Chapter 392: The Twelve Speakers (3rd update)

Blood Mountain.

This was a towering mountain range, reaching into the clouds.

It could even be said that the entire Vampire Secret Realm was occupied by this mountain.

Along its slopes, many ancient castles were built.

The owners of these castles were primarily Vampire Grand Dukes.

And atop the mountain was the location of the Vampire Council.

When Xue An set foot on Blood Mountain, he saw countless blood lights converging towards the summit.

Powerful auras streaked across the sky, causing Xue An's eyes to flash with wonder.

These were all Blood Pearls!

By the time he reached the great hall on the mountain summit, a large number of the Blood Clan had already gathered.

These Blood Clan members were all dressed impeccably, gathering in groups of three or five, conversing with each other using various elegant phrases.

When Xue An and the others appeared there, many cast curious glances their way.