Chapter 321: Sir, I Will Help You Slay the Immortal (2nd Update)

With a sigh, a black-robed elder appeared before the Immortal Palace.

Upon seeing him, everyone from Wu Bucheng's group trembled, then exclaimed in disbelief, "Elixir Heart Elder!"

The Elixir Heart Elder nodded and smiled to the crowd, "I never expected that after so many years, there would be those who still remember this old man who's knocking on death's door!"

Wu Bucheng and the others promptly adopted serious expressions and bowed respectfully, "We have seen the elder before us!"

The Elixir Heart Elder was the master of the Immortal Palace hundreds of years ago, and in terms of seniority, he was much higher than them.

It was unthinkable that he was still alive.

Now, this Xue An was truly doomed.

That's what everyone was thinking in their hearts.

The Elixir Heart Elder smiled at Xue An, "Young Daoist, your talent is truly the first I have seen in my life, to defeat my unworthy disciple with the cultivation level of Half-step Longevity!"