Chapter 22



I looked at the family with weary eyes. I could tell that Elijah wasn't too comfortable with his mother being in the same room as him. What I didn't get is why? Elijah hadn't told me about his past yet, and I haven't asked but it seems like his relationship with mother wasn't all too well but his father and sister were—better. I watched them as they talked, his little sister Ella, was with me in the kitchen. She seemed to have no clue what was going on as she stared out the window.

I looked back towards the room where they seemed to be still arguing. I glared at his mother, Ember. She didn't seem like a nice lady. By the looks of it, she's very homophobic. I just hope that she didn't pass on her views to anyone else. "Here the rice is done, the chicken will be out soon." I took out the pan of rice and put it on the table to cool.

"You have a nice house," Ella commented. She turned and smiled at me as she sat on the table.

"How old are you, Ella?" I asked as I sat across from her.

"Thirteen. About to be fourteen soon." She answered.

I nodded and then looked back at the tense room. It seemed like Elijah just dropped the bomb, and I wondered which one. The oven dinged which signaled for me that the chicken that Elijah made and then I cooked was done. I grabbed the mittens and took out the chicken to let it cool too. "Wanna help with the plates?" I asked as I took five out. Ella quickly set them and I served the food. "I'll be back, just wait here," I told her and walked to the living room where I saw Elijah and Ember having a staring contest.

"If you don't like it, you can leave." Elijah gritted out.

"Before that, the food is ready. You all should come and eat." I smiled at them. Elijah looked at me like he was ready to kill but I didn't flatter. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to know about his parents, I was more interested in his mother. She seemed like an interesting person to annoy. But I won't be childish now, later on, maybe.

We all sat down, Elijah sat on my right while Ella was on my left. Ember sat across from Elijah and Elijah's father–whose name I didn't know–sat across from me. "How long have you know Elijah?" Elijah's father asked. I stopped eating and looked up at him with a small smile, finally, they were interested in me.

"About two to three months," I answered.

"And I guessing you're the father of my grandchild?" He asked with a little smirk. He looks at Elijah and I did too. His face was up in flames but he kept on chewing his dinner.

"Yes, I am," I answered with a huge smile as I grabbed Elijah's hand under the table.

"That's good." He then turned to Elijah. "How much along are you?"

"About two and a half weeks, I think." He answered.

"And you're not even showing yet," Ella commented. We all turned to her but she just smiled then went back to eating.

The rest of the dinner was just fine. Except when they were about to leave, his mother said something that boiled my blood.


We walked towards the door. "Thank you for coming to visit me, Papa and Ella." Elijah didn't acknowledge his mother while they were leaving.

"You're welcome. You should come and visit us sometime." His father walked over to hug him as did his sister. "Take care of my son and grandchild."

"I will," I smiled and went to shake his hand, but instead he pulled me to him and hugged me. I patted his back in an awkward hug which made Elijah brush out laughing. "Take care."

Elijah's father, Henry, walked out the door along with Ella. Ember hung behind like she wanted to say something. We waited, more like I waited because I knew Elijah wanted her to leave. "Do you have something to say?" He asked her. I was a bit surprised at how forthright he was.

"Actually I do," she remarked. Elijah raised his eyebrow omg daring her to continue. "That child that's growing in you," she paused and then looked up at me and then Elijah, "it shouldn't exist."

"Leave!" Elijah seethed. "Don't fucking ever come back here."

She stared at with a cold, distant glare. "You shouldn't be with him because of that spawn." She spits out her words. I would like to hurt her, badly but I kept my calm.

"Please leave my house," I said slowly. "And you are not the one who could decide who I should be with. I am with Elijah because I like him, and I want to be there for our child. If you disapprove of this then you should open your mind to the world a little more because it has certainly moved on firm old beliefs."

Elijah didn't wait for her to respond, instead, he pushed her out the door and slammed it on her face. I was pretty impressed that he had it in him to do such a thing, but she deserved it. "I hate her!" He screamed afterward and he hugged himself. "She's one of the worst mothers, why was she mine? Did I do something bad in my life before this one for that to happen?" He was mumbling to himself.

"Baby, no." I walked over to him and hugged his smaller frame. "It's not your fault. It's just how life is."

I took his hand and lead him to our room. Elijah sat down on the bed with a sigh. "But she's just awful, especially after she found out I was gay." He laid back as I grabbed his clothes from the closet and handed it to him so he could get changed.

"Someday, she might come around. For now, I don't think I want her near our baby, especially if she keeps thinking that way." Elijah nodded in agreement with me. "Okay, now let's get dressed for bed, you seemed tired and we have our doctor's appointment soon."

"I am tired." Elijah flopped back on the bed and rolled over to his side. "Change me."

"You want me to change your clothes?" I asked to make sure I was hearing him right. When I saw him nod I laughed as I clutched my shirt. "You are such a man-baby."

"Yeah I am, deal with it." He smiled a little.

Elijah seemed to be in a good mood, at least a little. So I didn't say anything and did as he told me. We cuddled on the bed and I kissed the top of his head, I felt a little empathy for him. If my mother were ever like that, I would be sure to block her out of life, just like Elijah had.

I just wish she would change someday.