Chapter 412 You are not Xue An at all!

Powerful holy lights spread outwards, like a cage covering the heavens and earth, thrusting directly at the members of the Dark Council.

At that moment, a woman's soft voice said, "The Ultimate Forbidden Curse—Twilight of the Gods!"


A dark mist exuding an aura of ultimate death directly countered, dispersing the holy radiance wherever it passed.

Moreover, the overflow of its might surged towards the Son of Light in midair.

A hint of solemnity appeared on the Son of Light's face, but he simply sidestepped slightly, then said coldly, "God says, 'The rules of this world do not inherently exist!'"

As his words reached, the powerful darkness froze as if it were bound by something and solidified.

Then it shattered loudly and disappeared without a trace.

A woman grunted softly, then her figure became visible.

It was Anastasia!

At this moment, her complexion was pale, and her eyes had dimmed.