Chapter 25



The next few weeks were just awful. I didn't want to go outside of our house and I didn't go to work, Grace Stanley, the owner was very understanding and let me take days off. I told her that if the rumors hadn't died in two weeks, I would quit. She was fine with that, I was glad that she was an understanding and kind person. I sighed as I peeked through the curtains of the living room window. There were reporters near the entrance of the house, the seven or eight bodyguards were holding them back from jumping over the gates and entering the property. Then we're more guards placed on the whole perimeter of the house to make sure that if someone did get in, they wouldn't be able to make it to the front door. I felt like the press had their hands around my neck, especially with all the shit they were making up without knowing the true facts.

I turned away when one of them noticed. I closed the curtains and moved to the couch where I rested my two and a half months old belly. I rubbed my little bump and smiled down at it, at least I know the outcome of all my troubles will be two amazing things. It wasn't as but as I thought I would be on my twelfth week. "Sir, Mr. Quinn will be here soon. Do you have any requests for dinner tonight?" The housekeep And cool asked. She comes here three times a week because she 'needs to help me' as Nicholas put it. I didn't complain because at least I want home alone while Nicholas was away at work.

"I really want some pizza with jalapeño peppers and pickles. Do you think you can make that?" I asked as I grabbed the TV remote from the coffee table. She nodded before talking away. I skipped past the news channel because they'll most likely bring up Nicholas Quinn's story and how I seduced him and now he has no other choice but to stay with me because of the kids. Yes, the story has devolved into another one.

I frowned and looked at the cartoon channels, the shows are crap, why can't we go back to the early 90s or the 2000s. Those were the shows that were the best, the new ones aren't that interesting or that innocent, well the old ones weren't innocent either but they were better than the shows after 2010.

I looked at the clock and then it hit me. Why hasn't Nicholas' family called him? Or did they already have this discussion without my knowledge? Oh my god, what would happen if his family disowns him and kicks him out and takes away his company? Holy crap, it'll be all my fault, and then Nicholas would eventually blame me and then I'd have to run away and keep the babies to myself. They won't know who their other father is, and I didn't want that. That's just sad and I am really hungry.

I picked up my phone and quickly texted Nicholas because I didn't know what he wanted for dinner and I told him to pick up the Neapolitan ice cream. They were my favorite, except the vanilla. He quickly replied with 'okay' and 'See you at home.', yeah, he put the kissing emoji in it. I replied with 'Peace ✌🏽' and put away my phone to focus on the show and not think about anything because I knew it was going to be negative thoughts. Which was not good for me or the babies.

My mood swings and hormones are kicking in.


It was almost eight and I was starving. I walked to the kitchen and took out a slice of pizza and put it in the microwave and put it to thirty seconds before walking to the living room. I read somewhere that staying near the microwave–while it's running–is bad, so it's worse when you're pregnant. It does sound like a superstition but it's better to be safe than sorry. Just as I was about to walk to the kitchen the front door opened and Nicholas walked in with a smile. Along with his best friend, Micheal Segal. Micheal was a nice man, he seemed friendly but also seemed a bit off, not that it concerned me, as long as he doesn't harm anyone.

Nicholas walked up to me with a smile and kissed me on the mouth right in front of his friend who just recently found out about us. I kissed him back and pulled away to see Micheal just standing there, uncaringly. It was a bit odd but at least he kind of accepted us. "I have good news." Nicholas smiled at me as he dragged me to the couch.

"Wait," I stood up and quickly got my pizza before I sat back down. "Okay, now you can tell me," I spoke before I bit into my delicious pizza.

"I didn't tell you this but Micheal and I were trying to dig up things on Camila. We found some serious things but I wanted to meet with her and give her a little warning before releasing it." Nicholas took out a folder and put it in front of me.

"I had set up a meeting with her." Micheal went on as he sat across from us. "She was reluctant but he eventually said yes."

"Okay, I want to be there when you speak to her." I looked at Nicholas and he looked at me, worried.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Since the pressing is going to follow us everywhere. And I don't want to risk your safety." I glared at him and saw him avert his eyes.

"Nicholas Quinn, if you think I am going to sit in this house all day you have got some balls. Also, find a more secure location so it's safer." I got up and walked away before he could argue. "I will go to your meeting, with or without you."

"Damn, your boyfriend is stubborn." I heard Micheal laughing as I smiled at that because Nicholas didn't respond, which meant that I won.

"Great, so when are we going?" I asked as I walked back to the living room wiping my hand with a paper towel.

"Next week, Tuesday," Micheal answered and Nicholas just glared at him. I smiled at Micheal and walked over to Nicholas and kissed his cheek.

"Food is ready, feel free to eat whenever." I walked away.

"Where are you going?" Nicholas asked and I stopped at turned around.

"To get my beauty rest. I feel like a bloated zombie. Thank you for that." I smiled and walked back to the bed and laid down. I was too lazy to brush my teeth so I just slept like that.

That night, I had a dream about two beautiful babies, Nicholas was holding one while crying and I had the other quieter one. I wanted the dream to come true very soon because I couldn't wait to hold my children and see them.

I couldn't wait to show them to the world.