Chapter 322 I Was Once the Supreme of The Multiverse (3rd Update)

At that moment, the punch from the Elixir Heart Venerable came again.

This time, the force of the punch was at least twice as strong, altering the winds and changing the skies wherever it passed.

Xue An snorted coldly, a countless number of Sword Qi materialized, forming an enormous sword light that thrust directly at the punch.

However, the sword light only lasted for less than a breath before it shattered with a loud bang.

"Xue An, it's pointless. You simply cannot comprehend what the concept of the Golden Immortal Peak truly means!" Elixir Heart Venerable said with a cold laugh.

Just then, a crisp female voice rang out, "My lord!"

Xue An turned his head and saw Zhu Ruyan tucking a stray hair behind her ear, smiling brightly, "For all these days, thank you!"

After speaking, fierce flames burst forth from Zhu Ruyan's body.

"Karmic Fiery Flames! How is that possible! What is this woman trying to do?" Elixir Heart Venerable exclaimed in shock.