Chapter 14



"Yes, and add the venue. Of course. Thank you." Williams got off the phone. She looked at me and nodded. "They wouldn't mind having the gallery this weekend but they are requesting extra payment. Should I consult with the client?"

"Yes, I think it's a good idea that they know how their change of mind has the effect of them and us," I answered. "Also, I'll be taking the day off this Monday, don't contact me unless it's an emergency."

"I'll let the higher-ups know, Sir. Anything else?" She asked as she walked over to the door and paused to look at me. I shook my head and she nodded before exiting my office.

I leaned back in my chair and turned to look at the window behind me. It was a huge window, that gave the almost 180-degree view and it was tinted from the outside. I could see the busy streets of New York and the people minding their own businesses. When I was younger I used to stare out this window while waiting for my mother to pick me up, and think how each one of those people out there had their own problems, and their own 'stories'.

Anyway, I sighed and looked down at my phone. About ten minutes ago I got a text from Elijah saying that he was in class and he would call me when he got out. I responded with an okay, and that was our conversation of the day, though I couldn't wait to go home and relax while talking to him. Elijah made me feel safe and relaxed. It was weird because I've never felt it with Camila or anyone before her. It was surprising but I might've liked it.

I closed my phone and got back to reviewing the products that were doing well in the world. It was a boring job but I had to do it and get it over with, then I could go home and just relax. Since I didn't have work on the weekends I didn't need to worry much and I already informed the higher-ups about my leave on Monday, and even if I didn't I was sure and. Williams would.

It was about ten pm and I was driving home when I got a call from my mother. I pressed the answer key on the streaming wheel and spoke, "Hello?"

"Baby! How are you?" She asked excitedly.

"I am fine mom, just got off of work. How about you? How are you and dad?" I asked her.

"We are doing fine. Listen, Callan came over and we are coming to your house." She informed me.

"When?" I asked her. I didn't want them to meet Elijah, not yet. It wasn't because I was embarrassed it was because I didn't want him to get scared and walk away.

"I don't know but it'll be soon. Bye now, I love you!" She yelled and hung up before I could answer. I just wished to got it wasn't that Monday.


I walked around the house to make sure everything was clean and doubled security because I didn't want anyone getting a picture of Elijah. I didn't want to make his life hell, not when we were just getting to know each other. It was also because I wanted to make sure he and were protected. I had made sure my housekeeper cooked properly and I tasted it myself to make sure it was good, and it was.

I looked at the time and it was about six pm, and I had already sent my driver to pick him up, along with a guard. I heard my phone ring and went to pick it up but froze because my doorbell also rang. I looked at the phone and saw it was from my younger brother, who just came back from England. I ignored it and walked to the door to greet Elijah. I knew it was him because I wasn't really expecting anyone else. "Hi!" I heard him squeak when I opened the door and saw him all dressed him a blue shirt with sleeves rolled up to his forearm. And black suit pants that the shirt was tucked under. He held a box in his hand, it seemed like it was cake.

I looked at his face and he seemed to have styled his hair, and if I was being honest, he looked really fit (another word for hot). "Evening," I greeted and opened the door wide for him to step in. "Come on in."

"Thank you," He smiled and took off his shoes when he stepped in. He handed me the box and walked in front of me. "You have a beautiful house."

I laughed before thanking him and leading him to the living room. "Are you hungry?" I asked walking to the kitchen and putting down the cake.

"Yes," he answered and walked to me. "Are you?"

"Of course, we can eat dinner, and then we can chat, yeah?" I asked taking his hand and leading him to the chair right beside me. I pulled out the chair and waited for him to sit, which he did.

"Sure." He smiled. I brought out the food and plates. "Do you need help?"

"Nope, I got it," I answered back. I served the food and Elijah ate it gladly.

"This is delicious!" He yelled as he took a bite of the fried and seasoned chicken.

"I'll be sure to thank my cook," I mumbled and Elijah nodded. We continued with dinner and Elijah insisted that he would do the dishes. While he was going that, I went to the living room to set up a movie.

We're going to watch Crazy Rich Asians. I heard it's good and Elijah hadn't watched as well as I. "Do you want popcorn?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"No, I am full but I can make some for you." He offered and seemed less tense.

"I'm fine, let's go, the moving is starting." I softly grabbed his hand and led him to the living room and pulled him to the couch.

Elijah seemed a bit uncomfortable but once the movie started he seemed to have forgotten. Halfway through the movie, he leaned on my shoulder and I sighed, that was comforting and I felt relaxed that I put my head over his. Suddenly, Elijah moved back and I fell on his chest cause I wasn't expecting him to move away that quickly. "Sorry, are you okay?" His chest vibrated as he spoke. I looked up and stared into his blue-green eyes. Before I couldn't tell what color it was but up close it seemed to be both.

"Yeah," I whispered and leaned in. I was happy that Elijah didn't move away when I was an inch away from his face. His breath was uneven and his heart was beating faster and faster. "You wouldn't mind if I kissed you right?"

Elijah gasped and looked at me shocked. "D-didn't you already?" He stuttered.

"Not on the lips," I whispered looking down at his plump, red lips.

"Oh," was all he said before I planted my lips on his. At first, I moved slowly and waited for him to kiss me back. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me in more so I grabbed his wait with one hand and balanced myself with the other so I wouldn't crush him.

Soon the kiss turned heated and I pulled back. I didn't think he wanted to go all the way on our second date. Also, I needed to study male and male intercourse. What the fuck? I was thinking about sex, with him. I shocked myself. I looked down at him and saw him gasping for air and his lips were a bit swollen. "T-that was, umm." He tried to find his words and I chuckled.

"You should stay over, since it's already late and I have an extra bedroom you can use," I suggested. I moved away so he could sit up and turn to me.

"Are you sure?" He asked fidgeting a bit.

"Yeah, I'll get you a fresh set of clothes to change into." I got up and he followed me to my room. I went to the closet and pulled out a small shirt and a pair of small sweats, well they were small on me. "Here you go, the bathroom is to your left and the room is down the hall on the right."

"Thanks," he blushed and walked to the bathroom.

When he was gone I sat down on my bed and sighed. I wanted more of Elijah, I wanted his everything and I wanted to give him my everything. It was a scary thought and I didn't even feel like this when I was with Camila. "Elijah, you're truly scary," I mumbled as I leaned back and heard the shower turn on since the bathroom was close to my room.

Elijah might be the death of me, and I didn't mind.