Chapter 30


15 weeks later...


"Why are you nervous?" Callan asked as he stood next to me. "It's not like you're going to propose."

He laughed as he patted my shoulder and walked to the door. "Come on, or we'll be late to meet Tessa's new boyfriend."

"You just want to mess with him and that's the only reason you're going." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door to the car.

"Eh, maybe, maybe not. We'll see." Clan winked as he got in the passenger seat. "Do you think it was a good idea to leave your boyfriend with our parents?"

"No, but they insisted to get to know him–Mom did. Dad was forced to go along since Mom, and I quote, "will have him by his balls." I answered as I closed the door and buckled in. "I am yet afraid that he's going into labor any day now."

"Then you should be worried because I heard that you're not supposed to pressure people going into labor, or are close to their due date." Callan was teasing me but I knew there was some truth behind it. "He's supposed to be at rest."

"What am I supposed to do when he insisted that he go. This stupid party wasn't important but he wanted to go and threatened to cut off my balls if I said anything." I wanted to cry, but I didn't. Yes, a grown man like me wanted to cry, but I can't be blamed. Elijah makes so frustrated sometimes.

"Well, now we know who wears the pants," Callan commented as we entered the driveway to my parents' other house in Seattle. This house was more modern and built just like my mother wanted to. It was her dream house.

We both got out of the car and I handed the keys to the chauffeur. I thanked him as I walked inside and was tackled by my cousins, from both sides of my family. "Why didn't you tell us before? I could've gotten gifts!" My youngest cousin, Claire, who was a lot nineteen yelled at me as I walked in the doorway. "I feel left out!" She smacked my arm.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Uncle Henry and Aunt Nina brought like shit Tom of stuff for the babies and your boyfriend. He was quite embarrassed about it." Claire answered.

"I'll go see him now." I quickly walked away from them because I didn't feel like discussing anything with them, not when my lover was in distress. I made my way to the backyard where I saw my parents and some of the family that I knew, and some I didn't. It was a family get together and Elijah was very near his due date. He was eight months and a week pregnant. The babies could come any second and that scared me to death.

The doctor already told us how the procedure was going to be like and I felt confident that both the babies and Elijah would be safe. "Nick!" I heard my mother yell. I looked at her for a few seconds before walking towards them. Elijah sat on the side and I took a seat in the vacant seat next to him. "You just missed Elijah's story, it was quite funny." My mother smiled as she looked at my father who just nodded. Well, I was happy that they were getting along because Elijah thought that they didn't like him. I told him it wasn't the case, they just needed to get to know him.

"Mom, I know most of the stories. But I didn't know is that you took him shopping." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What? I wanted to buy something for my grandchildren." She rolled her eyes.

"I appreciate that but Elijah is due soon and I don't want home walking around since he's close to his due date," I firmly said.

"Nick, it's fine. I am fine don't ruin the mood, please." Elijah put his hand over mine and intertwined our fingers. "Now, can you please get me something to eat?"

I sighed and squeezed his hand back. "Okay, what do you want to eat?" I got up and stood in front of him.

"Cheese pasta and mashed potatoes, with water. Thank you." He smiled at me as I shook my head with a smile. For some reason, Elijah had been craving cheese pasta for about two months.

"You're making a servant out my son." My dad mumbled.

I stopped and turned around to see Elijah blushing and my dad looking at me. "You did the same but the only difference is that I want to actually do it for him." I retorted before walking to the buffet table and grappling a plate and the food Elijah wanted. I got extra because I was hungry too.

I sat down next to Elijah and handed him the plate. He quietly began to eat and it was just awkward. "Are you guys staying for dinner?" Mother asked and I shook my head.

"We have something planned," I answered with a tight smile.

Elijah turned to look at me questioningly. I guess he didn't have to know about our plan, it was a surprise after all. "Okay, just wanted to know so I can ask the workers to make the room for you guys." My mother smiled as she got. "Now, I have to go and brag about my grandchildren to the others. See me before you leave." She looked at me, I nodded because I knew what she was talking about.

"What was that about?" Elijah asked once my parents were gone.

I looked at him smiled. "It's nothing. Probably just wants me there to ask about something." Elijah just rolled his eyes because he knew I wasn't going to tell him.

The party went one and some people came up to us to talk about something. They got to know Elijah a seemed to relax a bit more around the people. It has been a while since he has been outside of our home. He was scared that the people would judge him and they did, but not as harshly, thanks to Ms. Smith. Soon the party came to an end and the guests began to leave, that was my cue to leave with Elijah. I quickly went to see my Mom and got what I needed. "Are you going to tell me where we are going?" Elijah asked he buckled in.

"Nope, it's a surprise." I smiled and focused on driving safely because I had a pregnant man with me and I would like to make sure he was alright. "It's not fair, you'll see it soon."

"Urgh! I hate it when you do that." He groaned and turned to face the outside. "This is far from our house."

"I know, we'll be there soon and we're not going home today." I smiled and stopped at the red light.

"Did you buy another house?" He asked with a serious face.

"No," I laughed. "It's nothing like that."

Soon, we arrived at the destination and parked my car at the entrance. I walked around the car and helped Elijah out the car. He didn't say anything as I handed my car keys to the chauffeur and walked inside the hotel. We took the elevator to the roof, the sky was purple and blue. It was beatific and there was a lounging chair. "This is all for me?" Elijah asked as he looked around.

"Of course." I led him to a table and awaited came. "Order whatever you want."

"You know I will," Elijah gave me a toothy smile. The evening was going as I planned.


We ate quietly, only taking about minimal things. When the desserts came Elijah looked at it like he was in love with it. I would've been jealous of the cake but I didn't want to digest. "I have something else, just wait," I mumbled and saw him nodding, which meant they he wasn't listening. Elijah was so cute sometimes.

"What more could have?" He looked at me through his eyelashes.

"You have no idea." I laughed nervously as I gripped the box in my pocket. I slowly took it out and slowly moved out of the seat as I held Elijah's eyes. I slowly knelt down on one knee.

"No," I heard him whisper and I gave a small nervous smile.

"I was planning on doing this after you gave birth but I can't wait, I don't want to wait." I took a deep breath when I saw his eyes get hazy. "You know I found you interesting the moment we bumped into each other and since I was having a bad day, I took it out on you. Then I found out my ex-girlfriend cheated and I was at all times low." A romantic slow song came on. "Then I met you again and I didn't want to let you go, I was so scared but you took that dear away from me, and you didn't even know it. I became someone who couldn't be without for a second. I didn't care what people thought of me, but I didn't want to bring the media's attention to you. But I didn't want to lose you so when I asked you out and you said yes, I was ecstatic. When we first kissed it was like the world stopped and you were the only one that I saw. What I am trying to say is, Elijah, you are my everything and I never thought I would be happy as I am today. You gave me a family, and I am going to be a father soon and I just love you for the way you are."

"I love you too," he whispered as he stood up and walked up to.

"So Elijah I am asking," I opened the box before asking. "Will you marry me?"

Elijah stood there, still and that scared me because it looked like he was going to turn me down and run away. Suddenly he closed and tried to pull me up, when he couldn't I smiled a little and stood up. "There is no way, I could say no. Of course, I'll marry you. You stupid bitch!" He cried as he hugged me. "I thought you were going to break up with me with all the things you were giving me. I thought it was to let me down easy." He moved back to see my face.

"I could never," I whispered as I took the ring and put it on his left ring finger. Then I leaned in to kiss his soft full lips. "You're going to become Mr. Quinn soon."

"I wouldn't mind." Elijah smiled as he looked at the ring. Then his face twisted like he was in pain or hated the ring.

"If you don't like it, we can buy another one." I offered nervously.

"No, I love it." He put his hands in his stomach. "But I think the babies are ready to come."

I stood there shocked until Elijah grabbed me. I quickly drove to the hospital and Elijah called Kyle and Melvin, along with his parents to come to the hospital. They quickly rushed there and he was taken into the emergency room while I had to wait outside. I could've gone in but I was too scared and would probably yell at the doctors.

Now I had to wait for my fiancé and babies to come out that door.