Looking For The Earth God's Cave

About a hundred meters away, Emma planted the vine trap and covered it with grass and dirt to make it invisible on the ground while she fastened the trapping mechanism above the trees. 

It would function like any actual net and she was confident that it could carry the weight of one to even three more stonehogs. Not to mention that the hogs wouldn't be able to do anything once they were trapped and in the air.

Emma would only need to kill it as painlessly as possible.

Once her preparations were done, Emma floated back to the ground and then made her way to the grazing area of the stone hogs. The creatures immediately raised their snouts and made a warning sound at her to signal for her to run away.

Emma bit on her lip but picked up a rock and tossed it at what appeared to be the largest of them. 

It was enough for the stone hog to raise its head from the bush and rampaged towards her.