Chapter 24



The next few days were very intense and it was not the good kind. Elijah seemed worried and that was not good for him and the babies. I also had to leave because of a meeting in Beijing, China. I didn't want to leave him, but that meeting was very important and it could help grow our company overseas. I was worried about Elijah and called him every morning and night I was away. He seemed to get annoyed but still answered the phone.

It had been a bit difficult because I wanted to be there with him. I even asked Elijah if he wanted to come with me, he said he has finals and work so there was no way he was going to come with me. I felt a little dejected but I knew where he was coming from. "Sir, please focus, this is the last day and we have to get this deal," Alexandra spoke as she stood next to me. "This is very important and your mind cannot be somewhere else." She went on, and I nodded because he was right. I need to focus and get this over with so I could go home and kiss the hell out of Elijah.

"You're right, and I am sorry." I apologized as we walked towards the conference room. "Let's get this over with." We walked into the room and looked at the other people. Then Alexandra and I walked to the end of the table and sat down. Everyone was just talking among themselves.

The other representatives sat around the table as we waited. I sighed and looked at the clock at the top of the door, he was running late because this meeting was supposed to start ten minutes ago. "Nicholas Quinn, right?" One of the men asked and I turned my attention to him.

I nodded and reached out my hand for a handshake. He grabbed it and shook it. "Yes I am, but sadly I don't recognize you." I sat back down on the chair and waited for the man to answer.

"Oh that's okay, my company isn't a big deal, yet." He smiled and looked at my assistant. "Name's Henry Gober, it's a pleasure to meet you." We all made small talks until finally, the man of the hour walked in. We all quoted down and the meeting began.

An hour and a half later we came to conclusions. I smiled at them, I had received the best deal and my company will thrive here. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Li-Yang." I shook the man's hand and he nodded before walking out. I guess he didn't like to talk much unless it was important.

We made our way out and to our own hotel rooms and packed up for our flight back to the States. I couldn't wait to get home and see Elijah. I missed him very much.


I put in the passcode the moment I stepped foot on the pavement of my house. When I door I closed I walked in and unlocked the door with a key that me, my housekeeper, and Elijah had. It also had a pin, and that was because sometimes I used to forget my keys and got locked out. "Elijah!" I yelled the moment I stepped through the door and walked to the living room. The security guards will be bringing my suitcase. "Are you there? Elijah?" I called out to him but there was no answer.

I walked around the house and there was no one. That's when I started to worry. I fished out my phone and quickly called his cellphone. I heard the ringing nearby and I made it towards our bedroom. Okay, that's a bit weird. I thought I was knocked on the door. "Go away!" I heard him yell.

"Elijah, it's me, open the door, love." I ended the call and put away my phone. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I don't want to talk!" He yelled then sniffled. "I can't do it..."

"Do what? Open the door or I'll have to for it myself. Please, tell me what's wrong?" I pleaded but my pleas were answered by silence. I sighed and put my head on the door, I was about to walk away and get the keys but I heard thuds of footsteps.

Slowly the door opened I almost gasped when I saw Elijah. His hair was a mess and his clothes looked a bit dirty. His face was a bit pale and he looked tired. He stepped aside and I walked in the door and turned towards him. "You didn't see it, did you?" He asked one he locked the door and turned around to look at me. I looked at him confused and he sighed before walking and getting his phone to pull up something and handing it to me. "Apparently, your ex wasn't lying when he said she was going to tell the media," Elijah muttered and walked to the chair.

I looked at the headlines of the news: Rumors has it: Billionaire Nicholas Quinn, Knocked Up A Man?! Then there were pictures of me and Elijah at the café. "What the hell? How dare that...bitch?!" I yelled and stared at the screen. I looked at Elijah, and then back at the screen, it was posted the day before and already had thousands of reads. "I underestimated her," I smirked thinking of a way to ruin her career for this. I knew it was bad but she put Elijah in the spotlight and drying a critical time in the pregnancy.

"You can't do anything too bad," Elijah mumbled from the chair. "They think it's a rumor."

"Don't worry, I won't. And I know but soon they'll find out, but I wanted us to tell the world, not someone else." I walked over to him and put the phone down. "Let's take a bath together, we both need it and you can't deny me, I'll force you."

"Are you calling me dirty?" He asked, his mood seemed to have lifted a bit.

"No, I am saying that I wanted to see you naked and wet," I smirked when he blushed and bolted out the chair and walked to the bathroom. I smiled when he turned and looked at me, giving me the eyes. I smirked and took the time to join him.

When I heard him close the door behind him, I pulled out my phone and called the one person I trusted: Micheal Segal to help me get the bitch. He has many connections and could dig up dirt that I didn't know while I was dating her. "Hey, I need the favor, now," I spoke the moment he picked up the phone.

"I'll be there in less than a day." I heard the smile on his voice. I guess he didn't like Camila when they met.

"See you soon," I said.

"Congrats man. You're a daddy now." He said with a laugh and I smiled while rolling my eyes.

"Bye." I hung up as I stripped and walked to the bathroom to enjoy the little time we have left. I smiled when I heard Elijah squeak when I pulled open the curtains and walked in the bathroom.

That bitch was going down, and others who helped her. She messed with the wrong person.