Chapter 7



I grabbed ahold of the black trays filled with glasses that had water in them, I took them in each hand and walked the line on the floor. I had to train not to spill anything while bringing the food, and I heard that this was the best way to do so. My boss, Ms. Stanley was staring there timing each of the waiters to see how long it would take them to bring food to the table and if we spilled the water. So far I was doing good.

There was a boy, I think seventeen years old who was having a bit of a hard time. I looked at him in pity when he almost tripped over his feet. "Okay, stop." Ms. Stanley spoke up when she had enough of it. "It clearly seems that some of you are not ready, and until you are you will help in the kitchen," she looked at the teenage boy. "The rest of you will help around until the opening and we will keep practicing." With that, she turned away and walked to her office.

I turned around and walked to a table and sat down. A woman and a man came up to the same table and sat down. "I felt myself relax the moment she left." The woman almost giggled while the man nodded. Then she turned to me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Roslyn, and this is Jacob. What's your name?" She smiled at me.

"Elijah, nice you meet you both." I smiled back at her.

"Watch our man, she's a playa!" Jacob laughed while Roslyn punched his upper arm.

"Stop that!" She yelled and blushed. Then she cleared her throat and turned to me. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous he can't get girls as I can."

I nodded. I didn't think she would be open about her sexuality, but then again, I didn't know them. "Okay," I said and listened to them bantering and sometimes joined in. There were few others who joined us and it seemed like we got along fine.

Someone tapped my shoulder, and I turned to see the seventeen-year-old boy. I raised my eyebrow in question and Roslyn and Jacob stopped taking. "H-hello." He stuttered and blushed when he saw Roslyn staring holes at him. "U-um...I was w-wondering if you could help me?" His sentences sounded more like a question than a request.

"Sure," Jacob answered. "What's your name by the way? I am Jacob, this girl here is Roslyn, that's Steve, next to his Marcus and then we have Elijah here."

"I'm Warren." The boy smiled as he pulled up a chair and I moved to the side.

"Nice to meet you Warren," I spoke and he turned to me and blushed to nod. That was kind of cute, but he was way too young for me to go after him.

"You guys too." He blushed and Roslyn cooed over him.

We got along with the other staff members and it was a fun bonding time for us since we were goi to work together.


I waited for Katie to pick up. I had to let her know I was quitting my job soon and since I got better work, I wanted to do it right away because I wouldn't have time later. "Hello, thank you for calling Skipper's...." The robot spoke.

After like five minutes Katie's voice came in. "Hello, thank you for calling Skipper's, how may I help you?" Her voice was cheery.

"Katie, it's me, Elijah," I spoke.

"Oh, Elijah. What's wrong?" She asked, her voice held worry in them.

"Listen, I was calling to tell you that I won't be coming tomorrow, or any day after that," I spoke and waited for her response. When she didn't say anything I continued. "I found another job and I will be quitting Skipper's."

"Oh, okay. It was nice working with you." She mumbled and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"You too Kate." I smiled when she laughed at her nickname that I gave her. "I have to go, see you around, maybe."

"Yeah." She mumbled and then hung up.

"Okay, that went better than I expected," I said to myself as I closed the phone app.

'Wanna go clubbing? It's a Friday and I'm bored.' I got a text from Kyle.

I tapped it open and then replied, 'Sure. Which club?' I saw him typing so I waited.

'A straight club, if that's what you're asking. Also, bring Melvin if you can.' He replied quickly. 'I'll be there in twenty, be ready.'

'Okay.' I replied and closed the app and walked to Melvin's room. "Kyle and I going clubbing, wanna come?"

"Okay." I heard a reply and went to change my room. I picked black ripped skinny jeans, it showed off my ass and I loved teasing straight guys. I paired it with a dark red shirt with a devil on. I picked a good watch and my back and white vans. I styled my hair into a quiff and splashed my face with water.

I looked myself in the mirror and smiled. "I look good." I patted myself on the back for looking this good in a short amount of time. I sprayed the Axe: Phoenix, and walked out of my room. "You look good, dude," Mel smirked and winked at me when I walked out o the room.

"Thanks, but I know." I smiled back and went to grab my phone, wallet, and keys. "Kyle will be here soon."

After I said that, Kyle called saying he was waiting outside. Melvin locked up as I walked to the car. We drove to a club called Rabbit Hole*. It was a bit tense in the car because of all the sexual tension. I bit my lip from saying anything. We stopped but a liquor store and for some bottles of tequila and other things.

We made our way to the line of the club and waited for about half an hour before we got in. The fees were fifty dollars each four people but we only have three so we paid forty for the three of us. The moment we got in, Kyle and I made our way to the bar and ordered some shots and cocktails. After drinking half of it and paying for it, we made our way to the dance floor. Melvin soon joined us and took Kyle away from me only to grind on his ass. I smirked at Kyle and he looked away embarrassed.

I went to the bar again, and this time I sat down at a stool and looked around. Two seats away from me were the rude man from Ms. Stanley's office. I smirked at the woman and asked her and her friend to change seats with me. They nodded and winked but I wasn't interested. I moved closer to the man, and I don't think my brain was working because I tapped on his shoulder. "Hey there." I smiled when he turned to me with a confused look. Of course, he won't remember me.

"Who are you?" A woman asked. She was pretty.

"I don't know, but who are you?" I asked instead. I slurred a little. Fuck, I need to leave before I fuck up everything. I thought but my body betrayed me.

"He's cute." The woman gushed and walked over to me. "What's your name?"

"Names Elijah. You?" I slurred an answer.

"Stacy and this hunk here is Nicholas." I heard Nicholas groan when he was introduced. She looked back at him. Then she looked back at me and then her gaze fell past me. "You two get along, mama found a hottie."

In a heartbeat, Stacy was gone. I turned to Nicholas. "You know, you're rude sometimes," I mumbled and leaned towards him a little. I felt dizzy. I mean, I didn't drink much but I felt very, very drunk. Nicholas raised his eyebrows at me. "I mean, I didn't know I was going to interrupt your meeting with Grace Stanley but you didn't have to be mean when I smiled at you. You could've said your name and that would've been the end of it. But no, you didn't, and now I have you call you the Rude Man." I continued.

"Is that so?" Nicholas took a sip of whatever he was drinking. I thought I saw a small smirk on his face but it was gone the moment it came. His voice was deep and so sexy like I wouldn't mind cumming from his voice. "What else?"

"You're fucking sexy and all but you give off the douche vibe. Like, I wouldn't mind fucking but I am scared you would be an asshole the next day." I shrugged and tried sitting up but I just went back to the position I was in, which was my head almost on Nicholas' shoulder. "Also, you have a sexy name."

"Thanks." He chuckled and I looked up at him and smiled drunkenly.

"Welcome handsome." I winked an giggled. I ducking giggled and I never giggle, at least not in front of strangers. I thought.

Before he could speak, I felt someone pull me to their chest. "Sorry sir, it seems our friend was bothering you. We'll take him now, have a nice evening." I heard Melvin's voice and I turned to see Kyle and Melvin standing there with a worried look.

They pulled me up and I leaned into Melvin. "Nooo, we were going to fuck! You ruined my chance with a hot man." I yelled drunkenly at Melvin and he chuckled.

I looked behind me see Nicholas looking at me. He winked at me before he was out my sight. Melvin, Kyle, and I made it to the car and they put me in the backseat with Kyle, while Melvin decided to drive since he was the least drunk.

Kyle looked at me and shook his head. "What?" I asked him confused and hella drunk.

"You're going to regret this tomorrow." He mumbled and buckled me up and then himself.

Let me just say, I did regret it but not for the reason Kyle wanted me to be. It was because I didn't get laid. I missed my chance but I knew I was going to have many more chances to meet him.