Ending The Year With a Bang

As the year came to a close, and all the students sighed with relief after their exams, there was only one last thing to sort out.

"It's about time," Edward muttered looking at the non-existent watch on his wrist.

Edward was sat alone in his bed reading a book when he suddenly disappeared, apparating far below the school.

"Alright Voldy?"

Startled, Quirrell quickly turned around to see where the confident voice had come from. He was greeted by a boy, not even in his teens.

"H-hello, E-Edward-" Quirrell stuttered, maintaining the act.

"Drop it. I know what's going on, and I know what's on the back of your head," Edward declared, giving no room for Quirrell to weasel his way out.

Quirrell face instantly darkened as his timidity disappeared.

"Well done, boy. You've figured me out. Now what?"

A warped smile on his lips, Quirrell drew his wand from his hip and aimed it towards Edward, who didn't move.

"Too scared to even draw your wand? Did you just come down here to die, boy?" Quirrell mocked, as he cackled away to himself.

"Well, I'll reward your stupidity. Avada Kedavra!"

A flash of green sped towards Edward, who raised his wand and swiped it to the side. This produced a bright white light, which, upon connecting with the curse, caused it to dissipate as only a few virescent sparks sputtered.

"W-what! There's no counter-spell for the Killing Curse!" Quirrell looked as if all of the colour had drained from his face.

"There is. It's a spell created by my father called Mors Subsisto," Edward lied, he didn't want Voldemort to be terrified of him - not yet anyway.

Infuriated, Quirrell began to hurtle spells towards him, uncontrolled. Sparks of green, red, blue, and more flashed across the room, some destroying parts of the stone walls.

"Avada Kedavra!"



Quirrell continued to fire off desperate attacks, but Edward easily countered each one with a light wand movement.

"I'm bored."

"Bombarda Maxima."

Edward said the spell with such disinterest that you may think the spell was a simple or weak one.

You'd be wrong.

The minute the spell hit Quirrell, there was a huge explosion, disentegrating both Quirrell and most of the walls.


Dumbledore was leaned back in his chair, finally relaxing after a difficult year. He sipped his tea, content with the world for just a moment.

Suddenly, he felt the ground rumble slightly and heard a large noise beneath the ground.

"Oh no. I've got a bad feeling about this..."


As Quirrell was obliterated, a black cloud-like being was expelled from his body, seemingly screaming in pain as it tried to escape.

"Hey Voldy!"

The cloud slowed down slightly.

"Fuck you."

The cloud roared as it saw Edward's two fingered salute, but it knew it was too weak to destroy the pest at this minute. Hastily, it flew out of whatever exit it could find.

"Well that was fun."

Edward apparated back into his room and picked up the book again.


Moments later, Harry Potter entered the room, which now looked like a battlefield.

Ironically, despite not ever touching Harry, Quirrell had still turned into dust in the end.

Harry saw these ashes with a purple turban lying atop them and ran out of the chamber to tell someone.


The next day, it came out that Quirrell had been possessed by a dark wizard and some mysterious person had stopped him.

They figured out that Quirrell had been possessed because Voldemort hadn't completely erased traces of his dark magic, but they still couldn't tell who the dark wizard was.

The person at the centre of all of this was currently hopping onto the train back, with not a single care in the world.

"Hey Edward. Do you want to come and visit my house in the Summer?" Alfred asked.

In his spare time, when he wasn't joining Harry and his friends' exploits, Edward had hung out with Alfred a bit, so they were decent friends.

"Sure. Where do you live?"

"Oh, it's Taunton Castle. If you're in Taunton, you can't miss it."

Edward sighed, devastated that his beautiful castle had been taken by somebody else. He lived there for 60 years after all.

"When shall I come over?"

"Whenever, we're always free really."

They parted ways and Edward found the main trio's carriage. He sat down next to Ron.

"Well that was a bloody insane year!"

Ron seemed almost shocked he was alive.

"I'm still curious, who beat Voldemort, well Quirrell controlled by Voldemort," Hermione pondered.

"Well at least we're alive," Harry added.

"At least Voldemort's been scared off now. He shouldn't bother Hogwarts again any time soon."

Edward sighed internally.

'If only you knew how wrong you were Ron.'


When Edward got back, he discovered that Richard and Anna were a lot less stiff and strange. Now, they acted almost like normal people!

Richard still put milk in before the cereal, though.

"Are you alright Sir? How was your year?" Richard asked.

"I told you not to call me that. Just call me Edward."

"Then how was your year Edward?"

Edward took a deep breath before explaining everything that went on during the year.

"This Voldemort, he's the worst dark wizard ever, right?"


"How does he compare to us?"

Edward looked the two up and down.


[Name: Richard Lyore

Strength: 133

Dexterity: 125

Constitution: 131

Spirit: 127

Intelligence: 619]

[Name: Anna Lyore

Strength: 124

Dexterity: 135

Constitution: 122

Spirit: 132

Intelligence: 617]

"You're each about 1 and a half times as powerful as him. That doesn't mean you should stop training though. Out in the multiverse, there'll be places where people with your current stats are like ants."

The two nodded and promised to keep training.

"Right, I think it's time to bring our friends from the past here," Edward said as he clapped his hands.

"Be back in a jiffy."

Edward hopped back in time, to Minehead Castle, where he had let all of his students live and practice.