


"How are you feeling?" A nurse asked me as I laid on the bed. The curtain blocking my view from what was going on to my stomach.

"Good, a little numb and tired," I mumbled. I was pretty high at the moment because of all the drugs. "When will this be over?"

"Soon love, we are so close to taking out your first baby. But don't focus on that, do have names for them?" She asked as she glanced back at me and then over the curtains to my stomach.

"Maybe," I answered as I turned to my side to see more nurses and doctors. "I just want to see them for now."

"And you will." She smiled. "Oh, here comes the first one."

Then suddenly there was mumbling and a loud infant cry. The cry made me want to get up and soothe my child. It was my baby that was crying, which made my eyes tear up even more. I couldn't feel my body but I felt another tug and then another cry was added. "We are just going to stitch you up." I heard someone say but I didn't pay attention to them, I wanted to see my babies.

"Can I hold them?" I asked the nurse that was still on my right.

"We'll put them on your chest and once you're outta here you can surely hold them. They are yours after all." She smiled as she took one of the bundles and put the babies' head on my chest. "This is the second born." Then she switched the babies. "And this is the firstborn. They are being taken to your room where you'll be staying."

"Hmm." I hummed.

I don't really remember much from then on because the next thing I knew was that I was in a hospital room with needles connected to me and a heartbeat monitor. I didn't think I need that but whatever, I think I passed out after a while and they got scared. "El?" I heard a soft whisperer.

"Shh, I'm tired," I mumbled as I turned away from the person. Then suddenly I heard a loud cry which startled me away.

"Calm down, it's your child that's crying." I heard Kyle's cheerful voice. "They are beautiful by the way."

"Melvin?" I asked, and since he knew me well enough he understood.

"He and Nicholas are with the doctor along with Tessa. Since she is a mother. And I think your parents are here." Kyle answered. "Before you ask us fewer questions, you've been sleeping for days–well thirteen hours–and while you were out Nicholas called us along with your dad."

"He did a good job then?" I asked with a small smirk.

Kyle opened his mouth to answer just when Nicholas and Melvin stepped into the room. When Nicholas saw me looking at him he quickly rushed over and kissed me. He cupped my face as he kissed me hard and long, I moaned and kissed him back as I put my hand over his. "I am so glad you're awake." He whispered as he rested his head on mine. "I was so scared when more doctors and nurses rushed in after the girls were taken to the room. They wouldn't even look at me." He whispered softly that made me wasn't to cry and apologize for worrying him.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Nicholas just stayed there until Melvin cleared his throat. "You said, girls?"

"Yes, we have twin baby girls." Nicholas smiled as he stood up straight.

"Where are they?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"The doctors took them for a checkup. Your parents and Ella are with them. They should be back any minute now." Nicholas answered as he sat next to me.

Just then, the door opened and my father pushed in a cart and behind it was another. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I hear Melvin mumble and Kyle smacked him.

"Eli! You're awake." My father smiled as he pulled the car right next to my bed, on my left side since Nicholas was sitting on the right. The nurse followed and put it next to the other. "They are healthy, by the way."

"That's good to hear." I heard Nicholas sigh. "Do you want to hold them?"

"Ah, before that, we need to check him." The nurse said with a smile. "I'll be right back with the doctor."

She left and then the doctor and she came back. He did a quick check-up on me and said that my health was fine, and I should keep the IV drip until it finishes. Then they left and the nurse helped pick up the baby and put it in Nicholas' arms, as he was sitting down because he was afraid he was going to drop her. Then she put the other baby in mine. "Picture time." I heard Kyle, Ella, and my father speak at the same time.

They took my picture and held the babies one by one with them. "What are we going to name them?"

"Which one is the first?" I asked. I couldn't see because my father and Kyle were holding the babies.

"This one," Kyle said.

"Then her name is Vivian Ramessah Quinn, and number two will be Valarie Rae-Lyn Quinn." The names just flowed out of my mouth and Nicholas quickly wrote it down on their birth certificates.

When he was done he came over and kissed me. "Thank you for giving them my last name." He whispered in my ear so no one would hear.

"It's fine since I'll be a Quinn too someday." I smiled and his eyes lit up.

"What?" Kyle spoke up. "And you didn't tell me you guys were engaged? I feel so disrespected right now."

Melvin patted his back as he sat back down. "Sorry," I mumbled as Nicholas laughed. "I didn't tell my father either."

"But I already knew since Nicholas came to ask permission to marry you before the proposal," Dad answered.

Kyle pouted even more. Then the door opened and Nicholas' family walked in with presents for me and the babies. His mother came to me and hugged me and then Nicholas congratulating us. Then she walked over to Kyle and asked if she could hold the baby and Kyle carefully passed it to her. Tessa came with two big teddy bears and put them on the couch near the wall. Then she went towards my father and cooed over Valarie.

Nicholas and I sat back watching out family mingle and fuss over the babies. Even my mother was there with a faint smile, well at least she cares for the babies, so it was a start. "I love you," I turned to Nicholas and smiled.

"I love you too, the babies too." Nicholas smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder. "Thank you. You know, I had a weird dream about a man talking to me. Saying that we'll meet soon. And then I met you."

"No way." I gasped as I stared down at him.

"Yeah, and then we met at the club and you acting all horny, saying that you couldn't sleep with a hot man. That was very cute." He chuckled.

"Please don't remind me of that. The next time we met, after that, I was so ashamed that I wanted to run away." I blushed as I saw Nicolas smiling up at me.

"But I am glad you didn't." He whispered and I nodded.

"Yeah, because if I did, we wouldn't have two beautiful girls." I leaned down a little and kissed his lips. "Thank you for accepting me."

"Thank you for giving us a chance." He said back and I knew if I said something he would say something else back.

That day was perfect.


One year and six months later.....

"Congrats on your third child," Kyle mumbled as he held our newest addition.

"Thank," I smiled as I looked down at my son, Vincent Reuben Quinn.

"You guys are quick to go at it, huh?" Kyle mumbled as he rocked him.

"What can I say? We are like bunnies in heat." I joked and I looked at the door. Nicholas was with the girls, who were supposed to come over soon, along with everyone else.

The reason Kyle was here with me was that he and I were out having lunch when I went into labor. I didn't even know but Kyle noticed and quickly drove me to the hospital where they told me that the baby was ready to come out. Kyle called Nicholas and told him about it. "Well, Melvin has still yet to propose to me, but we go at it too. But I can't get pregnant." He mumbled the last part sadly.

"You can get a surrogate when the time comes,"  I suggested as he passed Vincent back to me.

"Yeah, if he wants a child. He says that he doesn't feel like he can father a child because of how messed up his life was. We went back and forth about it and now I am not talking to him until he apologizes about some shi—things he said." He stopped himself from cussing.

"You guys will get through and maybe in a couple of years, you're going to be a parent too, along with Melvin." I encouraged.

"Yeah, hopefully, because I don't want to do this without him." He whispered with a shaking voice. "Anyway, this is a happy day so no need to get sad. We should celebrate."

Just then, Nicholas walked in with the girls in his arms and my hospital bag. "Oh my god," I heard him whisper as he put the girls down, they could walk and babble, then walked over to me. He kissed me and then looked at Vincent. "He's very handsome." He touched the baby's cheeks.

"He gets it from you." I smiled.

"And you." He looked up at me. I could see the love shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Quinn."

"You're welcome, Mr. Quinn." I chuckled as I looked down at my two princesses.

"Baba?" Vivian asked as he tried to get on the bed. Valarie was with Kyle and sat on his lap, babbling away.

Nicholas picked Vivian up and the day her next to me. "Look, Love, this is your next baby brother." Nicholas held onto her hand just in case she decided to smack him.

Vivian stared at the baby and then looked up at me and then Nicholas. She then looked down and went really close to his face and kissed his nose. "Awww, isn't that adorable." I heard Ella walked in. She was fourteen, going to be fifteen soon.

"You made it. Where are mom and dad?" I asked with a smiled as she walked up to me.

"Lobby, getting something. Met your parents on the way here." She looked at Nicholas. "Now, let me see my nephew."

She was getting a bit demanding. "Valarie has to see him too," Kyle answered and stood up with Valarie in his arms. "Look, that's your baby brother." Then Valarie started wailing. "Well, looks like she didn't appreciate that. Imma just takes her outside so she just disturbs him." Kyle walked out with a crying Valarie to calm her down.

Then my family and Nicholas' family arrived. They each took turns holding Vincent and asked about his name. He was going to have the initials as his sisters, which I thought was cute. Nicholas smiled as he showed off Vincent to everyone. Then he came back to me as his mother held the baby. "I can't believe we have another addition to our family." He sat down next to me and said.

"Yeah, but I feel like this family has only just begun," I mumbled with a blush.

"Of course. There's more to come." He smiled and I smacked his arm.

"But not for awhile, I need my rest," I sighed.

"Okay." He smiled.

That was another of our perfect days.