Chapter 26



It was about five in the evening. We had a meeting with Camila at seven, it was dinner to win a private room where no one could bother us. Elijah was taking his sweet time to get ready while I looked over at the crowd on the outside of our house. Maybe we should relocate, yeah. I'm going to find a is a nice, quiet, and private neighborhood and more there so no one can bother us and I am sure Elijah will be safe. That would be a conversation for later after this meeting. "Are you ready yet?" I asked as I walked into our room to see Elijah sitting there with tears rolling down his face. I quickly rushed over to him and kneeled in front of him. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"My favorite shirt won't fit me!" He cried and brought his hands to his face. "I heard quiet sobs and smiled. "I'm getting fat and everything I had is tight on me. I can't go out like this!"

"Elijah, you look fine and you're not fat, it's just the baby bump." I rubbed the little bump and smiled thinking about our children resting in there. "You can wear some of my clothes and we can go shopping tomorrow."

"Okay, but I am paying for my clothes." He wiped his tears and looked at my hand still on his little bump. "You like the little bump, don't you?"

"Is that even a question?" I answered. "Of course I love it and I love it that you're the one carrying them."

"Thanks," he laughed a little and got up. "I'll go change quickly,"

"I'll get the car ready and remember to take your medicine with you." I walked out of the room and called security to the back of the house, while some stayed behind to protect the front. While I was doing that Elijah came and stood next to me. "You look good."

"Shut up, or we'll be late." He hit my shoulder softly and started walking to the door but before he could exit, I grabbed his arm and softly pulled him to me.

"I'm not going out there without a kiss." I pouted as Elijah shook his head, he leaned up and touched my lips with his before pulling away. "That was not a kiss, this is." I grabbed his face and put my lips on his, I ran my tongue on his bottom lips and Elijah reluctantly opened. The moment he did, I shoved my tongue to meet his, and let's just say we got lost in the moment. When I pulled back, we were both breathing heavily. "Okay, now we can get going."

"I hate you," I heard him murmur but chuckled because I knew he didn't hate me.

"No, you don't." I walked out the back door and that led Wright to the car. We quietly got in and drove towards the meeting location. I was sure Micheal and Camila were already there, I just hope they haven't killed each other it fucked yet.

That would be totally disgusting.


There were men waiting outside, like I instructed, to lead us to our private room in the restaurant. "Welcome to Freddie's, your room is right this way sirs." The waiter led us to the back of the restaurant and then unlocked the door with his keys, my security guards were close by, just in case, and Elijah stood behind as I walked through the door first.

"Thank you," Elijah spoke to the waiter before walking in and standing beside me. "Let's get this over with so I could go home and rest."

"Yeah, I want to cuddle with you too," I smiled as we walked in and saw two forgives, one man and one woman, sitting on opposite sides. There were four chairs empty on the long table and a waiter stood nearby. We walked towards the table, I pulled a chair on the opposite side of Camila and motioned Elijah to sit down. Then I sat down in between Elijah and Micheal.

"This file has something you don't want others to know, so you better start talking." Micheal slid the file towards her and when he opened it she gasped and looked at us with horror in her eyes.

"You wouldn't." She whispered and I smirked.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked crossing my arms. Camila looked down, a bit ashamed. "Good, now let's get to talking. Were you the one who sold the story?"

"No," I heard her whisper. "It was the man that I was seeing, we had a little fight and then he saw the ultrasound picture with my notes on it and seemed like he was just there to dig up something to ruin people. I am so sorry, I should've known better."

"Well you better find him and we will sue him for sharing and stealing something that he shouldn't have," Elijah spoke up as he ate a piece of cake, which I didn't notice he got. I smiled at him and looked at me, "what? I am hungry." I shook my head and he went back to eating.

"I don't think that would be a good idea. The suing part. It would make Nicholas look bad in public, and he needs them to like him. We need another way." Micheal went on. "How many months are you Elijah?"

"About to be four months soon," Elijah answered.

"By five months people should be able to see the bump since you're carrying twins, so we just wait for it would for a bit and then announce it to the public," Micheal suggested.

"But wouldn't that put him in the spotlight?" Camila asked suddenly.

"He's already in the spotlight." I gritted my teeth and glared at her, making her flinch a bit. "You're right Micheal, we should announce it to the public but we have to tell my family first, even though they probably know."

"Okay, then it's settled. Two weeks from now, or when you're five months along, you can announce it to the world." Micheal then called a waiter and told him to bring a menu. "I am starving, anyway one want anything?"

"No thanks, I have to get going." Camila stood up and looked at me and then Elijah. "I am truly sorry for this, but I'll do anything to fix it."

"I know you will," I smiled. "Thank you."

"Bye." She waves a little before leaving.

"She wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be," Elijah mumbled after he ordered his food. "She seemed like a total bitch but I guess she's not all that bad."

"Okay," I laughed as I looked through the menu. "Now I want to go home so we can rest and prepare."

"Yeah, but let me finish this sandwich." Elijah smiled, not at me but at the sandwich.

"You lovebirds need to stop, you're making me jealous." Micheal groaned.

"You'll find someone as soon as you stop sleeping around with people." I winked and Micheal rolled his eyes. Then he saw the waitress bring something and I knew what he was going to tonight by the look in his eyes and she smiled back, it kind of disappointed me. About thirty minutes later I insisted that I pay for the dinner but Micheal wanted and I didn't have time to argue because a frantic manager walked up to me.

"T-there are people in the front and the back," he informed me and I thanked him for it, then sickly I called the head of security, Diklyn. He said that he would be waiting in the back where our car was parked and that his men were ready to escort us home.

"Well, I'll go out the front to distract a little. Get home, safe guys." He patted my shoulder and smiled at Elijah before walking out.

When I turned to Elijah, he looked nervous and held on the little bump. "Ever hung will be fine. I won't let them get to you, I promise." I hugged him and pulled him close as we walked towards the back exit.

We both took deep breaths before walking out.


We saw flashes and heard people shouting out names. I didn't know how they got his name because we didn't read it in the newspaper. The bodyguards quickly made their way to us and blocked the paparazzi with their bodies. Some of them tried to push their way towards us. I think I saw police officers trying to get the crowd to leave, but it was to no avail. 

There were shouting and I couldn't hear anything but I felt Elijah shivering, I knew he was scared, or cold but we were almost to the car. I held on to high a bit tighter when I felt one of the guards bump into me because someone pushed him. I tried to block them forming doing Elijah even though I knew they couldn't but you can never be sure.

Suddenly I heard a male reporter really close by because I heard his voice clearly. "Mr. Quinn,  it is true that you got this man pregnant!?" He yelled over the others.

I turned to my left and saw the man peaking through the gap. "No comment," I said and we sped up out walking.

Out of nowhere, I felt a large shove coming from my left. The same man was still following but this time his face looked angry. He saw him raising his hands to try again. "Stop that!" One of the guards commanded but he didn't and immediately tackled and held down on the floor.

"We are almost to the car, sir." Another guard spoke. I nodded and looked ahead.

"N-Nick. I don't feel good." Elijah spoke as he looked down at the bump.

I stopped and looked at him worried. "What's wrong?" I looked up at him. His eyes were filled with tears and it seemed that they would spill anything now.

"It hurts." He sobbed and I panicked. Suddenly he was pushed and slipped out of hand to fall on the floor. I immediately knelt down.

"Elijah!" I yelled as I held his limp body. His breaths were shallow and it seemed like he was having a hard time breathing. I picked him and quickly got inside the car. "Get is to a hospital, now!" I yelled at the driver and quickly pulled out of the parking lot and sped towards the main road where a hospital was.

I quickly ran in and yelled at the receptionist to call a doctor and she fumbled with the landline and then less than three minutes later two nurses and a doctor came. "He's pregnant and said his stomach was hurting and then he fell." I quickly explained as I put Elijah on the stretcher.

"We'll talk about this later sir, for now, we need to make sure he and the baby are okay." The doctor said and I nodded before following them to the ICU. "You can't come in, please wait out here."

With that, they closed the door in front of me, and for the first time in a long while, I started sobbing because I was really scared. I didn't want to lose either one of them.