Chapter 28



I loved my mother. My mother was amazing, kind, and understanding. She knew what to do and what not to do. She was patient and whenever my siblings and I made mistakes, she would tell us to redo it and catch our own mistakes. It made learning so much easier and it made me correct myself before someone else can. My family has always been in the public eyes. My great grandfather built a small store in which my grandfather turned it into a company and my father into a bigger business. They were hardworking men, and I am not saying that my great grandmother, grandmother, and my mom wasn't. No, they were there to support their spouse and be a shoulder that they could lean on. Which was a big deal, and it took a lot of courage to hold up the responsibility.

Anyway, it was my turn to do something for my family. I wanted to expand our business overseas so I could be something worth telling in our family's legacy. It was a very difficult job but I was just getting started and I had Elijah by my side, but I didn't know for how long. Sometimes I felt like he only stayed with me was because he was pregnant with my kids, but what would happen after he gave birth to them? Would he leave? Would he take the kids away from me? I didn't want to think like that but my mind couldn't help but think of all the negatives that could come our way. It was unpredictable—Elijah was unpredictable, which scared me to death.

I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay in my life. "What are you thinking about?" Elijah groaned from beside me. A week ago, he was discharged from the hospital, and ever since then, I moved us into our new house. I didn't think it was a safe form to go back to our old one since everyone knew where it was. I called it a house but Elijah kept on arguing that it was a mansion, and since he won't the argument (because I let him) I have to call it a mansion.

"Nothing. Just thinking of what's going happen tomorrow." I whispered back as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Hmm," Elijah nuzzled in my neck and sighed. "You worry too much."

But I have to worry, that my job. I have to make sure you and our babies are well taken care of. I wanted to say but I didn't want to wake him up and have another argument. I had been warned that I shouldn't argue with anyone who's pregnant or I'd be in serious trouble, I learned it from Tessa. "I am sorry." I ran my fingers through his hair. "You should rest up, we have a big day tomorrow," I whispered and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, you should rest too," Elijah mumbled but I didn't respond. A few minutes later, I heard soft snores coming out of his mouth. I smiled as I laid there, I guess I'll have to see what was going to happen tomorrow.


The next morning we had to hassle to get out and drive to my parent's house where my whole family, including my grandparents, first aunts, and uncles were waiting. Elijah almost had a panic attack and I told him that it was too much, I could go there alone. Which he refused and told him to give him some time to calm down. "Okay, I'm good. Do you have everything you need?" He asked as he tried to put on his shoes, which he couldn't. "Please

Help me."

I chuckled and quickly tired his shoes and looked at him. "You know if this was a date, I wouldn't let you step out like that," I mumbled in his ears.

"Why? Do I look bad?" He looked confused and worried.

"I would say bad." I smiled a little. "Don't worry love, you look editable." I winked and Elijah's face flushed red.

"I hate you!" He smacked my arm before storming away with a red face. It was very cute.

Anyway, we walked out the door and was escorted to the car. Elijah got in first and then I got in. The guards put the bags in the back of the car. Some were gifts and a bag for Elijah and all his vitamins and other necessary things. It was an hour drive to my parents' mansion. Yes, they lived in a mansion, but I didn't want to so I picked a smaller house, I was sure that Elijah will know the meaning of mansion after he sees the house, and it wasn't even the biggest one my family owns. I loved that house, it was where I and siblings all grew up. That mansion has some great memories.

"Nick, what do you think is going to happen?" Elijah asked once we entered through the front gate. The car came to a stop and a guard opened the door. I got out first and helped him get out. "And holy shit this is a house mansion."

"To answer your first question, I don't know. And I know. But it isn't even the biggest we have." I winked as we walked up to the door.

I knocked on the door and immediately it opened and my sister and mom stood there. My mom quickly pulled me into a hug while Tessa hugged Elijah, carefully. I smiled at them and went to hug Tessa as my mom hugged Elijah. "We missed you guys. It's been what, four months?" Tessa smiles as she led us into the hallway where some butlers took out coats and bags form the guards. The nodded and walked away, I guess they knew which room we'd be staying at, or if we'll be staying.

"Elijah, honey. You shouldn't worry too much about the others. I got your back." My mother winked at him, and Elijah gave a small smile. I guess he was wasn't convinced, I wouldn't have been either if I were in his shoes.

"Let's just get this over with so we can all relax," I mumbled as I walked towards Elijah and took his hand in mine. I intertwined out our fingers, making sure he know that he's not in this alone.

We started to walk towards the Ballroom that led to a mini-sized conference room. I took a deep breath and felt Elijah squeeze my hand and my mom gave me a small pat on the back. Tessa opened the door and I saw my family members sitting around the room. There were two long couches and some cushioned chairs. My dad sat right across when I walked through the door, followed by Elijah, my mom, and Tessa.

Mom went over and sat next to my father. I walked over and sat on the couch to their right. Tessa sat next to Callan who was glaring at his phone. My uncle and aunts sat around the room. Once everyone was settled, my dad spoke up. "Welcome everyone,"—I looked around the room, and his eyes landed on me—"today we are here to discuss a serious situation that has Nicholas involved in." Everyone turned to me, even Callan put away his phone and turned to me with a small smile. "Why don't you explain the situation?" He gave a tight smile.

"Well, we wanted to tell you but I knew how you guys would react." I sighed as I leaned forward and put my hands under my chin. "As you all know, it's true that Elijah, a male, is pregnant, yes I know you guys find it weird, but don't judge. And yes, it's mine." I glared at my grandmother, then continued on. "I don't have to explain anything about him but it happened and two weeks ago, we were 'attacked' but the media, thus the reason for relocating."

"Are you sure he isn't here for the money?" My father asked with a serious tone. "It sounds to me like he knew about his condition and came on to you."

"That's not true," Elijah mumbled. Everyone turned to him and I heard something like 'so he speaks," which annoyed me. "I didn't know about and by the time I found out I was already..."

"Don't blame him, dad, it's my fault too." I glared at my father and he got it in return.

"Fine, we'll accept the child. But that doesn't mean you're off the hook." My father gritted his teeth. "You will be supervised and watched for as long as I say so."

"I am a grown man, dad. If you haven't noticed I am almost twenty-seven." I felt hurt, I knew my father doesn't remember. My father looked taken aback but quickly recovered. "Maybe you would have if you weren't so busy with other things."

"Nicholas you know your fa–" My mother began but was cut off.

"Enough with the excuses mom. I am done, and I've grown. I don't need to know and I don't care." I rolled his eyes.

"Boy, that's not the way you should speak to your mother!" My grandfather yelled.

Everyone started bickering with each other. Until, "guys, stop!" Tessa yelled. "Let's be adults and discuss this. This is not your problem to discuss. This is their own thing, dad. Whatever decision Nicholas and Elijah makes will be for them." She sighed as she walked over to me. "Thank you for reeling us in private." She sat down beside me hugged me and then Elijah.

"You're welcome." I smiled a little. I like her, she was nice.

"I am going to my room. I am tired and my head hurts." She mumbled.

"How is Trinity?" I asked once I was finally able to calm down.

"Good, she's with her father right now. Okay, I'm leaving." She got up and walked out the door.

"We'll go rest too, then we're leaving." I stood up and reached out for Elijah. He grabbed my hand and slowly got up. We walked to the door and I held it open for him. "Also, we're having twins."

The shock on their faces almost made me laugh. I closed the door and walked to our room. I felt tired and need to cuddle.

"I think we should tell the media next week," Elijah mumbled as we laid down.

"If you say so," I mumbled in his hair. "I'm tired, now let me sleep."

"You act like you're pregnant." Elijah joked and I heard him snort.

"You're is getting to me," I mumbled but I didn't hear anything back because I was already falling asleep.