Chapter 413: The One-Man War God Demon (First Update)

Everyone stared blankly at the tall, slender man in mid-air, his expression cool and detached.

Because everything had happened too fast, within the span of a breath, both a deity and a demon were blasted away.

At this moment, the members of some intelligence agencies trembled in shock and exclaimed, "It's him! He is the real Xue An!"

This statement was like pouring a bucket of cold water into a boiling pot of oil, causing a violent commotion.

"It really is him! He actually came!"

"Holy shit, the Son of Light and a member of the Blood Clan were taken down by his two punches? That's freaking awesome!"

"It seems we all underestimated him!"

These were exclamations of surprise and admiration.

But there were still many with serious expressions on their faces, thinking that things would not be that simple.


From the huge, person-shaped pit on the ground, a strong holy light began to rise, and then the Son of Light surged out, his face flushed with rage.