Chapter 6



I looked at the photos and just wanted to burn it. It hurt me so much just looking at it, I felt like the picture was taunting me. I wanted it gone but I needed to prove my suspicions. I wanted nothing to do with them anymore, not before confronting Camila first about them. It burned my eyes and I looked away and looked at my glass of tequila and vodka. It burned my throat, I like the burn because it made me forget about Camila and the other man for a while.

I turned to look at my friend as she flirted with the other guys. We were at a bar but it wasn't just a normal bar, the bar we were in was made for rich people because I needed and Stacy happily came along. Stacy turned to me and shook her head. "You should stop drinking unless you want to be sick, or dead." She tried to take the glass from me but I moved it out of her reach.

"I need this," I mumbled because I was already felt like vomiting but I was stubborn as my stomach and won't do it. "I don't want to feel anything right now."

"Don't you have to meet Grace tomorrow? And you're going to have a bad hangover." She points out and I reluctantly put the glass down and sighed. "Good boy, now let's get you home."

"I don't want to go home," I mumbled as she helped me up. When we were at the door a man walked up to us and started flirting with Stacy but she ignored him and then we walked out to the car. We took the back door because usually there were paparazzi in the front. "She's home."

"Okay fine, you can stay over at my place." I knew she rolled her eyes. "You know it'll be alright after a while."

"I know," I said, and then somehow I fell asleep. 

When I woke up I was in bed and changed. I groaned from the sunlight that was shining right on my eyes. I turned away and then looked at the clock. It was about eight. I looked at my work phone and opened my schedule to see I had a meeting at nine a.m and then I had to meet Grace Stanley at the café. I groaned and rolled over so I was facing away from the sun and closed my eyes.

My head was pounding and it felt it was too heavy to carry my head on my shoulder. When I tried I saw an Advil bottle and a glass of water. I quickly grabbed the glass and two pills and gulped it down. I knew it wasn't going to work right away, so I laid back down, awake. It wasn't like I couldn't fall asleep. I remember most of what happened and it was shit.

After a while, I got up and use the bathroom that was attracted to the room. I showered and looked for clothes that fit me, I was surprised to see that Stacy had some because I was guessing an ex-boyfriend. I walked to the kitchen to see breakfast with a note that said, 'Went to work, will be back later. I hope you suffered a bad hangover. :) Love, S'. I rolled my eyes and ate the bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. I didn't know she could cook.

I took my jacket and my clothes and drove to work. The meeting was okay, but I didn't want to go anywhere else. I guess I was just tired but I went to the cafe anyway. Grace and I talked and then this guy came in and Grace showers us around and they discussed something while I went to take a call. After that, I bid Grace goodbye and walked out of the restaurant and bumped into the same guy. I thought his name was Elijah Kings, whatever, I didn't pay attention.

I went to my office and called Camila to come over. She seemed worried like she should be, but I didn't tell her anything about what we were going to talk about. I just thought that I wanted an explanation and wanted this to be over. I waited patiently for her to walk into my office and I made sure that Ms. Williams didn't interrupt us.


"Hey, babe!" I heard Camila yell as she walked through the door. She walked over to me and kissed my cheek. I didn't move or change my expression. She started talking about something but when she noticed my lack of response she looked at me worried. "What's wrong?"

"Why?" I asked her with a glared and she flinched. I guess she knew what I was talking about. "Why would you do that to us?"

"I-I can't explain." She stood up but I motioned got her to sit down. She did and looked at me with teary eyes. "Nick, I don't know what came over me but I-"

"Stop." I raised my hands to stop her from making up more lies. "You know what you were doing. You could've stopped but you didn't. You went on, you betrayed my love. You cheated on me for who knows how long. What? Wasn't I good enough for you? Was my love not enough for you?"

"No! I loved you and I still love you. But when you are away on your business trips, I get lonely and then I met this guy and it just happened." By this time she was bawling her eyes out but I didn't care. She hurt me too, more than I'm going to hurt her.

"How long was this going on?" I asked her. My throat felt tight and my eyes were stinging. "Tell me!"

"A year!" She yelled back.

I stood up and looked down at her. I glared and she cried harder. "I think we are done here. Get out of my house by the end of this week." I told her and walked to the door and opened it for her. "Remember Camila, you did this to us, not me," I told as she ran out. I shut the door and walked over to my couch and laid down.

I closed my eyes as tears fell. I felt like sobbing but I held it in, I wasn't going to cry over her. She was the one who ruined everything. She couldn't be satisfied with only me, she broke my heart and I hate her but I loved her too. I thought she was the love of my love but I was wrong. She wasn't everything I thought she was. "I am going to be okay," I said to myself. I repeated that phrase over and over until my brain believes it.

I got up and wiped the tears away. I called the guards near my studio to escort Camila out along with her things but that week. I sighed and took a deep breath again. "Okay, let's get to work. This company isn't going to run itself." I focused on my work to fogey my pain. Maybe someday I wouldn't have to do that.

I hope I find someone someday that won't be like the women I've dated and they would stay with me.