The 9 Races

Gray eyed at the sprites meticulously, showing each of the racial choices introduced right in front of him.

The boy took notice of the sprite of human, clad in a silver plate armor wielding a sword and shield.

In an instant, a detailed description of the said race appeared, showing for him to read.

- The most common race in all of Silverhart. Humans throughout the millennia have displayed their incredible versatility amid the land's power struggle, showing incredible mastery in the art of combat, craftsmanship, and magic with remarkable effectiveness. In an era filled with strife and war, humanity wishes to ignite their everlasting glory, leading to a bright future ahead, all for the honor of Silverhart.

(Active) - The Human is known for their indomitable will in combat. Once per 12 hours, they can reduce all stun and disorienting effects by 60% which lasts for the whole duration of single combat.

(Passive)- Persuasion chance is increased by 20%. You also gain an additional attribute point at every 3 levels.

(Passive) - Level up 10% faster with your chosen profession. If the profession is maxed out, it increases its effectiveness by 10% instead.

"A human," Gray uttered, rather impressed by the race's abilities. "Not bad. Their active ability can also help me in a pinch, especially when I'm stunned by the enemy. Furthermore, the skill seems pretty decent, very helpful with all the grinding that I'm going to do. Tempting, but let's see other choices."

Next on the line is a sprite showing a figure of a green-skinned giant. The creature's face is shown to be beastly, having a gigantic muscle mass as his bare chest is revealed. He is also equipped with a fur leggings as he wields a gigantic two-handed axe, evident by his brute strength.

- Brutal warriors and shamans of Wolfhead Valley. The Orcs of Silverhart are renowned for their immense strength and courage, being the valiant defenders of the south. Despite their unwilling alliance with the Humans, the Orc prove themselves as reliable allies, ready to crush any foe who dares stand in their way.

(Active) - Orcs have an innate ability to draw out their latent strength to overwhelm any of their adversaries. Once per 12 hours, they can increase Physical Damage by 25% + (0.1% X Player Level) for 30 seconds.

(Passive) - Intimidation chance is increased by 20%. You also have a 30% chance of activating when your health reaches 25% at no cost once per battle.

(Passive) - Armor rating is increased by 15%.

"I think I'm going to pass on this one." Gray looks a bit disgusted. "Even if they're strong, I don't want to look ugly for the rest of my play-through."

Gray turned to look at the sprite next to the Orc. The figure is shown to be a graceful and familiar character with pointy ears. A figure that Gray knows all too well.

- Famed for their longevity, Elves are beautiful creatures with a thriving civilization in the green forest of Ashnatar. They are gifted, especially in the intricate art of magic. They are also naturally attuned with nature, having live in the forest since the dawn of time.

(Active) - The Elf can invoke the blessings of the Elf God. Once per 12 hours, they can regenerate their Mana by 3% of its maximum per second. They are also in one with their magic, increasing Magic damage by 15% + (0.1% X Player Level). It lasts for 30 seconds.

(Passive) - Increase Disease and Poison Resistance by 60%. Being constantly exposed to magic, Magic resistance is also increased by 15%.

(Passive) - All Enchantments' effectiveness is increased by 15%.

"An Elf is definitely for a magic game play," Gray commented. "But the seem useless to me since there are many ways in curing diseases. The additional poison and magic resistance is a nice touch though. Anyways, onto the next race."

The next sprite features a short muscular man with a beard.

- Short Bulky Warriors of the Underground city of Underforge. Dwarves are known for their excellent prowess in combat, being one of the physically stronger and hardier race. Their skill in Blacksmithing is of no equal, having crafted the finest weapons and armors every graced in this land. Having proven their hardiness for the past ages, Dwarves are indeed a trustworthy asset in the face of crisis.

(Active) - Dwarves have the capability of withstanding even the toughest of blows. Once per 12 hours, they can increase their Physical and Magic Resistance even further by 25%. It lasts for 30 seconds.

(Passive) - Physical and Magic Resistance is increased by 10%.

(Passive) – Every armor and weapons created from smithing has its effectiveness increased by 20%.

"Nice." Gray is definitely impressed by the strong racial abilities of the Dwarf. "I'm certainly leaning on this one, but being short is kind of a turn-off. Nevertheless, this is very exciting!!"

Gray shifted his head, now looking at the sprite of a humanoid cat equipped with leather armor and two daggers on each hand.

- Not much is exactly known of the feline race of the Sakarata Desert. They are known for their unnatural agility, most of them ending up being thieves, or assassins. Because of this, many races are mistrustful of them, but one can't deny how efficient they truly are in completing any task at hand.

(Active) – Cat-folks are known as the most agile of the mortal races as they can avoid even the most lethal of attacks. Once per 12 hours, they can increase their Attack and Movement Speed by 20% while evading attacks with ease. It lasts for 35 seconds.

(Passive) – Allows detection of nearby friends and enemies by either smell or hearing. Once detected, they can take advantage of the enemy's weak points, dealing 25% more critical damage.

(Passive) – Sneaking is 30% more effective. While sneaking, your movement is silent. It also allows running on fours, increasing movement speed by 20% while sprinting.

"Cat-folk," Gray said while he shook his head with a sheepish smile. "Boss also wants to push this race into development but worries that he might be sued for copyright by a certain company hahaha. To think that the actual world decided to just go with it."

Dismissing the Cat-folk, there are still 4 more races to check out, like the lizard humanoid sprite beside it.

- The proud people of Geckonia, the Lizardlings are also one of the two beast races alongside the Cat-folk. Like their cat counterparts, they are also infamous as shadow figures of Silverhart, but some are actually honorable, shown to be capable of being mighty warriors of their own right as they were able to defend their homeland from the past Demonic invasion.

(Active) - The Lizardlings are fearsome as they have the inborn ability to spit venomous acid from their mouth, corroding one's physical and magic defense as well as dealing poison damage over time. Once per 12 hours, they may spit out acid, reducing an enemy's physical and magic resistance by 25% while dealing 10 + (2 times of player level) poison damage per second. Lasts 30 seconds.

(Passive) – Regenerates an additional 1% of your max health per second as long as you are not in combat. Triples the effect while underwater.

(Passive) – While Underwater, Allows breathing. Movement and attack speed also increases by 7%.

"Wicked," Gray said. "As long as they are underwater, they are a force to be reckoned with. Of course, the is a welcome addition to the book."

As he looks more for the sprites, Gray notices that they are all colored in black, confused as to why the figures are not revealing themselves like the other 6.

"If you are wondering about the rest of the 3," Sylvia said as she proceeded to clarify him. "They are locked for a reason. Unlike the other 6, these 3 are what I classify to be a sub-race. Meaning you can stack it with one of the 6 races that you will be choosing. You also must have the right to earn such powerful racial bonuses.

"Fascinating." Gray nodded. "Boss never mentions this feature. Perhaps it is going to be added later. Anyways, how am I going to acquire them?"

"That's for you to find out." Sylvia wiggled her finger playfully much to the boy's disappointment. "It would be unfair if I keep spoon-feeding you now do I?"

"Fair point." Gray shrug at her statement. "Damn this is hard. I'm heavily leaning on the but the and perhaps even the is very tempting due to their interesting racial abilities."

"Remember mortal." Sylvia reminded him. "Your starting race is permanent. So choose wisely."

After some serious thinking, Gray finally made his decision, hoping that he won't regret it.

With a click of the sprite, Gray chose the-