Chapter 18



I stared at my phone. It has been a week and four days and I haven't received a call from Elijah at all. He didn't text me and even if I didn't he wouldn't reply. I asked Grace about him where about and she said that he came to work on time and that he had to take a day off because he didn't feel well. She also said that he looked a little sick and pale, which worried me because it could've been my fault.

I picked up the landline on my desk and called Williams. "What can I help you with sir?" She asked once she picked up.

"What is my schedule for the day?" I was bored and I wanted to know why Elijah was avoiding me.

"You have a meeting at nine am, some paperwork and then you're free." She answered and I thanked. I told her to bring me the paperwork so I could be done faster and go see Elijah.

Williams knocked on the door with three files in her hand. She walked over and put them on my desk before nodding and walking away. Sometimes, I feel like that woman is a robot because she barely showed any emotions. Anyway, I got to work and didn't think much of anything, at least I tried not to. When the time came for the meeting, I walked towards my car and was driven to the location of the meeting.

After everything was done, I quickly texted Elijah that I'll be coming over to his house around noon since I knew he didn't have work today. I didn't get any reply so I took that as a go-ahead. I instructed my driver to drive me to Elijah's address.

Looking out the window, the city looked gloomy and just very sad. Maybe because it was the cloud hanging over the city. But today didn't feel like a good day, I felt like something was going to happen, it felt like something bad.

When we got to the apartment I told my drivers that he could leave since I would most likely stay here. I entered the bustling and knocked on the door. Hearing footsteps coming towards the door, I stepped back and waited for someone to open the door. Melvin was the one who opened it, he looked shocked to see me. "What's up, man?" He asked it was as if he was hiding something.

"Just came to visit. Is Elijah home?" I asked. Melvin took a second and then stepped aside.

"Don't get too rough with him, he's fragile." Melvin joked but there was no smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't," I answered seriously and walked towards Elijah's door.

Knocking on it I waited for him to answer. I heard shuffling and then heavy footsteps. "Go away Melvin, I am not feeling well. I told you to leave me alone." He sounded annoyed and I wanted to laugh.

"I would, but I am not Melvin," I answered. I heard him take a deep breath and rushing to the door. It swung open and Elijah stood there panting. "Nice to see you, again."

"N-Nicholas..?" He looked confused but still happy you see me. "Wha-what are you doing here?"

"Well," –I stepped forward and entered his bedroom, closing the door behind me–"you wouldn't answer me. Then you wouldn't even come to see me. I also heard that you went to the hospital, are you okay?"

"It's not w-what you think." He stuttered and moved back. "I-I..."

"What's wrong Elijah? You can tell me." I smiled to assure him that it was okay to tell me.

"Y-you might want to sit down for this." He pointed to the bed and I slowly made my way there. I sat down and looked at him. Elijah went to his nightstand and pulled out a file. He handed it to me. I looked down and was confused, it was a plain file. "I didn't mean for it happens. I am so sorry." He started crying.

"Hey, it's okay." I took his hand in mine and pulled him to sit beside me. I took his face in my hands and kissed his temple. "Calm down and tell me what's wrong. I won't be angry."

"Baby." He whispered. I looked at him confused because I didn't know what he meant. "There's a baby."

"Where? What?" I asked grabbing and hand and holding it in mine. He seemed a little cold and pale.

"In my stomach." He looked up at me. His eyes glazed with tears and when I didn't respond a new batch fell down his cheeks. I still couldn't understand what he meant and he understood that. "I am pregnant, Nick."

"What?" I whispered looking down at his stomach which was flat. "What does that supposed to mean? Don't joke around Elijah."

"I am not! You think this is funny?!" He yelled and pulled his hand away from mine. Elijah stood up and grabbed the files. "It said it right here, I didn't know about it if I did w-we...I..."

Elijah started panting and put his hand on his chest. I grabbed his waist and pulled him to me. "Don't get worked up. I don't want you to get hurt again." I mumbled into his shoulder. He turned around and looked down at me.

"Aren't you shocked?" He looked confused and surprised. "I am pregnant Nicholas, and it's yours. On top of that, I am a man. How will the media react, they would scrutinize me and probably come after me and you. Your fucking reputation would be ruined!"

"I am surprised Elijah," I spoke softly. I wiped the tears that slipped from his eyes. "But that doesn't mean I am mad or anything. I don't understand it but I want to be there for you, and our child."

"Wha–really?" He turned wound fully to face me. "Are you joking?"

"No," I answered seriously. "But you have to help me understand. As for my reputation, it doesn't really matter. But later on, I want you to meet my family but not right now."

"Okay," Elijah blushes and his face in my chest. "Thank you, for understanding and not leaving."

"I would never." I gasped and pulled back so I could see his face. "But don't leave me like that, I get scared too."

"I promise." He held out his pinky and I laughed as I wrapped mine around his. "So it is your day off? It's pretty early for you to be out of your office."

"No, just finished work early so I could come and see you." I smiled and leaned down to kiss his lips. They were soft and plum. "I missed this," I mumbled against his lips. Elijah hummed and straddled me.

"Me too." He started to nibble on my lips and I laughed and pulled him closer so I kiss him to death, not literally.

I quickly switched our position so he was laying on his back as I hovered over him. "I might not stop." I kissed down his neck and heard him moan.

"Don't then." He gasped when I bit down on his sweet spot.

"Okay." I smiled and began.

I knew our journey from here will be difficult but I couldn't wait to start it with him.