Chapter 5



I looked at the flyer and typed in the number and pressed the call button. It rang for about five seconds before a female voice came on. I followed the direction and was connected to the manager. "Thank you for calling Grace Café, how may I help you?" A cheerful voice came on.

"Hi, my name is Elijah Kings and I saw the job flyer and I was wondering if you guys are still hiring for the waiter's positions?" I had learned over the years that you should always be straight to the point when you call someone for jobs or something business-related. Well, most of the time, not all the time.

"Oh yes, we have some positions opened. Would you like to come and visit us?" She asked.

"Sure, when can I set up the appointment?" I asked.

"Well, we are open Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m to 10 p.m, and on Sundays, it's from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. What time are you available?" She asked.

"This Friday at four p.m sounds good to me," I answered. I didn't have work that day and all I had to do was go to class.

"Okay, this Friday at four p.m. Ms. Stanley would like to show you around. We hope you join, thank you for calling Mr. Kings. Enjoy your day." I could feel her smile through the phone.

"Thank you and you too." I hung up right after that and sighed. That was a bit stressful but I got an "interview" and that was great. If I get the get then I'll have to quit Skippers', I was getting to like the store a little but this was an opportunity to change my bank balance and not be in debt.

I quickly sat up from my bed and walked out to the kitchen where Melvin was eating his lunch or dinner.

"Hey man." He nodded towards me and I nodded back.

"Hey." I opened the fridges and took out two Twix. One was a left Twix while the other was right. Damn, I am lucky. I thought and opened the wrapper. "Thanks for the flyer, I just hope I get the job as a waiter."

"You're welcome. Now you owe me a favor." He smirked when I glared at him and then rolled my eyes. I knew he wasn't going to get me a job opportunity for free.

"What favor?" I asked him taking a bite into my delicious Twix. Melvin thought for a moment and then shrugged.

"I'll let you know when a problem presents itself." He smirked at my annoyed face.

"Whatever," I said walking out of the kitchen to the living room and turned on the TV for Hulu. I heard Melvin say something but I didn't pay attention because I simply didn't care. But when he walked out and sat beside me, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing." He shook his head and looked at the TV. I didn't say anything and searched for shows. "Okay, is Kyle mad at me?"

"Why would he be mad at you?" I asked confused and then I thought about what happened two weeks ago. "Oh, no. He wasn't mad, just a bit disappointed I guess. If you like him then stop teasing him and using me to get to him."

"I can't help it! He's just so cute when you tease him, ya know?" He whined and hugged me. I pushed him away and nodded while rolling my eyes. "Don't worry, I'll get him soon as I can."

"You better not make him suffer more and deny that you like him because I know it hurts you too when someone flirts with him or when he's all over someone else. Melvin, if this keeps going on, Kyle is going to think you don't like him and eventually move on. So fucking do something, for my sake." I pushed the shoulder again when he hugged me whining.

Then he sat there quietly. "Fine, I'll do something about it next time he comes over." Melvin nodded to himself and stayed quiet as I picked a show.


I was nervous. I was fucking sweating and nervous. I adjusted my shirt collar and inhaled it. Then I opened the door and walked in. There was a lady at reception who smiled at me as I walked over. "Welcome to Grace Cafe, would you like a table or a booth?" She asked.

"Oh, no I'm Elijah Kings and I was here to meet with Grace Stanley for a waiter position." I smiled at her and she nodded.

"Follow me, Sir," the woman said and led me to the back of the restaurant through another door. She stopped at the door and then knocked on it. "Ms. Stanley, Mr. Kings is here."

"Okay, send him in please." A woman called. The receptionist opened the door for me and I smiled at her. She nodded and I looked ahead and almost died because there was a man, very fuckable. He looked hot with his hair spiked back and in his expensive dark blue Armani suit. Damn, why am I this horny? It's not like I have been laid in a while. I thought and mentally shook my head. "Your welcome."

"Thank you for having me." I smiled at her and slowly walked in. I turned to the man and smiled, he nodded to me and turned away. Okay, rude. I thought and turned back to the woman.

"Please come with me as I show you around and then we can discuss other business." She turned to me and then the man. We both followed her out, me ahead of the man. I looked around the interior of the restaurant and I was impressed. Ms. Stanley explained everything and the work she expects from us and the conditions of the workplace.

We then walked back to her office and discussed my salary, schedule, and so on. By the time I left, I was hella happy. When I exited the building I almost fist-bumped the air, and by almost I meant I did. "I can't fucking believe I got a better job!" I yelled out loud. The people passing by looked at me weird.

Then the rude man came out the front door and bumped into me. "Excuse me." He mumbled before walking away quickly. I wanted to yell after him and cuss him out but I kept my mouth shut and drove home.

This was officially one of my best days ever.