Chapter 17



I sniffed as I got up and looked towards the window of my room. I don't know why but my body felt wrecked, I mean, Nicholas and I had sex about a week ago and I was fine then but then his week my stomach would mislay ache, and then I would feel full when I haven't even eaten anything. I also had minor headaches and it wouldn't go away, which was bad. I walked towards the window and closed it since it hurt my eyes.

I turned around and then suddenly the whole room started spinning. I quickly walked over to the bed and laid down. "What the hell?" I thought said as I stared at my ceiling. My vision slowly started to come back but when I went to get up, it went a bit dim. "Okay, something isn't right," I mumbled and went to grab my phone.

I opened my contacts and called the first person on it, which was Kyle. I rang a few times and then he picked up. "What's up my dude? Why calling so early on a Saturday?" He asked with a cheerful voice. It annoyed me but I didn't say anything.

"I need help. I can't get and I am too dizzy to do anything." I mumbled out as I felt myself gagging.

"Shouldn't you call 911 then?" He questioned.

"Shut up and get here quickly, also pick something up for breakfast. I need to call my workplace. Get here before I die." I gritted my teeth when the gagging feeling came back.

"Okay, well be there in less than thirty minutes. Bye!" He yelled and hung up.

I laid on my bed, unmoving and then slowly O found the store's contact. I tapped on it and waited for someone to answer. "Hello, Grace's cafe how may I help you?" I heard Rose's voice.

"Hey, Rose it's me, Elijah," I spoke slowly to calm my breathing down.

"Eli! What's up? Are you okay?" She asked, worried.

"Yeah, but I am feeling a little under the weather today so I didn't think I can come in for my shift. Can you let Grace know?" I asked her and waited for her to answer.

"Yeah, I'll let her know. Hope you feel better." She said and I responded with a 'thanks' and 'bye' before hanging up.

I laid there, my eyes were droopy and I wanted to sleep form the sudden tiredness but I knew it wasn't a good idea. I looked blinked rapidly and slowly turned to my side so I could stay away. It was already ten minutes after I had called Kyle and I heard the front door of my apartment open and then my door suddenly opened. "Oh my god! You look dead." I heard Kyle's night pitched scream.

I groaned and turned to face him. "Shut up and help me," I mumbled and he nodded. He came over to the bed and picked up. The moment he did that, my vision blurred. "Stop! Go slow, I am hella dizzy."

"Okay sorry." He mumbled and carried me out to the car and went back to her my jacket and lock the door. Melvin was waiting in the car looking concerned. I wanted to smile because he always acted like he didn't care but I knew that did.

When Kyle came back, we drove to the closest hospital.


I was taken to the emergency care unit and was put into a room. Nor Kyle nor Melvin was allowed in the room because they thought it would stress me out. Which was true because with them I felt safe and protected. I was very bored and I didn't know what to do, they had an IV drop in my arms because they tested I was dehydrated.

We were in the hospital for about a good hour and a half. One nurse came in and asked me questions about my health and everything. I answered to the best of my abilities and then she asked me about my sex life and I told her that I was a virgin about a week ago. She nodded and asked me about my partner's sexual record, which I didn't know. She wrote something down then did a quick check-up on me, again. Before leaving she told me that a doctor will be with me at any minute.

About another later, a doctor came in. He was tall, about six feet. He had red hair, and stubbles were just hot. He smiled at me and sat on the stool beside my hospital bed. "Hello, there." He said as he took out his notes and

"Hey," I tried to smile but I was tired and a bit hungry.

"Mr. Kings, it said that you were feeling dizzy in the morning and the nauseous. You also said that your vision went dark if you stood and have pain in your lower stomach. Is that correct?" He went straight to the point.

"Yes," I answered with a blush. This was very embarrassing and I just wanted to leave.

"Well, we couldn't find anything wrong, we did all the tests for males." He paused and looked up at me. The look on his face made me a bit scared. I didn't know what to think, like was I going to die and this was my final day or month or even fucking week. "We have to do some digging because when we tested your urine for a pregnancy–out of curiosity–it turned up positive."

"What?!" I yelled and looked at the doctor with wide eyes. "Listen here, I might be and have had sex but that doesn't mean I am pregnant! A male can't get pregnant."

"Well, it said in your report that you do have the female reproductive system. Apparently, you absorbed your twin, who was a female, and just merged together." He turned the blue file towards me. I grabbed it and quickly scanned over it. It was true, it did say that I absorbed my twin in the womb. "We could do an ultrasound to confirm and after we're done with that, I'll contact your doctor, and she'll contact a gynecologist."

"I-what is happening?" I cried out. I was confused cause I didn't know what was going inside of my body and I wanted it to stop. "Wh-why is this happening?"

"Please calm down. Take deep breaths." The doctor instructed. "You're not the first case in the World, there have been similar cases around the world, some unrecorded."

"O-okay." I stuttered. "Can I have my friends here after I am done? Also, when can I leave?"

"After you're stable and have someone to take care of you. Is there someone who can, like family?" He asked and Nicholas immediately came into my mind. I nodded but I didn't know how to break the news to him, because I wasn't sure he would accept a pregnant male. A fucking male. "Okay then, let's get this over with, and then you can go home. Also, I've prescribed you some vitamins that may help."

After everything was done, I got to leave with Kyle and Melvin. They seemed a little shocked and quiet. I didn't feel like dealing with them, instead, I went to my room and locked myself in. I laid in my bed and thought how my whole life I didn't know about this, and if I did, I would've done with Nicholas with a fucking condom. No doctor brought it but during my checkup, and I wondered why.

The doctor said that they had to dig deep in my medical record. Which means it was probably before I was a teenager, which fucking means my mother knew. She knew about this and didn't tell me.

I wondered if that was also the reason why she didn't like me back then.