Chapter 20



"Good morning, sir." A worker greeted me as I walked through the doors of my office floor.

"It's a great morning." I smiled as I walked to my office and when Ms. Williams saw me she looked at me confused but I didn't mind her. "How are you doing this fine morning?"

"Are you alright, sir?" She stood up and followed me to my office. I sat down and turned around to look at her.

"Great! I am going great." I smiled widely at her but she didn't comment on anything, which was usual for her. "What do we have planned for today?"

"Well, there is just paperwork and your parents are coming to visit, along with your sister and brother." She informed me.

"Okay, I could handle that. Do you when they'll be here?" I asked as I took out my laptop from my briefcase. I opened it and logged in.

"They'll be here around seven. They didn't tell me the rest of the details so I would advise you to call them and ask." She replied.

"Okay thank you." I smiled. "Oh, and bring me the papers."

She nodded before leaving. I began to look through my emails and check if I had something from one of my business associates. Thankfully there was nothing and I saw back and waited for Alexandra to bring the files that I had to review. I really didn't like paperwork, it was a hassle and I preferred to work on my devices, but I'm America if you don't have paperwork then it's not legitimate.

Alexandra Williams, who I prefer to call Williams, entered my office again to give me the files before going to her own office. It was five files, which wasn't much, and I knew that she made some notes for me to make it easy which I truly appreciated.

It took me less than an hour to finish it and then call my parents to ask them when they were coming over. My mother answered with her cheerful voice, which I loved to hear. "Hey, honey." She was cheerful as always.

"Hey mom," I smiled. "I just got the news that you guys were coming over, along with Callan. I just wanted to know when."

"Why, you have someone over?" My mother joked and he had no idea how right she was.

"Um, actually yes. And I would love for you to meet them, soon." I mumbled. My mother didn't know and I guess coming out to her was the best way, but I didn't want to put pressure on Elijah. He'd probably be stressed and that wasn't good for him or the baby.

My mother shrieked and probably killed my eardrums. "Who is it? Tell me! I have to know now." She went on and on about how she wanted to meet 'her'. I could already imagine her shock when he gets to know that 'her' is a 'him'.

"I don't want to stress them out, it's not good for their condition," I replied. "Anyway, they live with me, and I really want you to meet them, but I am not sure it's alright."

"I'll behave. And your father was called to a meet so less cooking for you," she laughed and we talked more. "I have to go now, I'll see you soon. Bye! I love you." I heard her making kissing sounds and laughed.

"Love you too." I hung up and sighed. I knew this was going to be a disaster.


"What?!" I heard Elijah yell as soon as I walked through the door. It gave me a scare because I wasn't used to anyone being home yet. "He did? That's great, you two really should."

I quietly walked towards the room I heard his voice coming from. I stood by the door, as I looked at my boyfriend. Okay, that's a little weird to say but I knew I was going to get used to it. "I am home," I said, not loudly nor quietly. Elijah heard me and turned around very quickly that it scared me that he was going to fall.

"Welcome back!" He walked over and hugged me and I hugged him back. "How was work?"

"Good, nothing too hard. How were your classes?" I took off my jacket and my shoes.

"Nothing really, since I am not showing yet, I can go to classes and in less than a month, I'll graduate, hopefully, I won't show then." He smiled as he walked over to the couch. "You can freshen up while I heat up dinner. Also, your cook made too much food for some reason."

"Yeah, about that." I scratched the back of my head. It's a habit when I am nervous. "My family might be coming over."

I looked at him and he looked shocked. "What?" He whispered. "You're telling me this now?!" Yeah, I knew he was going to react this way. "Nicholas, you should've told me before so I could've prepared or gone out so I didn't bother you."

"And that is why I didn't tell you." I smiled and walked to the bathroom, where he followed me. I quickly washed my hands with soap and splashed water in my face. "I wanted you to meet them, the sooner the better."

"Wha-what would happen if they don't accept me or you? What happens if they don't approve?" He sounded like he was going to cry. I turned around and hugged him. I kissed the top of his head I smiled.

"I am a grown man if you haven't noticed. If they don't accept you, or our relationship, then they can leave and never speak to me." I whispered softly to calm him down. "Now, I want you to go get ready and I'll ask the housekeeper to set up the table."

I felt him nod and I moved away from him. Elijah quietly walked to our shared bedroom and closed the door. It wasn't like I hadn't seen him naked this past week, because Elijah sometimes likes to sleep naked because it's apparently too hot for him. I walked into the bedroom and got dressed. I didn't wear anything fancy, just a casual shirt and joggers. Elijah, on the other hand, was putting on jeans, that still kind of fit, and a crisp velvet colored shirt. "Does this look good?" He asked as he looked at himself in the full-length mirror.

"Love, you don't have to dress to impress them. I want you to be comfortable because I am pretty sure they'll stay here longer." I smiled and walked to his side of the closet. I picked out his nightshirt and quarter-length shorts that he looked really good in. "Here, they these on."

Elijah pouted but took the clothes. Just then the doorbell rang. I looked back at him and smiled before walking to the door to greet my family. I did hope that my mother or sister wouldn't make a big deal out of it. My little brother Callan didn't seem to care much. I opened the door and was tackled by my mother. "We don't see you anymore." She squeezed my sides.

"I missed you too mom." I hugged her back. Then it was my sister Tessa, and then lastly was Callan. He looked a little sad, I wondered why. "Welcome back man."

"Yeah, thanks." He replied before walking in the house. He seemed a bit distant.

I led them to the living room where my mom started a question about my girlfriend. "Honey I am so happy that you moved in from Camila. Now, I want to meet your new lover." She babbled on and on while I wondered where Elijah was.

"Mom, I'll be right back, you guys can get comfortable. Dinner is ready so if you guys are hungry, you know the way to the kitchen." I walked to my bedroom where I found the door locked. "Elijah, open the door, love."

"I can't, I can't meet them." He answered back.

"Yes you can, and I'll be right there with you. My mom is a really understanding woman and my sister would love you. Please, come out." I begged and when I heard footsteps, I smiled.

"Fine, but if I embarrass myself, you are dead." He threatened which was really cute. I nodded and led him towards the living where I left them. When I saw that they weren't there, we walked to the kitchen.

They had already sat down and left two seats for us. I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Mom, Tessa, Callan, this is my boyfriend Elijah." I smiled at them, it was a threatening smile. "Elijah, that's my mom, my older sister Tessa and my younger brother Callan who just returned from the U.K."

Elijah smiled nervously, "nice you meet you all." He walked over the chair and sat down, with me following.

"You too," my mother smiled and began chatting. I saw Elijah relax when Tessa started asking questions and smiled at him. A house worker came with the food and served it before leaving.

"Where is Trinity?" I asked.

"At her father's house," Tessa replied. I guess she didn't like George anymore. I mean he did leave her for another woman.

We made small conversations while eating and sometimes Elijah would join in too. My mother being the embarrassing person she is, started to talk about my childhood which Elijah laugh soo much that he almost cried. I smiled at that, I guess my mother could accept Elijah, the only one I am worried about is my father.

When it was time for them to leave, I walked them out the door while Elijah went to change and get to bed. Which I had to force him to do, he looked tired and worn out anyway. Tessa kissed my cheek before walking out the door. My mother hugged him and whispered, "we'll talk later." And then lastly my brother, who just nodded before walking out the door.

I double locked it and put in the security code before walking to the master bedroom to see Elijah laying on the bed. "Your family wasn't so bad." He smiled as he scooted over to give me space to sit, even though I had plenty on the king-sized bed.

"Yes, and you were about to cry because you didn't want to meet them." I joked and leaned on his shoulder.

"Shut up!" Elijah smacked my chest. I kept on laughing, though my chest stung a bit. "Go brush your teeth, your mouth stinks."

"But you kiss me every morning before I brush my teeth." I pouted.

"That is different," Elijah mumbled.

"Fine," I said and got up to brush my teeth. When I came back to the bedroom, I saw that he was already snoozing. If he wasn't pregnant I would've woken him up, and then fallen sleep myself but I'll let him rest for today. I walked to the bed, got under the cover, and turned off the lamps on our nightstands. Kissing Elijah cheek, I spooked him as I fell asleep.

I was content, but there was still worry. I was worried about my father and probably the whole world when they find out I was dating a man. But that could wait, for now, I wanted to enjoy it.