Chapter 23



"This might be a little cold." Nicholas's trusted doctor said as he poured a cold, clear gel on me. His name was Dr. Pauler, he was fairly young for an Ob/Gyn. He moved to get the ultrasound wand and put it on my flat stomach.

"Is it okay?" Nicholas asked from where he sat next to me. He seemed nervous as he clutched my hand.

"Yes, they are fine." He answered.

Nicholas and I both looked at him. Confused and surprised because we both thought he said 'it' wrong. "What do you mean they?" I asked making sure he wasn't saying what I thought he was saying.

"I meant it when I said 'they'." Dr. Pauler smiled. "There are two dots, here see for yourself." He turned the screen to us and there were indeed two white looking beans on the screen. I turned to Nicholas to see his reaction, but I was surprised to see a teardrop fall from his eyes. I smiled slightly and looked back. "You're about three weeks along with Ana everything seems fine as far as I could tell. If you feel any pain or discomfort please contact me and try to stay away from undercooked meat and processed foods. Try to eat freshly made meals." He turned off the Machine and handed me wipes. I wiped my stomach and pulled down my hoodie.

"Is there anything else we should avoid?" Nicholas asked. He seemed to come out of his shock.

"Not that I am concerned with. Your next appointment is scheduled for three weeks from now. If you have any questions, you can contact me." He smiled and handed Nicholas a card. "I'll write down the vitamins you need to take daily and you guys are good to go, I'll be right back."

When he left the room, Nicholas turned to me with a huge grin on his face. "Can you believe we're having twins?" He grabbed my face and brought his lips down on mine. He kissed me eagerly making me almost moan but I stopped because we were still in the doctor's office. I kissed him back shyly because I wasn't as good a kisser as he was. He moved back and put his forehead on mine. "I can't wait to meet them." He whispered softly.

"Me too," I whispered back. "I can't wait to hold them in my arms."

"Hmm, that sounds amazing." He moved back and hugged me. "When we get home I'm going to pamper so much."

"Can't wait." I smiled and kissed him. Right after that, the doctor came back with the ultrasound pictures and a prescription for my medicine.

"Have a safe trip." He wished us as we exited the room and walked towards the back to our car. There were some paparazzi in the front, and we didn't want to confront them. Not yet anyway.

"I am very tired," I mumbled as I buckled my seat belt.

"I know, you can nap while I make our lunch," Nicholas replied and instructed the driver to drop us off at his house.


When I woke up from the nap, I was very confused. Firstly, because there was more than one voice coming from the living room, and second is because I don't remember coming home or laying down on the bed. I must have fallen asleep in the car and Nicholas probably carried me up here. But that doesn't explain why there is a male and female screaming in my living room. It could be the TV but I knew Nicholas never listened to the TV that loud. So the question was: is it burglars or someone I knew but couldn't recognize their voices?

Either way, I got up and grabbed the sharpest object I could find, which was a metal ruler, and slowly walked out of the room. I know, this is how most people in horror movies die, but I need to get to a phone, which was near me. So I needed to get to a room with a phone and call in the police or security. "You can't do that." I heard a very finials voice whisper-yell.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." I heard a female voice. Okay, I didn't know who this person was.

I slowly walked down the hallway and turned towards where I heard the voices. I peeked in to see who it was. To my surprise, I saw Nicholas' back and a woman's shoulder. "I will ruin you, Camila." Wasn't that Nicholas' ex-girlfriend? "I will make sure no modeling company hires you for the rest of your life and then your father will be out of business, Do now mess with me." I was a bit shocked that he could threaten someone like that, but at the same time a little horny, and it was totally because of my hormones.

"You can try Nick, but it won't work." I could tell she was smirking. That bitch, who the fuck does she think she is.

"What's going on?" I asked as I walked out of my hiding place. "What is she doing here?"

"Elijah," Nicholas turned to me. He looked at me surprised before walking over to where I stood, far away from her. "She was just leaving."

"No, I wasn't. I came here to warn you, Elijah." She spits out my name. I looked at her nonchalantly, she has to know she didn't scare me. "If you don't leave, I'll make sure to ruin your life." I looked at her confused until she held up a picture of the ultrasound. "What would everyone think when they find out Nicholas Quinn got someone pregnant, much less a male. It'll ruin both of you."

With that, she walked out but before she could I walked up to her. "Wasn't it you who cheated? What would the public think of a cheating scandal? All I have to do is spread the word that Camila Obverch. Heated on her long-term boyfriend with another. Your father could lose of his clients. And I am pretty sure I can dig up more on you," I smiled when I saw her speechless face.

Nicholas grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. "And I wouldn't mind helping him spill everything." I could hear the threat in his smile.

Without another word, she walked out and slammed the door behind her. "You need better security. They let in my parents and now your ex. I don't feel safe here." I walked out of his arms and walked to the kitchen. I was starving and being in a bad mood didn't help it.

"I'll update security the first thing tomorrow. For now, we need to dig up some dirt on Camila." He walked over to me and helped me set my plate.

"I know someone who can." I smiled as I microwaved my food.

"Who?" Nicholas looked at me confused.

"For me to know, and you to never find out." I smiled as I walked to the living room because I wanted to watch something while eating. "Don't worry, I'll be safe."

"You better be." He mumbled as he sat next to me and stayed quiet the whole time.

I knew he was thinking the same thing I was: what would happen if Camila releases that photo along with the story?