Chapter 21



I stared at the man glared at the woman who was looking at me. I turned away from them as the woman smiled then looked at the man. I went back to the kitchen and put the tray down, as I waited for other customers, I began to think about what happened last week. Elijah's mom was nice, as was his sister. I didn't really get to talk with his brother because he didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk to me. I didn't mind though, it was one less person to talk and judge me.

It was good to know that they didn't completely disprove of me being with Nicholas. If they had, I would've left him, not because of me but because of him. Nicholas deserved a normal, straight life and I knew it wasn't going to be with me since I was a man. It would ruin his reputation and could make his company go down. God, he could become poor and lose everything and it would be all my fault.

I sighed as I walked out and went to help at the front desk. "You feeling okay?" I hear Rosa ask.

I looked up at her surprised. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just a bit tired." I smiled at her to show that I was fine. "I just want this day to end and just go home and rest." I sighed as saw Rosa nod.

"Yeah, this week has been hell and it hasn't even been like the middle of it." We both laughed as we counted the money notes and put them in a box that went under the register.

"Yep, I'm ready for it to end." I smiled. I looked up and gasped when I saw who was looking at me. He smiled at me and walked over, making me blush because I was sure Rosa knew when she nudges me a little. "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon," Nicholas greeted with a smile. "Can I get an iced coffee and a turkey rueben?"

"Yep, I got it. Have fun." Rosa winked as she walked away to put in the order.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see you and to tell you that we have a doctor's appointment with one of my trusted doctor." He looked down at my flat stomach briefly. Nicholas then looked up at me and smiled. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered as I took his credit card and swiped it. I passed the device where he had to type in his pin. "When is the appointment?"

"Friday at eleven fifty A.M." He answered as he quickly typed it in and I took out the receipt and pen for him to sign it. When he did, I put it away and turned around to ask another new guy to take care of the register. I pulled Nicholas to the side to talk to him more privately.

"I am very nervous," I whispered. "What happens if something is wrong with the baby or me?"

"Hey, Nothing is going to happen, I have a feeling that everything will be fine. If you have any questions, you can ask the doctor, he knows most things." Nicholas hugged me. "I'll see you at home."

"Yeah," I sighed with a smiled on my face. "See you."

Yeah, I was terrified of what's going on inside my body.


I smiled as I walked through the doors of my Nicholas' house, which was kind of mine but I didn't pay for it. I asked if I could pay the electricity bill or something but Nicholas refused to let, telling me that it should be put towards my education. He wouldn't talk about it afterward so we left it at that, it was still my home. I was getting used to the idea of it.

I walked to the bathroom to change. I was hungry so I walked to the kitchen to get some food, but to my surprise, there was Kyle and Nicholas' younger brother. They seemed to be engaged in some deep conversation. "Um, guys. What are you doing here?" I asked Kyle. They both jumped a bit and Kyle turned around looking at me, he looked a little scared.

"So, uh," Kyle scratched the back of his head as he looked down. Callan didn't say anything and just stared at us, his face becoming stoic again. "These people showed up at the apartment demanding to talk to you. Don't worry, I didn't tell them where you live now, but apparently, they are your family."

"My parents?" I questioned. Kyle nodded. "And where did they get the address form?"

"Your friend Elizabeth," Kyle whispered.

"That bitch!" I yelled as I stormed over to the table and sat down. "I knew she was here for something. She probably told them about Nicholas too. I swear when I find her will cut off her tits."

"Okay," Callan got up. "I think I should call Nicholas and leave. Have fun."

"No, we won't!" Kyle yelled after him. Then he turned to me and whispered, "Look, you need to calm down, it's not good for the baby. And if they come around again, I'll tell them you're not ready to talk with them yet." Then Kyle smiled his sinister smiled. "I'll take off the bitch for you."

"Thanks, but don't kill her. We need her to suffer." I smiled back. We both nodded to each other before Kyle got dressed and left, right after Callan.

About twenty minutes later the bell rang and I walked to the door to open it, thinking it was Nicholas. But to my surprise, it was my mother. She looked old and haggard like she has been in jail all these times. On the other hand, my father looked happy and I remembered him three years ago. "Wh-What are you guys doing here? How did you find me?" I looked at them shocked.

"Sorry son, but we followed your friend." My father answered. He walked closer to me and hugged me. I hugged him and almost cried, I missed him. "I missed you."

"Me too," I whispered in his neck.

"Eli?" I heard a high pitched voice and gasped.

"Ella!" I yelled and pulled her into a hug. "How have you been?"

"Good, I missed you though." She smiled. She has braces on, which was new. I guess that what I get for not visiting them. But I couldn't be blamed, I didn't want to see my mother.

"Mother," I finally turned to her. "Is there something you need?"

My birth mother wouldn't look at me, she instead looked down. I didn't need words to understand that she still didn't approve of me. It was fine, I accepted the fact already, though it took me almost four years to do so. "Who are they?" I heard a new voice.

I looked behind my mother to see Nicholas. I smiled and walked over to him and hugged him. God knew how I needed him to be there with me at that moment. "This my father, that's my sister and she's my mother," I whispered in his ear cause I didn't want to let him go.

"Nice to meet you all." He smiled at him as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist and slightly picked me. "Please come in."

I held on to Nicholas as he went to change, I followed him. I didn't want to be alone with my family. "Why did you invite them in?" I glared at him with my arms crossed.

"It's the polite thing to do, and I wanted to get to know the people who raised you." God, I want to kiss so badly but I held back because Ella could walk at any time. She likes to explore everything.

"Fine but I don't like them. And how did they get past your security? You should check on that." I turned and walked back to the living room where my family was. "What do you need?" I looked straight at my mother.

"We just wanted to visit." My father answered.

"I know you and Ella do, but not her. She's here for a reason. Why?" I didn't take my eyes off of my mother, even when Nicholas walked in and pulled me to a seat and he sat next to me.

"I wanted to see if you were still sinning." She gritted her teeth.

"Ember!" My father yelled at my mother but she continued to glare at me.

"I already knew you were going to something stupid like that. I am used to it, mother." The words were like venom to me. "And yes, I'm still sinning."

My mother looked at and everything was quiet. Until Nicholas spoke up. "Anyone hungry?" Ella nodded and walked to the kitchen to help Nicholas whiled me and my parents sat there.

"Also, why didn't you tell me I am intersexual?" I questioned her. She looked shocked, which made me smirk. My father seemed unhappy about it too, which means he didn't know either. "Oh, yes. I'm pregnant, thanks to you."