Chapter 150: Head to Zhongdu to Collect Those Debts That Should Be Collected!

At this moment, Shi Xueqing's heart was filled with shock and bewilderment.

Xue An had already given her too many surprises.

Annihilating all the disciples of the Immortal Gates on his own during the Immortal Gate Assembly was terrifying enough.

But unexpectedly, even a grand sect like Moonwatching Pavilion had been completely eradicated by Xue An.

Thinking of this, Shi Xueqing's feelings were complicated.

Being a person of delicate thoughts, she could naturally guess from the clues that only a woman could have enraged Xue An to such madness.

She wondered who could be so fortunate as to drive a man like Xue An to madness.

As Shi Xueqing was admiring and sighing, Yu Lang's words jolted her awake.

Shi Xueqing shook her head, "I don't know either! However... Family Head Yu, I advise you not to look for him either, because a person like Mr. Xue is like a Divine Dragon above the nine heavens, not someone we can conjecture about using common sense."