Chapter 11



I rolled my eyes and looked across to see the guy I was supposed to be on a date. He seemed sad and occupied in his own world. By the time Kyle and Melvin came back, probably from making out, I just wanted to go home. Not to be rude, but that guy needed to get his shit together. As we walked back to his car, cause Melvin was going to take Kyle him and probably stay there. "Hey," the dude, whose name I couldn't remember, said softly.

"Hmm?" I hummed as I turned to him. He was about an inch or so shorter than me. He had brown hair with hazel eyes and thick eyelashes that would make some girls jealous. When we're in the light, I thought I saw few freckles on his nose and under his eyes. In all, he was good looking but his "attitude" is what threw me off. 

"I am sorry about tonight. I didn't mean it for it to turn this gloomy." He let out a soft laugh.

"It's fine, man. Sometimes I am not in the mood to have fun either." I smiled at him as I got in the car on the passenger side and he went to the driver's side. "Hey, it wasn't all gloomy."

"Thanks, I guess." He mumbled. "I didn't want to come out but Melvin didn't want me to mope around in my apartment."

"Kyle did the same thing, except I wasn't moping," I replied and we both laughed. "Tonight was kind of fun, it was nice hanging out with you."

"You too, Elijah." He replied as he turned on my street. He slowly moved towards the apartment parking lot and parked the car in a Visitor spot. "Goodnight, see you around."

"G'night, and yeah, and next time we see each other, don't be so gloomy." I joked as I got out of the car and walked to my apartment building.

I walked to my door and unlocked it. When I got in the apartment I sighed a sigh of relief. Now that's over with, I have to worry about going on a 'date' with Mr. Quinn. I thought as I took a shower to get all the club sweat and germs. I knew that Nicholas Quinn wasn't interested in me, it was in the news that his girlfriend and he just broke up about a month ago.

I knew he was straight, everyone knows he was straight but that didn't mean I couldn't have a crush on him. He was like my celebrity crush since I was about eighteen. That was when he became the new CEO, I think. He was dreamy and everything that the gay little me wanted. I knew his face, but I didn't know him well because after going to college I stopped using most of my social media since I was so busy. Then, surprise, my teenage crush was there asking me on a date and who was I to decline. I knew it was a one-time thing, so I didn't mind it.

I dried off and went to bed. No one was going to be home so I didn't need to wear clothes. Though, I did have my underwear on because without it I'd be really nude. I couldn't wait until next Sunday to meet Mr. Quinn.


The whole week has been hell and I couldn't wait for tomorrow because I had a date with celebrity (ex) crush. I didn't want to expect too much because I knew it wasn't going to happen. I wasn't some high-class girl that was the definition of perfection. I wasn't even a girl so there was no possible way he would be serious, but for some reason, I didn't mind. Maybe it was because I haven't been in a relationship or been an ok date in a long time. It couldn't hurt, it was just one date, nothing more. At least that's what I told myself.

Today was the day, but I lazy styled my hair and then splashed some water on my face. Looking at myself in the mirror made me cringe a bit. There was a big ass zit on my chin, I've tried to balance my diet but fuck my life. I could either cancel the date or go out this Thursday zit right in his face. Decisions, decisions. "You can't cancel, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity," I mumbled to myself and walked to Melvin's room. I knew he has to have something for a cover like fuming makeup. Yes, I am not ashamed to admit that I wanted to use make to cover my zit.

The only reason Melvin has it was because he brought girls and they would forget it if he needed to cover hickies. I shrugged and opened a drawer and sighed in relief. God loves me! I quickly got ready and picked out my outfit. I wanted to look best for my date.

It was around seven, but Nicholas still hadn't shown up. I sighed and looked at the clock, and then my phone. "Maybe he was joking," I mumbled, and then suddenly there was a knock on the door. I sprang up and ran to it, Melvin in walked out of his room at the same time. When I opened the door with a smile, it fell when I saw Kyle. "Oh, it's you." I was disappointed, mostly in myself for getting excited.

"What, you didn't want me here?" He asked. Then he turned to Melvin and smiled. "I missed you baby."

"Missed you too babe." Melvin took his hand and led him away. I closed the door and went to sit on the couch, but before my ass could couch the couch, the doorbell rang.

"Who the fuck it is this time?" I growled. I stormed to the door and unlocked, expecting some douche or a bitch. "What do you want?"

"Well, I was told to come here if I wanted to go on a date with this handsome guy," Nicholas answered and I gasped and almost closed the door on his face out of embarrassment.

"Y-you actually came," I whispered but he heard it and smiled.

"Of course, I wasn't playing around." He offered the box of chocolate. "I hope you like them. Now, are you ready for our date?"

"Y-yeah, let me just grab my jacket and put this away. You want to come in?" I opened the door wider when he nodded. I walked to the lien and put a note saying the box was mine and they will die if they eat. Then I grabbed my wallet, phone, and denim jacket before making my way to Nicholas. "Let's go," I called.

Nichols turned and looked at me and then nodded. He stood up and walked to the door, waiting for me. I quickly put on my shoes and followed him out, locking the door. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in, and put on my seatbelt. He walked around and got in the driver's seat then he buckled in. "This is going to be fun," he said to me with a smile and turned to look ahead.

I sure hope so, I thought as I sat in the car staring ahead, waiting to get to our date destination.

I had butterflies in my stomach, I knew it was the good kind because something was telling me that he was serious when he said he wasn't playing around.