Chapter 149: One Man Subdues an Entire Realm (Additional Update)

Two little porcelain dolls embodied all of An Yan's longings.

Xue An's eyes felt sore, and then he chuckled, "Alright, Mom is back now! Xiang Xiang, Nian Nian, are you happy?"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian nodded together, "Happy!"

"At noon, Dad is going to make you some delicious food! Isn't that even more exciting?"

Xue Nian's eyes widened, and she nodded vigorously, "Mmm-hmm, Dad, I'm so happy right now!"

Xue Xiang scowled with a little face, and tapped his sister's head, "All you think about is eating!"

This scene couldn't help but make An Yan laugh as well.

"I'll cook! My dear wife, what would you like to eat?" Xue An asked cheerfully.

An Yan stood up, "Let me do it, you don't know how to cook."

Back when they were together, it was mostly An Yan who did the cooking.

Xue An shook his head firmly, "How dare you underestimate this great chef, I'll show you what the number one chef in The Multiverse Realms is like in a moment!"

In the kitchen.