Chapter 12



I took Elijah to a middle-class restaurant cause I didn't want to overwhelm him since he seemed like he doesn't want anyone to spend money on him. We talked about him and me, we discussed some stupid and funny things. In all, it was something I didn't expect, and I surprised by the lack of paparazzi. They haven't flocked me yet, and I was glad because I didn't want Elijah to feel pressured while being with me. "So then, she spits out the meat and runs to the bathroom while her boyfriend is just staring at her. His face was red, probably because he wasn't trying to laugh." Elijah continued with one of his hilarious encounters. "He even warned her not to get it." He started laughing and I joined in. His laugh seemed to calm me down.

"That woman seemed pretty rebellious," I commented once we stopped laughing. "Was this while you were working at *Kerg's?"

"No, it was another store that I don't really remember. I was in my early teens, like seventeen or so." He answered as he sipped water and then put down the glass. "It's almost seven, what are we going to do next?"

"Since I picked the place we had dinner, you get to pick our next activity." I smiled and raised my hand for the waiter to bring the check.

"Fine, then I'll pay next time." He grinned and drank the rest of the water. "I'll be back, I need to use the bathroom."

Elijah got up and walked towards the back where the bathroom was. I waited for our Waite to bring the check so I could pay and we could leave this place. The waiter, Lesly, came in with the check, I quickly took out my credit card and slid it in the ballot. He took it and I waited for him to bring it back. It was quiet bring so I looked around the room and saw many people looked at me or they didn't care. It was nice to know that I wasn't severely judged here, but as soon as I would step out, there could be people who would look at me with disgust.

The waiter and Elijah came back at the same time. I stood up and grabbed our coats and handed Elijah, his. "Thank you for waiting." The waiter said and handed me back my card. "Enjoy the rest of the evening." He smiled at both of us and then left.

"He seemed like a nice guy," Elijah commented as we both exited the restaurant. I quickly showed the receipt to the reception to show that we paid. She nodded and smiled, acknowledging it.

We both made it to my car and I opened the door for him. Elijah thanked me and got in, I closed the door and walked around, just as I was about to get in, I heard someone yell my name. I was sure I was imagining it but I heard it again, then I turned around to see the one person I didn't want to.

She stopped in front of me and huffed. She was wearing a short red dress with black around her neck and a jean jacket. She has red high heels and a black choker. Her hair was different–short. She was still beautiful as ever but she didn't appeal to me much. "Camila," I said in a cold tone. I looked behind me to see Elijah has gotten out of the car and was looking at us warily.

"I-we need to talk. Please." She gasped out.

"No," I answered. "Not now. I am on a date so I would like it if you wouldn't have interrupted it. If you want to talk then sat up at an appointment with my PA."

I turned to Elijah who looked worried and uncomfortable. I quickly urged him to get in the car and came around and got in myself. "Is it really okay? You know I could wait-" I cut him off.

"It's fine, she'll understand. Sorry about that." I mumbled the last part and Elijah smiled. We drove around downtown until Elijah finally picked a place. We had dessert there and walked on the sidewalk. It was going fine again.


"Thank you," Elijah whispered as he stood in front of his apartment.

"I should be the one to thank you and apologize for the woman from before. I didn't expect it to happen." I nodded my head towards the apartment window where I saw some people looking at me. Elijah looked up to where I was looking. He laughed and looked at me.

"That's my roommate and friend." He replied and shook his head. "Thank you for the ride and the date."

I nodded. "I hope you're willing to go on a second date with me," I spoke loudly so he could hear me.

"Really?" Elijah turned around and looked at my face. It was bright with the street lights so he could see everything. He looked at me with scrutinizing eyes. I made sure to school my features so he wouldn't see how terrified I was of him rejecting me, and I didn't know the reason why. "Okay, here pass me your phone."

I took it out and unlocked it before handing it to him. He quickly typed and gave it back to me. I looked down smiled when I saw his name saved to my context. "I'll text you later, goodnight." I smiled and walked up to him and bent down a bit.

Elijah gasped and tried to take a step back but I quickly grabbed his waist to stop him from moving. I bent down and kissed his red, warm cheek. Then quickly, I stepped away and started walking to my car with a smirk. "I will get back at you to that Nickolas!" I heard him yell and I laughed. I got in the car and drove it to where he was standing. I rolled down my window to look up at him.

"I can't wait to see your reaction when I actually kiss you." I winked and Elijah's face flared up. He turned around and stomped away to his apartment building. "I can't wait to see what you do to me!" I yelled after him and I knew he heard it because he shook his head and walked up the stairs to his apartment.

I quickly drove towards my house, taking the Main Street and the highway. I dialed her number and pressed the call. It runs for a bit and I waited. "Hello?" Her sweet voice answered, well it used to be sweet, but for me it was poison.

"Why are you back again?" I asked her. I could see her flinch.

"I am sorry and I know it won't do anything but please give me a second chance. I've changed." Camila begged, her voice filled my car, but it was nothing to me. Not anymore.

"Give up Camila, I don't want to give you a second chance." I replied, then added -"I've already moved on."

"With that man? Are you joking me?!" She yelled and I flinched because the speaker in my car crackled. "Whatever, I hate you!"

She ended the call and sighed. Now that she was off my back, I could finally focus on moving on and Elijah. I had a feeling he was the man from the dreams back that night and I didn't want to lose him.