Chapter 423: The Supreme of the World (Third Update)

Xue An left.

Fan Mengxue stood in her original position, silently watching Xue An's departing figure.

Moments later, Anastasia appeared behind her.

"Meng Xue!"

"Hmm?" Fan Mengxue shuddered, regained her senses, and then turned her head to glance at Anastasia.

Anastasia hesitated, her reason for coming was out of curiosity about that strong dark aura from just before.

She could guess that it must have been Xue An's doing.

This made her even more horrified and shocked.

Isn't Mr. Xue a practitioner of the Power of Light? How could he have such a strong dark aura?

Once she arrived upstairs, she found that apart from the dark injuries Fan Mengxue had sustained from overusing the Forbidden Curse, which were healed, there was nothing unusual about her.

It was only when she made eye contact with Fan Mengxue.

That a strange feeling suddenly arose in her heart.

It was as if a subject was facing a young sovereign, with an urge to bow in worship.