Chapter 29



Ella looked at the sonogram and smiled widely. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" She yelled and went to hug me. "Thank you!" She yelled once she pulled back and I laughed.

"You're welcome." I smiled and rubbed my bump. I was almost six months pregnant but since I was carrying twins, the doctor made sure to make an appointment every two months and when I'll be closed to my due date, which was December 7th, but I felt like they were going to come earlier than that. "How about you go get Nicholas from the backyard. I think he's talking to the neighbors."

"Okay," Ella got up and made her way to the veranda and walking out the sliding glass door. "Nick!" I heard her yell.

I relaxed on the couch as I put my foot on the stool. Recently, I've been having backache and feet pain. My feet also sweeps up whenever I stand for too long. I guess being close to six months is having it affect my body. I took a deep breath and looked down at my belly, by tomorrow everyone would know that I was pregnant with Nicholas Quinn's babies. Of course, my personal information would be kept a secret, as the interviewer promised but I can't really trust the viewers. It was 2018, anything could happen on the internet and if you're a good hacker, you can get any information you need. I was expecting the worst.

Soon, Nicholas walked in and kissed my temple before walking to the bathroom to clean up. I'd been advised to stay away from infected people, and by that, I am pretty he meant the people who had cold or other sicknesses. I didn't want to catch anything or it would affect my babies' development badly. Nicholas seemed to have taken that to the heart and would always take a shower or wash his hands before touching me, of course, he did it before too but it just got intense ever since the last doctor visit.

Anyway, it was only two hours and then the interviewer would come in and take a recording of our conversation and then write an article based on it. I thought it would be easier for me since I didn't have to go out and show people my stomach. Not since that happened not too long ago, I am still traumatized about it, I get very anxious when I am in a crowd. "What do you want to eat?" Nicholas asked once he walked back into the room. Soon Ella walked in.

"Let's order, I am in the mood for Chinese. Ella?" I asked looking at her as she sat next to me.

"I am some sushi!" She yelled and then looked at Nicholas.

"Fine, I'll go order." Nicholas rolled his eyes and went to get the home phone to order. A few minutes later Nicholas came back and sat next to.  "I forgot to tell you that Kyle and Melvin will be coming over for dinner tonight."

"Wait, we don't have any dinner prepared," I mumbled as I cuddled into him.

"Don't worry, I've already taken care of that. If you want you can make something for the dessert." Nicholas knew how much I loved to make dessert and told I was the best, so I was glad that he left me to do something other than sitting around.

"Thanks," I smiled as he kissed his cheek and heard Ella making a gagging noise. I rolled my eyes at her. "When is the interviewer coming?"

"In about two hours, we have time." Nicholas relaxed back into the couch but he had to get up to get the food and pay the deliveryman.  We ate and watched an animated movie, until the lady who was supposed to interview us came.


"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Quinn Ana Mr. Kings. I am Terry Smith from Golden and it's an honor to interview you both personally." She smiled and reached out her hand for a handshake, Nicholas shook her hand and when I went to, Nicholas pulled her away to the living room where the interview was going to take place. Ella was in another room watching TV or something. My dad was supposed to pick her up, but she wanted to stay so I told him it was okay.

Anyway, we sat on the love seat and she sat on the opposite side in a chair. "Let's get started shall we?" Nicholas smiled at her.

"Okay, I'll just start the recording and get the questions. If there is anything that I shouldn't include in the papers, please feel free to let me know." She smiled and placed a recorder on the coffee table and then took out a folder from her purse. "Okay, first question, how did you meet?"

"Before we start, I would like it if it was centered around me and not Elijah, also it would be great if his full name wasn't publicly announced or any information about him," Nicholas spoke and the woman nodded. "I met Elijah first when he came in for an interview at my friend's restaurant. We didn't get along right away, I think he hated me for a while."

She quickly wrote it down before asking Nicholas some other questions, then she looked at me. "When did you, Mr. Kings, find out you were pregnant? Did you know that you got conceive?" She looked like she was planning something but I didn't let her frighten me.

"Less than six months ago, I was feeling light-headed and then I almost fainted. My roommate took me to the hospital where they found out about my...condition. I didn't know about it but when I went to a specialist they said it wasn't uncommon these past decades." I answered confidently.

"Okay, so you guys didn't know." She wrote something down again. "What does both of your families think about this?"

"My family is fine with it as far as I could tell," I mumbled the answer. It wasn't the complete truth but I didn't need to talk to her every detail.

"My family is fine with it," Nicholas answered.

The questioning went on and on and when it was finally the end of it, Terry stood up and went to shake her hands with Nicholas. "The article will be put in about two weeks, please look forward to it." She said and came to shake my hand -and this time I did shake her hand. Nicholas went to escort her out the door and to her car while I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for my daily nap.

As I laid down I looked at my nightstand. I knew after I had these babies, I wanted to finish my education and get a job without Nicholas' help because I didn't want to use him. I mean, I wouldn't but it would feel like I did. Anyway, I didn't know which company I wanted to join but I had few in minds and none of them were Nicholas', I hope.  As I thought about these things when I felt arms wrapping around me. I smiled and turned to face my boyfriend.

I kissed his nose and smiled. "You did good," he whispered.

"I thought I did great," I joked and Nicholas barked a laugh before burying his face in my neck.

"You are amazing." He whispered as he kissed the spot between my neck and shoulder which almost made me moan loudly but I held it back.

"You know, if you aren't going to continue, don't start it." I pushed his head away and stared into his light blue eyes, with gold flakes in them, which really made me wished my babies had his eyes.

"Who said I wouldn't?" He smirked, making me blush and look down.

He brought my face up and kissed my lips, of course, I kissed him back. "Wait, Ella is in the other room. She could walk in any minute and I don't want to scare her." I smiled when I heard Nicholas groan and roll away.

"Yeah but when she's not here I'll get what I want." He winked before walking to the door. "I'll be in my office, rest up, okay?"

"Hmm, night," I mumbled as I turned to my left side since it was the most comfortable spot.

"It's not even night." I heard him mumble but I didn't mind as I fell asleep, I felt like some sort of burden had been lifted that day because if the interview. I felt more relaxed now that I knew that the world would know my whole story and not just the bad rumors. I know I should worry more but I didn't, at least not as much.

It felt peaceful.