find the missing Xue An. Now that he has returned, I might as well not continue being a star," Fan Mengxue said.

Han Yao shuddered, then looked at Fan Mengxue in disbelief.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Your acting career has just started to take off; an endless array of flowers and applause await you ahead, yet you choose to retreat?"

Fan Mengxue lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing Fan Mengxue like this, Han Yao couldn't help but clench her teeth, then mustered the courage to say to Xue An, "Mr. Xue, I am sorry, I take back what I said earlier. But please understand, Mengxue is like a daughter to me, and her sudden withdrawal is truly disappointing."

Xue An remained noncommittal.