Chapter 13



I balanced the trays in my hands as I made my way to the table. The family looked at me and smiled while I slowly set their plates down. "Thank you," the woman who I think is the wife said as she helped the little girl cut her food.

"You're welcome, you can call me any time you need something. Please enjoy." I smiled at the family and grabbed the empty try before walking away to the kitchen.

I sat down in one of the two stools that were there. Grace-my boss-was our today because her son, whose name was Everett. That was a cute name. Anyway, I think he was sick, and since she was the single parent she had to take care of him. I think he's about three or four, Grace wasn't specific about his age but I knew he was younger than five.

I sighed and looked down at my lap, it had been about four days since Nicholas Quinn took on a date and I am surprised that he hadn't called me. I guess he could've been busy or out of the country but I expected him to call. And then there was the beautiful woman who ran up to him during our date. He seemed to have some sort of conflict in his eyes when he saw her. I knew they had some sort of history and it wasn't pretty, because he looked angry but at the same time hurt. Maybe the woman did something to him.

Also, the woman looked like a model and I wouldn't surprised if she was anything but. The billionaires are known to date models or other rich people. I don't know why they do that, maybe because they think that common people will use them for money. But I am a common man, well less than common because I student loans to pay off. Only a few more months of school and I'll be out in the real, real world. Which was a bit scary but I knew I was going to be okay.

Anyway, I looked down at my phone and saw that it was eight-thirty, and I had about one more hour and I would be home. I was tired and it was only Thursday, I needed the weekend to come faster and I needed Nicholas to call me back, if he doesn't, in about another week, that would be a sign that he wasn't interested in me anymore and I could just move on.

I looked up to see the manager looking at me with concern. "You okay?" She asked and sat down next to me. Patty was a nice woman and she was pretty too. She had black hair with dark brown eyes and olive skin. She also had few freckles on her face but it's only noticeable when she's close.

"Yeah, I am fine," I answered. I didn't want to talk about it with her. I didn't know her much and I didn't trust her. "Just a little tired, I can't wait for this week to end."

"Yeah I know what you mean, well anyway, get back to work." She patted my back and walked away. I got off the stool and sighed.

I guess I had to wait and see if Nicholas was interested.


I walked to my apartment door and uncooked it. Walking inside, I saw Melvin and Kyle in a heavy make-out season. I blushed and looked away, 'cause one, I felt kind of disgusted to see my best friend make out with my roommate/friend and two because I wanted to do that. Most preferably with Nicholas. Yeah, I guess I was a bit jealous of them.

Anyway, I cleared my throat to let them know I was there. Kyle immediately pulled away when he heard him and blushed. "W-Welcome back." He squeaked out and turned back to me to smile. His lips were swollen and his braid was messy, as was Melvin's.

"Yeah, I didn't need to see that," I mumbled as I walked to my room. I didn't need them to annoy me right now. I needed to clear my head and get some good night's sleep. The next day I didn't have work, so it was fine to sleep in late but I didn't want to.

I took a shower and changed my clothes before laying down on my bed and taking my phone to nothing. I opened Spotify and started playing my music as I scrolled through Instagram. The. Suddenly my phone started ringing, it was an unknown caller. Which was a bit scary, but I answered it anyway. "Hello?" I spoke as I put the phone on speaker.

"Elijah?" A deep voice came through. I didn't recognize it.

"Um, yeah...? Who is this?" I asked. To be honest, the man sounded hot but I was scared to know who he was because it could be a stalker or some dangerous people. I didn't want to die.

"It's Nicholas." The man answered and I almost sighed in relief.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

I heard him chuckle and it was music to my ears. "Yes, I am fine. Thanks for asking. Am I interrupting something?" He asked, suddenly sounding concerned.

"No, I was laying on my bed. So what's up?" I asked laying back down and being the phone next to my head.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you. This week has been busy and I didn't want you to think I left you hanging." He answered.

I laughed and covered my mouth. "You know, I thought exactly that," I answered and I heard him laugh.

"I guess I know how you think." He answered.

We talking for about an hour and eventually, I got to sleep. "Hey, can I ask I something?" I asked him.

"You already did." He answered with a soft laugh.

"You know what I mean!" I whined. I heard a soft 'okay'. "The woman from before, who is she?" There was a silence on the other side of the line. The moment I asked the question I regretted it. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."

"It's okay. I knew you'd ask eventually." I heard him sigh. "She's my ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, sorry," I mumbled. I knew it. I thought and put my face in my pillow. I knew he couldn't see my face but I needed to hide it.

"It's okay, Elijah. I am over it. More importantly, I was thinking about our second date. When are you free?" He changed the subject quickly.

"Um, tomorrow and next Monday," I answered. I already had my schedule memorized.

"Okay, next Monday, I'll send a driver to pick you up and we can have dinner at my house." I could head the smile in his voice.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," I answered. "I have to rest, can I call you later on this number?"

"No this is my office number, call me on the one I gave you. Goodnight." He responded.

"Okay, night," I mumbled and then hung.

I wanted to scream but I held it in. I couldn't believe I had a second date with Nicholas Quinn.