Chapter 19



My eyes stung, at first, I didn't know why, but then I remember bawling when Nicholas came and then afterward as he fucked me. Fuck, that's weird to say. Probably since I never thought I would have sex, much less with a hot, rich man and then end up getting pregnant. My evil mother didn't tell me shit about me absorbing my twin. Also, on top of that, I am a fucking pregnant man. I was scared that the public and his family would think about me and our baby. They could hurt me and write shit about me and just be very criticizing like they always are when they hear about something that's not "right".

I turned around slowly and smiled when I saw Nicholas staring at me. "Good morning." He whispered and I mumbled 'morning' before rubbing my eyes so the sleep would leave my body.

"What time is it?" I asked looked around for my phone. The sun was pretty high which mean it was probably ten am or later. I turned back to him and noticed that he was shirtless. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"It's ten forty-five and I decided to take the day off. I lady finished most of my work." He sat up and I noticed that he was only in his boxers.

When I looked down, I was naked. Nothing on, not even an underwear it was like the day I was born. I quickly covered my body with the bedsheet and blushed. I didn't think I could or ever would wake up like that because never I never thought I would have sex. That blew my mind every time I thought about it. "Why am I naked?" I mumbled to myself because I knew we had sex but why did only Nicholas have some clothes on.

"Because I like seeing you naked." I heard him laugh form my bathroom.

"You're gross!" I yelled as tried to hide my embarrassment.

"What? I thought I was able to express my likes and dislikes." Nicholas joked as he walked back into my room and sat on the bed. "Melvin left early to visit Kyle, so we have your apartment to ourselves."

I saw him attempt to wiggle his eyebrows, but he ended up looking like a messed up thing. I laughed and held on my stomach, his face just looked really funny. "Stop," I took a broken breath and looked at him. "You're making a fool of yourself." I covered my mouth as I tried to stop laughing but Nicholas kept on making the face and I couldn't stop.

Eventually, I did go to the bathroom and get dressed, as well as shower while Nicholas was making breakfast for me and my baby. Damn, that's weird to say. I shook my head and just fine he'd get dressed. The day before was hectic because I couldn't stop my tears and I was very stressed which was not good for me or the baby's health. Then Nicholas and I had sex which calmed me down and the fact that was okay with me, was still surprising.

I walked into my living room and noticed that he wasn't there so I went to the kitchen to see Nicholas standing there in Melvin's sweats–cause mine didn't fit him–and an apron making breakfast. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on. "Elijah," Nicholas turned around and looked at me. It's as if he knew I was there. "I need to talk to after breakfast. And don't worry, it's nothing too important but we need to talk about it." That sounded like something important. I wanted to say but instead, I nodded and walked to the table and ate my breakfast 'cause I was very hungry.


After I finished and helped Nicholas clean up the dishes, we walked to the couch in my little living room. I sat down and Nicholas sat right next to me on the bigger couch. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked turning to face him. I was nervous and very scared that he would change his mind and leave. That fear will always stay with me.

"I can see that you're afraid." Nicholas chuckled and took my hand in his. His hands were a bit bigger than mine, and they were warmer. "Calm down."

"I am trying, Nick," I whispered. "I just want to get this over with so I can take my meds then a nap."

"Okay," Nicholas leaned back and looked straight at me. "I was thinking that you could—would like to..."

"Like to what? Stop trailing off." I was a bit frustrated at that time and just wanted to know what he was going on about.

"Move in with me?" I looked at up at him with wide eyes. I was a bit shocked and he looked unsure of what he was asking.

"What." It wasn't a question and he knew that. "Please repeat that."

"Move in with me." This time he seemed sure and determined. Which was fucking hot, if I wasn't relieved I would've probably kissed him and we would've fucked but that wasn't time.

Then I realized that I haven't answered him. "Are you sure? I feel like you're doing this because I'm..." I didn't want to say the words because it made me uncomfortable. I still wasn't used to the word pregnant and me in together.

"No, no. Of course not. I am not going this because of the kid. I want you there so I could keep an eye on you and I think my house is safer than here." He explained. "I want to keep your both safe and near me at all times."

"Thank you." I blushed and squeezed his hand. "Are you sure you want me to move in with you? Won't it be a hassle?"

"No it won't and yes I am sure." Nicholas leaned in and kissed me. I grabbed the back of his to kiss him back. He moved and away and looked at me with a smile.

"Then yes, I'll move in with you." I smiled and Nicholas gingerly grabbed my waist and pulled me to his lap to hug me, I laughed and hugged him back.

"When do you want to?" He asked after a while.

"I don't know, maybe soon." He nodded and went with our day. It was relaxing and I wouldn't lie and say I didn't sneak kisses from him.

This pregnancy might be the worst and best thing that happened to me.