Chapter 422: Giving You a Big Gift! (2nd Update)

The top level of the Dark Ancient Castle boasts a small balcony, fashioned into a quaint garden.

Sitting here with a drink, one could gaze at the distant mountain ranges that rose and fell in succession.

When Xue An arrived at this place, Fan Mengxue was already seated, staring blankly into the distance.

Hearing footsteps, she didn't turn around but simply asked faintly, "Xiang Xiang and Nian Nian have gone to sleep?"

"Yes! They just fell asleep!"

With that, Xue An sat down on a chair nearby.

After a lengthy silence,

"I'm sorry!" Fan Mengxue lowered her head and whispered.

"Why apologize?"

"Because... I almost killed so many people!"

Xue An smiled, then shook his head and said softly, "That wasn't your fault at all."

Fan Mengxue, with her head down, remained silent.

Xue An sighed and asked, "Why did you choose the dark path?"

Fan Mengxue abruptly lifted her head, her eyes shimmering with tears, "Because... I wanted to keep up with you!"