Chapter 410: The World as Enemy (3rd Update)

"My lord, do you really not know?" Selina's surprise was evident as she saw Xue An's unconcerned expression.

"Know what?" Xue An had turned off all communication devices during this journey, simply enjoying a carefree trip with his wife, traveling through the mountains and waters.

"The Blood Ancestor has returned!" Quintina spoke with a grave expression.

"Hmm?" Xue An's brow lifted at these words.

"Yes, and the latest news we've just received is that the Blood Ancestor is on his way to the Holy Nation of Light, preparing to join forces with the newly arrived Son of Light to confront you, my lord!" Selina was also marked by a tone of gravity.

She still remembered the shock she felt when she first heard the news.

The Son of Light, the progenitor of the Blood Clan!

These are monumental figures, and they were uniting against Xue An.

This was nothing short of a deadly trap!