Chapter 9



How dare he?! He had no right to flaunt his money in my face. That was rude and unaccounted for. I thought he wouldn't be like the rest of the snotty people, and I am not saying at all rich people are bitches but some are, spending their money where they don't need it. Like fucking donate if you have too much money and can't seem to decide what to spend it on. I don't need the money but there are people out there with nothing and maybe with a little money they could get something.

I groaned as I almost ran into someone. "Sorry," I said to a woman.

I looked down a little to see her staring at me with disgust. She had blonde hair and high cheekbones with blue eyes. "Whatever," He whispered and stepped away from me and kept on walking.

"Okay, rude," I mumbled as I exited the busking and walked to my car that was temporarily parked in front of the bundling. The emergency blinkers were on, just in case someone mistook it as a parked car.

I quickly got in and started the engine. Waiting for a few minutes before taking a U-turn and driving away from the cursed building. I never wanted to come here and I won't have to because I am not a delivery man. We were a bit short on staff so I offered to deliver the food. I was on my break and I was going to come around here to get something to eat so I didn't have to pay for an expensive lunch back at the café. I needed to save up this month, and then I was going to be good for the next month.

My phone rang and I jumped and little. It was connected to the Bluetooth of my car, so I pressed to answer. My car was a gift form, my dad, when I turned twenty. I was thankful and sent him a car, I think that was the last time I contacted him. "Hello?" I spoke to let the other person know that I was listening.

"Eli!" I heard Kyle's voice. He seemed excited. "Guess what?"

"What?" I asked because I wasn't in the mood to play the guessing game.

"You're no fun." I could see him pouting from the sound of his voice. I chuckled and waited firmly to continue. "Well, Mel took your advice and asked me out on a date, which I wanted to thank you for."

"Congrats." I didn't sound excited because I knew it was eventually going to happen but Melvin wanted to prolong it so it got boring after a while. "Good for you guys and best of luck."

"Yeah, well we were supposed to go out but then Melvin's friend wanted to come too, so I was wondering if you mind coming? Please?" He begged.

"Really? I knew you called to get something from me. Such a great friend you are!" I laughed sarcastically. "Also, you do know if it's a double date, it won't count as your's and Melvin's first date."

"I know," I heard Kyle sigh. "But we can't just leave out the poor guy. His boyfriend just broke up with him for another woman."

"Fine, I'll go but you both owe me twice. One for getting you two together and two for going with the stupid idea." I answered with a sigh.

"Yay! I'll let them know. I love you!" He yelled and I winced at the loud sound.

"I don't love you," I mumbled but I knew he heard but decided to ignore it.

"Don't lie!" With that, he hung up and I sighed and drove back to work.

Then I groaned because I forgot I had a ten-page paper due two days later. I just I didn't sign my soul to the devil and this 'date' will go well.


"Isn't he just cute?!" Melvin yelled as he showed me another picture of Kyle doing some stupid shit.

"Yes, adorable." I rolled my eyes and looked at the show we were supposed to be watching, but no, Melvin had to go on and on about how cute Kyle was.

"Aww c'mon! I know you're being sarcastic!" Melvin yelled and winced and moved away from him. "You know what you need? You need to get a boyfriend, and tomorrow's date is a perfect chance."

"Sure, whatever you say. Now shut up and let me watch this!" I turned and glared at him and he finally understood that I was seriously annoyed right now.

The reasons for my annoyance was because, one, I actually had agreed to go on a date with a guy I didn't know. Two, the douche bag named Nicholas Quinn wouldn't get out my head. It wasn't like I had any feelings for him, which I didn't and I didn't want to. But because he looked a bit sad when he saw it was me and surprised because he probably remembers me from Rabbit Hole. Fuck my life for that.

I remembered how embarrassing I was acting and how badly I wanted to get laid. It wasn't my fault that I acted that way because it has been a long time since I've fucked or been fucked. Though I don't like to take up my ass often. It was a rare occasion that it would happen. Great, now I was thinking about my sex life. I groaned and laid down away from Melvin as still continued to scroll through pictures, this time quietly.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I didn't want to watch the rest of the episode of Disenchantment. It was a good Netflix show about a princess, except she wasn't perfect and he had an elf friend and demon haunting her. I liked that she wasn't perfect because all princesses were portrayed to show perfection and get their happily ever after. In real life, that doesn't happen to all people.

Anyway, I got up and looked at Melvin. He was too busy to notice me turn off the tv and Wally to my room. I was tired and I had shit to do tomorrow, and I was almost done with my papers, which was a good thing.

I laid down in my bed and pulled the soft duvet over me, because it was fucking cold, even in Spring. As I laid down, I prayed that nothing work happens on the horrid date. Amen.