Chapter 4



"Sir, this needs to be looked over. I already checked the main points." Ms. Williams spoke through the intercom. I didn't feel like answering, but that would be rude. "Sir?"

"Yes, please send it to my office," I replied and then closed my eyes.

Last week, I found that there was another man in my bed, probably with Camila. I haven't confronted her about it yet, because one I was scared of her answer. Two, if it was true I would be broken, and three if it wasn't true she would be mad at me for thinking she cheated. I needed solid evidence before I could bring it up to her.

That was also the reason I secretly set up a camera near the door, the bedrooms, and the living room. I knew Camila's habit of having sex and she would do it anywhere, inside the house of course. Anyway, I also hired a private detective to follow her and report to me once he had enough evidence. So far I haven't heard anything back, and I do hope that I am wrong about this.

There were knocks on the door and I knew it was Ms. Williams so I told her to come in. "Thank you," I smiled at her and she nodded before walking back out.

I ran my hand through my hair and tried to focus on my work but I couldn't. My mind would always go back to Camila and think maybe she didn't do it and it was me who was wearing a different cologne. But I don't think I did because I like the ones I have and they don't smell anything like the one on the bed. I checked my phone for the hundredth time to see anything from the detective, but I instead saw a text from Tessa.

I opened it and it said that Callan was coming for a visit this Thanksgiving, which was about a couple months away. My parents were going to a party and then we were going to have dinner as a family on the day. Everything was planned, at least the family part. I had to attend some parties and had dinner with my best friend, Micheal Segal, and his family. Even though it was months away, it was already planned and I guess I liked it that way.

I shook my head and looked over to document the other few notes. I just wanted to go home and just lay in bed until this situation was over and I could go back to my old life. I just hope my old life consists of Camila and me being happy together and maybe after five years, we could get married and have beautiful kids. That would be nice, I sighed dreamily and smiled. Our kids would be beautiful and would have our best traits.

Then my thoughts were interrupted. "Sir, your four o'clock meeting is here," Williams said.

"I'll be there shortly. Show them to room 34d." I replied to her as I took out the folder that held the notes for the meeting.

"Yes, Sir," she said before cutting off the intercom. I walked out of the room, thinking: let's get over with this.


When I was a child, I thought that everything would be amazing when I took over the company and then have a good girlfriend that I could marry, have kids and we would be a happy family. The women I dated before I met Camila made me think that it was impossible because they didn't want to have kids because it'll 'ruin their body' and if some of them did, they were reluctant about marriage. They made me feel like I was the only one that saw a future with them.

That's why, after a while, I stopped looking for someone and waited for someone to come to me. Camila didn't, in a way, but I knew when I first met her that she was the one. But then shit happened and I couldn't think of our future anymore. I didn't want to go home to her anymore because I was afraid of what I would find. I imagined the worst, like finding her with someone else on our bed or seeing her making out with another man. Those thoughts made my stomach turn.

I sighed and looked down. I typed in the pin and heard the door unlock. I slowly turned the knob and went inside. Camila was waiting for me in the living room. "Hey, Babe." She smiled at me and I pulled a fake smile.

"Hey, I'm going to change and go to bed," I told her.

"What about dinner?" She asked with a small pout.

"I already ate with the client. Sorry I didn't text you to let you know." I smiled a little. Camila nodded and then went to the dining room while I made my way to our bedroom. I showered and then changed before I got in the bed and under the covers. I guessed I was tired because I fell asleep without knowing and didn't even wake up when Camila came to bed.

That night I had a strange dream. I was in our bedroom while Camila was in bed with another man. She was smiling and pronouncing her words of love while the man did the same thing. They looked happy, and it hurt me. Then Camila looked over at me and frowned before walking over to me. I anticipated what would happen and then suddenly she pushed me into a black hole and I was falling.

Then suddenly someone grabbed my hands and I was pulled out of the black hole. I couldn't see the person's face but I knew he was a man because of his body structure, but it could be a woman because of the curves. "Are you okay?" A disoriented voice asked but I understood.

"No," I answered back.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. You have me now." I felt the person smile and for some reason, I smiled back. I felt happy to be there with the person, and I knew it wasn't Camila. "But for now, you have to go back and keep moving forward. We'll meet soon."

With that I woke up with a gasp and sat up on my bed, panting. It was such a vivid dream and I remember everything, which was weird because I don't have vivid dreams and I can't remember at least 90% of it, like most humans. So why could I remember this one?

I didn't want to think about it and just laid back down and closed my eyes. I remember the face shape of the person. They said we'd meet soon, what did it mean? While thinking over my dream, I fell asleep once again, and this time I didn't have any dream.