Chapter 411: The Ultimate Forbidden Curse (4th Update)

The dark clouds dispersed.

The backlash of the forcibly interrupted forbidden curse turned Xue An's face pale as his entire body began to tremble slightly.

Asmodeus casually repelled the attack, then sneered at Xue An lying on the ground and shook his head disdainfully.

"Too weak. If this is the extent of your strength, then you have greatly disappointed me!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Xue An suddenly looked up, his eyes swirling with dark energy.

"Forbidden Curse·Soul Devouring!"

"Forbidden Curse·Annihilation!"

"Forbidden Curse·Judgment!"

With each forbidden curse recited, Xue An's body shuddered once.

By the time he had finished reciting these three forbidden curses, a trickle of blood slowly ran down the corner of Xue An's mouth.

However, the combined power of the three forbidden curses was also extremely astonishing.

Strong dark forces tightly surrounded the demigod in midair, the power of the curses gradually eroding both of them.