Chapter 393: Slaughter on Blood Mountain (4th Update)

Selina blew a large bubble and, after it burst, slowly ate it back up.

Dennis frowned and said in a cold voice, "Selina, the venerable prince is questioning you; you must answer promptly!"

With a neurotic laugh, Selina picked up a baseball bat and walked to the front, addressing the Blood Clan, "I did indeed do some investigating and then discovered a shocking secret!"

"Oh? What secret?" Wilson's interest was piqued.

"It was a human who killed Alldington!"

"A human? Impossible!" The Blood Clan members caused a stir, showing expressions of disbelief.

In their eyes, it was easier to believe that someone from the Dark Council had ambushed and killed a Grand Duke rather than admit that a Grand Duke had died at the hands of a human.

After all, mere centuries ago during the Dark Middle Ages, humans were nothing more than talking animals to these Blood Clan members.

"Hehe, then tell me, why would this human target our Blood Clan?" Dennis asked with a cold laugh.