The Mage Classes

"An Elf huh."

Sylvia eyed Gray with intrigue as she saw him clicking the third sprite out of the 6 racial choices.

In a flash of light, the boy's physical features begun to change. His previous height of 5'6" now stood even taller, towering the Goddess immensely with him being a solid 6 feet. Not much of his body build has changed, still being the slim guy that he usually is. What's most noticeable is the fact that his skin turns more flawless, showing no signs of blemish as he turns even more youthful than ever. His face though still remained the same, but the elvish aura that he now assumes has accentuated his desirable traits, turning him even more handsome.

Of course, his ears also turn pointy because an elf is not an elf without the ears.

"Wow, I really am an Elf." Gray marvels as he touches his pointy ears in sheer wonder. "I definitely felt something has change deep within my body, like something has shifted but in a pleasant way. I just can't exactly explain."

"It's the magic that awakens, mortal," Sylvia answered. "Your elf blood I might say. The elves are after all blessed by the God Al-Kael as he bestows his powerful boon."

Gray nodded in response, not exactly understanding the Goddess but her answer seemingly satisfied the boy for now.

"Anyways, I have to ask." Sylvia inquired. "What made you choose the Elf race mortal? Are you perhaps going for the Mage route?"

"Yep," Gray said in agreement. "In this world of magic, it would be a lot of fun casting spells and experiments rather than wasting my time swinging swords. That, and in every MMORPG that I play, I always go with a class that has magic. Lastly, I chose this race specifically because of the passive skill, .

"Oh," Sylvia sounded intrigued by the boy's reasoning. "Kindly elaborate."

Gray complied. "You see, if I read the skill's description correctly, grants me a 15% effectiveness in every enchantment that I wear, meaning I'm a lot more powerful if I'm equipped with these kinds of items. In the later parts of the game, If I were to be a Dwarf let's say, no doubt I'll be benefiting from the as I can craft equipment which is 20% better. In my opinion, it's a waste. I could just be an Elf and ask for a Dwarf to craft these items for me while I enchant them by myself, thus having both the better equipment and enchantments in my arsenal."

Hearing the boy's logic, a smirk graces forth on the Goddess' lips as she is definitely in agreement with the boy's explanation.

"It seems that you have thought this through," Sylvia said. "You are indeed an expert in these kinds of things. Anyways, let's move on to the next phase of the Character Creation."

With another snap of her fingers, the 9 racial sprites have dissipated and another set of sprites appeared which now shows the three primary classes of the game.

"The Warrior, Rogue, and Mage." Sylvia presented the sprites. "Unlike your race, you are free to change your class under certain conditions."

The Warrior shows an Orc equipped with a Red Plate Armor as he wields a Two-handed Sword resting on his shoulders.

The Rogue shows a female Human wearing a set of Brown Leather Armor as she crouches stealthily with a dagger on her right hand.

The Mage shows an Elf clad in a blue robe as he was seen with conjured elemental orbs on both his hands.

Without hesitation, Gray immediately click the Mage sprite, causing the other two to disappear.

"Now, choose what's among the mage classes mortal," Sylvia said as another set of sprites appeared in front.

"Neat." Gray nodded, impressed by how intricate the class system is, being deeper than he initially thought.

Focused on the sprites, Gray assessed each and every figure as he read every description shown.

- The Mage can deal a huge amount of damage with the use of the three destructive elements: Fire, Frost, and Lightning with exceptional mastery, bringing only destruction within his path. As such, the need to contain the dangerous forces is a must if one is willing to take this perilous path.

The sprite shows a Human with blue robes as he harnesses the three elements in an expert fashion.

"An Elementalist," Gray commented. "Your typical stereotype of a Mage hahaha. I've played enough games to know where this is going."

The next sprite shows an elderly elf wearing fur robes with a Bear companion on his side.

- The Mage is the harbinger of nature itself. They have the capability of utilizing the power of Earth and Wind to vanquish any foe who dares to go against their very being with the ability to call animal companions to aid them in any situation. They can also take the form of Animal Spirits to boost their physical or magical capabilities as they see fit, granting them a new set of skills.

"This class might definitely suit me, being an Elf and all that," Gray muttered to himself. "Having an animal companion can be very advantageous and transforming is definitely a plus on my book."

Tempting to press the sprite, Gray was not so childish as to dismiss the other sprites, delving deeply into more of the choices.

- The Mage is the user of Divine Magic. They are considered to be the Gods' emissaries as they utilize their magic to heal allies. Despite their helpful nature, they won't hesitate to defeat any foe who poses a threat to them or their allies, bringing forth the destructive nature of Divine Magic to deal with exceptional damage, especially to Evil beings.

"Neh." Gray immediately dismissed this one. "I suck at that support crap. My friends once told me that I was the worse healer during a raid, suggesting that I should change my class hahaha. Ah, good times."

Next on the line is a menacing dark figure wielding a dark flame on his hand. The figure is also accompanied by a demonic entity, ready to do his every bidding.

- The Mage dabbles on the dark arts of Demonic Magic. Their spells are used solely for the annihilation of their enemies, causing only death and utter destruction to whoever is foolish enough to defy them. They also have the ability to summon Demonic Familiars from the planes of Hellas to assist them in battle, delving into a contract involving blood and soul.

"Now this is what I'm talking about." Gray grinned at how bad-ass this class is. "Demonic Magic, Demon Familiars, who would not want that? Still, I kind of feel nervous if I'm going to click this sprite hahaha, seeing as that my very soul might be the price."

Turning his head, his attention was certainly piqued upon seeing the next sprite, showing a naked figure with violet skin. The figure is also seen with his eyes glowing violet, achieving some sort of enlightenment in his path to magical power.

"Now this looks interesting." Gray is absolutely impressed as he read the sprite's description.

- The Mage assumes magic in its purest form, dealing damage with the use of Arcane Energy. They can shape said energy into their very will, manipulating the fabrics of magic itself as they utilize it for many purposes whether it is by dealing damage to their enemies or supporting their allies. Their magic is also known for being volatile, as the power of Arcane Energy can have unpredictable, catastrophic effects, requiring years of understanding and study before attaining full mastery.

After reading all the descriptions, Gray pondered deeply, seeing as every Mage Class is definitely worth taking upon.

Except the that is…

Because fuck healing, he does not want to be a healing slave during raids or dungeons where everyone is demanding a fucking healing spell every second.

In the end, Gray finally made his decision, the class that will take the whole of Silverhart by storm.

"Ah, fuck it."