Chapter 28: Do your parents know how arrogant you are?

The salesgirl glanced at Xue An somewhat helplessly but found Xue An looking down, seemingly lost in thought.

Xue An's silence only made the woman become more insolent.

"Did you hear that? We like it, so that piece of clothing is ours. Make him take it off!"

"Miss, there's no precedent for this…"

The beer-bellied man suddenly sneered, "Go call your manager over; I want to see if there's a precedent or not!"

The salesgirl was somewhat helpless, but as an employee of a high-end shopping club, their ultimate duty was to satisfy the customers' requests.

Yet even at this moment, Xue An remained silent.

The salesgirl couldn't help but feel some contempt in her heart.

He looks decent enough, yet he's such a pushover.

It wasn't long before Zhao Feng, who was in charge of the men's department, arrived.

Upon seeing the beer-bellied man, Zhao Feng's face broke into an overjoyed smile as he hurriedly approached.

"It's Mr. Sun! Long time no see, long time no see!"