Chapter 16



I looked at my phone as my driver drove me to Elijah's house. I texted him that I was nearly there and he texted back an OK. It didn't seem weird, just not normal but I can't judge since I didn't know him long. "We are here Nicholas." Mr. River, my driver spoke as he stopped in front of the entrance to the apartment building.

I got out of them and said 'thank you' before closing the door and walking towards the building. Walking up the narrow stairs, I came to a halt in front of the door. When I had called Elijah he said that his old friend was here, I wondered what type of person they were. He didn't tell me anything about them but I guess we didn't know each other well to do that. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

I heard hurried footsteps and then suddenly the door swung open and there stood a lady with blond hair and blue eyes. "Hello," she smiled but that didn't seem to reach her eyes.

"Hello," I smiled at her and waited for her to invite me in or indicate any sign that I was welcome in. When that didn't happen, I said, "my name is Nicholas, who might you be?"

"Name's Elizebeth. It's a pleasure to meet you." She finally moved away from the door and I walked in. I took off my shoes and walked a little ahead and waited for her to catch up. "Elijah told me a lot about you."

"Good things, I hope." I grinned and she just nodded. "Speaking of Elijah, where is he?"

"He's just getting ready. You can wait for him or help me set up the table for dinner. Kyle and Elijah tonight's dinner." She elaborated and I just followed her to the kitchen to help her set up the table.

Soon after we were done, I think Kyle and Melvin came out of somewhere. They both seemed to have showered smiled goofily at each other, the ones lovers give to each other when they've done something. And by something most likely sex. Anyway, I took off my coat and went to put it somewhere but Melvin took and said he'd put it somewhere safe and told me to fresh up and then come to dinner. I did just that and when I walked in the kitchen the second time, Elijah was there.

I walked up to him and smiled. We weren't in that kind of relationship where I could hug him or kiss him. Not yet, I was still getting over Camila, and Elijah was helping me. Making me like him more and more each time we talked or went out. "When did you get here?" He asked surprised when he saw me.

"A while ago," I answered as I took a seat between Elizabeth and Elijah. "Hmm, this smells amazing."

"Thanks," Kyle smiled and started serving everyone.

I could say I enjoyed dinner with Elijah and his friends, but what I didn't enjoy was Elizabeth glaring at me. I thought it was because she didn't like me dating her friend so I let it go.


"Okay, we are leaving, have fun y'all," Kyle yelled as he Melvin exited the door and closed it behind them.

"I think I am going to turn in early, don't do anything stupid. G'night." Elizabeth spoke and walked in Melvin's room because he was staying over at Kyle's.

"G'night," Elijah hugged and then turned to me. "Do you want to stay the night? Or do you have to return early?"

"The main question is, do you want me to stay the night?" I smirked and Elijah looked down, but I could tell he was blushing because his ears were red.

"I-I don't mind..." He whispered.

"Really? Cause you know, I won't be able to keep my hands to myself." I winked and Elijah blushed an even darker shade of red, which I didn't think was possible.

"Th-that's, uh, um..." he couldn't finish his sentence and just turned away from me.

"Are you okay with me kissing you?" I asked him seriously. I didn't want to pressure him or anything like that. I knew how it felt, I was once in a toxic relationship like that and it was horrible. "Are you okay with me touching you, everywhere? If not, I don't think it's a good idea that I stay."

"That's fine!" Elijah yelled and grabbed my sleeves. I looked at him shocked that he would actually consider that, with me. I stared at him for a while and didn't say anything because he was breathing heavily as he clutched my arm. "I am fine with it, as long as you are."

"Elijah y-" I was cut off by him when he grabbed my face and pulled it down to connect our lips. I immediately put my arms around and pulled him closer as I kissed him back, hungrily. I never know I had this type of hunger inside of me.

Elijah moaned and wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me down more. We kissed until our lungs were suffocating and I couldn't feel my lips. Elijah pulled back and took a deep breath and put his head in my chest. "D-does that answer your question?" He asked as he took a deep breath and looked up at me. I swore right then that I was going crazy and this man will literally kill me because his eyes were begging for me to take to bed and never let him leave.

"Fine, if that's what you want." I gritted my teeth because the bulge in pants was hurting and I need to make him mine, in every possible way. I grabbed Elijah's arm and dragged him to his bedroom, or where I thought his bedroom was. I was about to turn right when I felt a tug on my arm and was lead into a clean white room. He had some posters but I didn't know who the people were.

"Um...what-what do we do now?" He asked looking down shyly.

"I have no idea Elijah, you are the first man I've been with so I know a little," I answered as I led him to the bed after locking the door so there were no interruptions.

"Well, you're the first man I've ever been with too. Well kind of." He blushed looking away. "But I am a virgin."

"I knew that. I hope you have lube because we are going to need a lot of that." I answered as I took off my shirt and went to kiss him.

"Yeah, Melvin and Kyle gave me as a gift when they found out you and I were seeing each other." He smiled slightly but his whole face was red and he was fidgeting a bit.

"Relax, I won't do anything you don't want me to. But you need to tell me, okay?" I asked as I took off his shirt and kissed down his neck. I felt him a nod and bit his neck lightly making him cry out. "With words, Elijah."

"O-okay," he moaned as he tilted his head to give me more access.

"Okay," I sucked around to find his sweet spot and when I did he cried out. "Remember to keep quiet because we don't want Elizabeth to wake up and interrupt us." Elijah nodded and put his hands over his mouth.

"Good, now let's get started," I smirked as he blushed.