Chapter 15



Waking to a different bedroom almost gave me a start, but what was worse was when the memories of last night flooded my brain and I realized that it wasn't a dream, I had really stayed over at Nicholas' house. He did ask to kiss me and we did, but before it got too heated he moved away. That was embarrassing and I didn't think I could face him ever again. But I couldn't just leave, that would be very rude. I quickly got up and reached for my phone, which had a thirty percent charge but I could charge it when I got him. Turning it on, I saw it was nine in the morning.

I got up and realized that I was in Nicholas' shirt and pants that were a little big on me, but I was thankful that it wouldn't fall. I walked to the door and peeked to see if someone was there, when I saw that the hallway was empty, I quickly walked to the bathroom and did my business. I washed my mouth with water since I didn't have a toothbrush, and then washed my face before exiting.

Walking to Nicholas' bedroom door, I knocked and waited for him to say something that would tell me he was there. When I didn't get an answer, I turned and went to the kitchen, or at least I thought the way the kitchen was. I knew it was downstairs so I need to find the staircase. When I did, I walked down and turned right where the kitchen was. I almost screamed when I saw a lady there, cleaning. The woman had blonde hair and she was wearing a blue shirt and black sweats, she looked like she could've been Nicholas' aunt.m or maybe even mother. "Um, excuse me?" I called out so I didn't startle her.

She quickly turned around and looked at me with wide eyes. "Hello," she smiled at me. She also had an accent but I couldn't tell which one. She walked over to me and grabbed my arm and lead me to the island and pushed me into one of the seats. "Eat, Nicholas said to make something but I didn't know he had a guest." I looked down to see food in front of me and I thanked her. "No problem," she said and went back to cleaning, this time mopping the floor.

I took off the foil wrapping and almost laughed. "Did he ask you to make these specifically?" I asked and she nodded without turning around. It was chocolate chip waffle with blueberries on the side and scrambled eggs, without the yolk. I had told him about my ideal breakfast because he had asked me what I like to eat in the morning. I didn't think he would as his cook or whoever she was to make them, but I couldn't complain and ate them happily. "These are amazing!" I yelled.

"Thank you," the lady laughed.

I finished eating and went to clean up but she told me to get ready. She wouldn't let me get close to the sink and she insisted that it was her job to clean, not mine. I sighed in defeat and went upstairs to get ready, I went to pick up my old clothes but I was surprised to see that there was something laid out for me, near my bed. How come I didn't notice that? I quickly picked it up and was surprised to see they fit perfectly. Did he get them last night because I was sure as hell he didn't know my size?

I looked for the price tag but it was taken off. Fuck, what happens if this is hella expensive? I couldn't just wear them and I had to pay him back for but these clothes. I was debating if I should wear them or not when I saw a note.

I picked it up and it read it. It said: Dear Elijah, I picked out these clothes for you because I wanted to so don't worry about paying me back or how expensive it was. I want to see you wear them, so how about another date tonight? If you're free, give me a call.  x Nick

I smiled and put the clothes in the bag and wore my other clothes. If he wanted me to eat them, I'll wear it when he comes over to my house. I quickly put on my old clothes and walked out of the guest room. I walked to find the lady waiting for me with the driver who picked me last night. "Mr. Quinn has instructed me to drop you home." The man spoke, he was elderly.

"Thank you." I walked to the door and the elderly man opened it for me. I thanked him again and then we walked to the car and he drove me home.


I listened to the professor speak on and on about something that I wasn't too sure about. I looked at my watch and saw it was only six pm. Thirty more minutes and I am out of here. I looked to my right to see Kyle writing something down and then looking at his phone then smiling, I knew he was talking to Melvin. Their relationship seems to be going great and there wasn't any drama or any other shit, which was great.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see an unknown number texting me. 'Who is this?' I texted back.

The unknown person said: 'you'll know when you get home.' Which freaked me out because I wasn't expecting a guest. It was kind of scary that this person knew where I lived. Then I remember that Melvin was home. I quickly texted him but he didn't answer so maybe he was busy. I sighed and waited to talk to Kyle. I wanted him there with me when I get home because I was scared. Just in case something happened to me he could call someone.

When class ended, I dragged Kyle with me to his car and told him to come with me. "So this random person messaged you that? That's a creepy man." He pulled the car out of parking and drove towards my apartment.

"Yeah, that's why I wanted you there. Also, Melvin's not answering." I replied and looked out the window.

"You sure you don't want to call the cops?" He asked as he parked near my apartment building.

"It could be a wrong number." I shrugged. "But I still want to take precautions."

"Okay," He said and we walked in the building. We gingerly walked to my door and put my ear to it. There was no noise which was scary and I took out my keys and carefully opened the door.

We both got in and grabbed something in case someone was in my house. We slowly walked around and noticed that no one was there. "That's very mean Eli." I heard a female voice and swing and almost hit the blond woman. "Hey! Careful! Not trying to die here!" She yelled as she stepped back to avoid the hit.

"Elizabeth?" I questioned cause I vaguely remember her. We were friends back in elementary school and then she moved to another country, I think Russia.

"Yay! You remember me!" She yelled and ran up to me and hugged me. I put the vase down and hugged her back. "I missed you."

"Yeah, I missed you too." I smiled. She was a bit smaller than me which made me feel tall. It was nice to feel tall once in a while.

" you guys know each other?" Kyle stood there awkwardly.

Elizabeth pulled back and finally acknowledged Kyle. "Who is this handsome man?" She walked over to him and looked him over.

"He's my new friend, Kyle, and Kyle this is Elizabeth, a friend from elementary school." I introduced them. "Wait, how did you find me?"

"Your dad told me where you were when I went to your house." She answered as she dragged Kyle over to the couch. "It's nice to meet you, Kyle."

"He has a boyfriend." I rolled my eyes and walked to my room to change, and then felt my phone buzzing. When I looked at the caller ID, I almost died. Fuck! Nicholas was supposed to come here. I quickly pulled down my shirt and answered the phone.

"Hey there," I heard his deep voice. "How was your day?"

"It was okay, so when are you coming over?" I asked and walked to my door where I heard whispering. It was Kyle and Elizabeth. I heard them talking about me and then Kyle mentioned my 'future boyfriend' aka Nicholas and I heard Elizabeth squeal. She was going to grill me about it later.

"In about two hours, why? Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"No-no! Nothing is wrong. It's friend showed up unexpectedly." I whispered the last part disappointedly.

"So, should we cancel?" He asked. I couldn't tell that he was thinking.

"But I want to see you," I whispered.

"Me too," he whispered back and I shivered. "So I am still coming?"

"If you want to, and you can deal with a psycho," I mumbled.

"For you, anything," He said making my face go up in flames.

"S-so I'll see you later. Bye." I wanted to smack myself for stuttering.

"See you soon." He whispered and I quickly hung up and sighed trying to cool down my face before I went out.

About ten minutes later I walked out to see Melvin and Elizabeth talking and Kyle just making dinner. "So is Mr. Handsome coming or nah?" Kyle asked and I replied with a 'yes'.

"Tell me about him, Eli~" Elizabeth smiled and I stuttered, the bad kind of stuttered because I knew something was going to go down and it was not good. Melvin smirked and waited. I gulped and walked over there and sat down and began to tell her about how Nicholas and I met. As I went on, I noticed she seemed a bit annoyed which was not good.

What have I gotten myself into?