Chapter 10



"You need to focus, sir." I heard Ms. William's voice. I looked up and glared at her, it wasn't like I didn't know I needed to focus. "Your father is coming to the meeting to see how things are running."

"You know, you should tell me before the meeting." I glared at her again. She just brushed me off as she stapled the papers.

"Your father told me to keep it a secret." She looked up and looked at me with an emotionless face.

"You're my Secretary, you are supposed to inform me of everything. You don't work for my father Ms. Williams, remember that." I glared at her and turned away to walked out of the office but not before hearing a soft 'sorry'. It didn't matter now since my father was going to come and probably embarrass me or try to point out the flaws.

My father wasn't a bad person but he was a business person. When I was younger, he wouldn't speak to me most of the time because he was either busy it hurried in paperwork. When Callan, my youngest brother, was born, he showered him with love and I felt left out because I didn't much, I was the middle child and Tess was oldest. I was jealous of them. Then shit happened and Tess didn't want to take over the company and Dad got mad and almost kicked her out if it wasn't for my mother.

Then when I had finally turned thirteen, my father spoke to me. It was more than one sentence. I was shocked but happy that my father finally noticed me. Then he told me that he was going to train me to take over the company. I was still happy but not as happy as I was when I thought he finally cared about me. I was clearly wrong, I learned that as I grew up. My father only cared about his company and my mother.

I walked to the meeting room and sat down in the chair. Soon the people started to file in and took the empty seats. Lastly, my father made his entrance and the meeting began. I stood up and presented my points and then the rest of the people went. Williams was next to me, I knew she was taking down notes so I didn't need to really pay attention, I could look over the notes later.

I got up and walked to the after most of the room was empty. "Nicholas," a deep voice called out. I didn't want to turn and look at him but it would be rude to just walk away. I turned and looked at my father. He usually didn't show many emotions, just like he was when I was a child.

"Father," I whispered and wanted to turn away.

"How are you, my son?" He asked as he walked towards me.

"I am fine," I answered looking slightly down at him. My build was a bit taller than my fathers since both of my parents were really tall, I got their Y'all genes which made me taller than most men. "How was your trip to Peru?"

"Good, your mother, and I enjoyed the stress-free time we had there." He answered. "How were things running while I was away?"

"Great. No need to worry." I answered quickly. I wanted to walk out of the room. "I have to get going father, I'll see you guys soon."

"Do come by, your mother and sister miss you." He smiled at me, but I knew it was fake. I nodded and walked out.

I couldn't stand there watching my father being an asshole he was since I was a kid. I had a meeting with Grace, and it was the perfect chance to get to meet Elijah.


I stepped into the restaurant and saw a few customers there. They were enjoying their meal and I was glad that the café was going well for their opening. I walked up to the register and saw a teenager taking orders. He seemed to be handling it well, but he also had help. It was a woman with brown hair and blue eyes. "You go!" She cheered and the boy blushed before turning away.

I finally walked up the counter and ordered a chicken sandwich with mayo and almonds, with Sprite. I smiled when the girl winked at me and then turned to her friend to whispered something to him. He looked at me and blushed before looking away. "Will you have it to go or stay?" The girl asked.

"I'll have it here. Thank you." I smiled and paid before turning and looking for a table.

I picked a table and sat down. I looked out as the people passed by. They all seemed to be in their own worlds. They were laughing or just keeping to themselves. "Excuse me." I heard a soft voice calling. I turned to see the boy from the register. He held the tray in arms but it seemed a bit too heavy. He quickly put my foot down. "Have a good day." He smiled a little.

"Thank you," I said and began eating my lunch. The boy seemed cute, but I wasn't interested, not in him anyway.

I've known since I was in college that I was maybe Bisexual, I just never went to discover it. I only stayed with women, because I didn't want to disappoint my parents, they loved me and paid for my college tuition which was expensive.

Suddenly I heard a clatter and looked. I saw blues eyes staring back at me with surprise. I smirked and looked behind to see Grace. She looked over to me and dragged Elijah with her. "I didn't know you were already here." She smiled as she sat down across from me. Elijah stood to the side and watched us quietly.

"I wanted to enjoy my lunch," I answered as I took a bite of my sandwich.

"I should feel offended but I don't care." She huffed and then turned to Elijah. "Oh, this is Nicholas Quinn, the multi-billionaire, and this Elijah Kings, our newish waiter."

"Nice to meet you," he reached out his hand for a handshake. I guess he didn't want her to know we met already. I took his hand in mine, it was a bit small compared to mine, and it was soft.

"You too," I smiled and then turned to Grace. "Do you mind if I borrow him for a minute?"

"Not at all, unless it's for perverted things. We don't do it here Nick." She warned me playfully. I rolled my eyes and dragged Elijah with me. I still had his hand in mine, and I was surprised when he didn't pull it away. We went to the kitchen closet and I closed the door. The room was pretty bright so the lights weren't needed.

"What do you want?" He asked. I knew he was angry but I didn't think this angry.

"I just wanted to apologize for the other day. It's was rude of me and it was a misunderstanding." I explained and he looked at me squinted eyes like he didn't believe me. "I swear it was, and I am really sorry."

"Okay, it's fine." He sighed and stepped back a bit. "If that's all, I'll take my leave."

"Wait!" I called out without thinking. Elijah halted and turned around to face me with a raised eyebrow. "Ah, I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me sometime?"

He looked shocked at first and then smirked. "And here I thought you weren't into guys." He answered with a small smile. "But I do have this Saturday off. Seven p.m, don't be late or you might never get a chance, again." He winked before turning around and walking away.

"Wow," I exhaled and smiled. I've got a date with a handsome, cute guy and I didn't care that Camila and I broke up about five or so weeks ago. I ran my hand through my hair and inhaled before walking out of the kitchen to meet Grace.

My days had just gotten better, I could feel it.