User Interface

Making his decision, Gray clicked the sprite, causing the other sprites to disappear into pixels.

Afterward, the sprite is now seen to be shaking violently and in a quick motion, instantly enters the boy's body.

A surge of incredible power flows forth inside Gray's body as the violent Arcane Energy begun to assimilate deep within his system.

"What's this?" Gray's eyes widen with astonishment as he felt rejuvenated. A gush of powerful magic radiated in his very being, signaling the start of something extraordinary. In a short while, the boy was surrounded by streams of violet energy, with his eyes glowing violet.

Sylvia looks to be unsurprised by this phenomenon, as if she already knows this, as evident by her calm smile.

"It seems that the Class selection is a success." Sylvia nodded with satisfaction. "You are now officially an . How do you feel mortal?"

"I feel incredible!!" Gray answered excitedly. "I feel as if I'm intoxicated by this sheer amount of power flowing within me, kind of like a drug if you ask me. It's very addicting."

"Yes." Sylvia agreed. " such as yourself are addicted to the potent feeling of magic since the magic that you have is at its purest form. Thread lightly mortal, not to succumb to its growing power as you get drunk by it. If you fail to control your magic, then it may spell your utter doom, consuming your every being in the most painful death."

"Wait, what?" Sylvia's explanation caused Gray to be dumbfounded, the light on his eyes dissipating back to normal. "You mean the power that I wield is dangerous?"

Sylvia nodded. "Yes. Arcane Energy, if failed to control can very well spell your utmost doom. This is why most of the mortals that I granted the privilege of Character Creation rejected this very class, opting for safer options. But if you manage to contain the power within, fabricating its very will into yourself, then you will no doubt possess a power that is beyond your wildest imaginations, shaping forth destruction and creation as the threads of destiny favor in your path."

"So in short, greater risks, greater rewards right?" Gray asks and the Goddess nodded once more. "Damn, that kind of suck. Is it too late to change my Mage Class?"

"I will allow it," Sylvia said. "After all, Character Creation is all up to you mortal. I'm only here to guide and answer your questions. So, do you wish to cancel this class?"

"No need." Gray grinned playfully, much to Sylvia's slight shock. "I always wanted a challenge in every playthrough. Besides, as you said earlier, if I manage to control my magic, then I will have powers beyond imagining right? If that's the case, then I accept this class."

"Fufufu, you amuse me, mortal." Sylvia giggled with fascination at the boy's thinking. "It's been many years since I encountered a mortal as power-hungry such as yourself."

"Wait, I'm not power-hungry." Gray defended himself.

"Oh, please." Sylvia rolled her eyes in disbelief, retaining her intrigued smile. "Despite the risks that I told you of this class, you still push through with it. If that's not power-hungry, then what else?"

"Well," Gray answered. "I just thought that the power might be worth it in the end. After all, the reason why I pick this class is because of its versatility. I can deal damage as well as support. That, and shaping energy in my will and manipulating the fabrics of magic as said in the class description is kind of interesting, unlike the usual Mage Classes that I'm accustomed to."

"I see." Sylvia seemed satisfied with Gray's answer. "Very well, I'm sure you'll get my meaning as you learn more about your class during your journey. Now for the next phase."

Snapping her fingers again, the User Interface or U.I. was revealed to Gray, displaying his Health, Stamina, and Mana on the upper left side of his sights. His name is also shown as well as his Level and Class.

Gray Allister

LVL: 10

HEALTH: 700 / 700

STAMINA: 400 / 400

MANA: 1200 /1200

"Level 10 right away?" Gray could not help but ask.

"Yes." Sylvia nodded. "A normal citizen of Silverhart by default always starts with the class at Level 1 when they are born which is equivalent to a civilian of some sort. Through gaining EXP by any means, they may assume the class that they desire if they reached Level 10, with the right conditions of course."

"Right conditions?" Gray questions.

"For example," Sylvia explained. "If a citizen wishes to be a Warrior, then they must work hard by leveling up. Of course, combat and quests are not the only way to get EXP as there are many ways but is a whole lot slower. As such it usually takes longer for them to be level 10, reaching their teenage years or adulthood normally. When leveling up, the mortal must spend his attribute points wisely to fulfill the condition of what class he or she wants. Of course, they also have the choice to remain a for the rest of their mortal lives. In your case however and other privilege mortals as well, I've bestowed you the benefit of the Character Creation to save you with all the trouble. So be grateful mortal of the gift that I gave you."

"I understand." Gray nodded in appreciation. "I thank you then, Lady Sylvia."

"You're welcome." Sylvia smiled in response. "Now, if you notice on the upper left, there are 5 icons for you to explore."

Hearing Sylvia's statement, Gray looks on the said direction, seeing the 5 icons.


"Aside from the CHARACTER and JOURNAL, the rest of the icons are only bestowed to the mortals who have reached level 10. So you won't be seeing a storing items inside their pocket dimension any time soon. Now, I'll explain to you what each icon's purpose is." Sylvia said as she began her explanation. "CHARACTER shows your overall status. This includes your Class, Attributes, Status, Titles, Experience, and of course your Morality. When you level up, you may spend 5 Attribute points for you to distribute as you see fit."

"Morality?" Gray wonders as he clicks the CHARACTER icon, showing everything that the Goddess says.

NAME: Gray Allister













EXP: 0 /1200

"If you want to know more about the terms in a detailed manner, you may click them for you to read." Sylvia answers.

"Yeah, I'll do that later." Gray nodded in appreciation.

"Moving on." Sylvia continues. "INVENTORY I'm sure you already know. It's where you can store your items in a pocket dimension. The MAP as the word says will reveal the area that you have explored. This means that the unexplored areas are black that you still can't see unless explored. SKILLS shows your spells and abilities as you spend a single ability point when you level up. By the way, they are divided into three so spend your ability points wisely. Lastly is the JOURNAL where your Quests and Objectives are displayed."

"Awesome." Gray grinned. "It really feels like a video game. I can't wait to start my adventure here!!"

"Of course mortal. "Sylvia nodded. Then she yawned as she lazily told the boy. "I could explain more about the game and the system as there are still more to unravel upon, but that won't be fun now would we? Character Creation now ends here."

As the Goddess wills it, the entire surrounding instantly changes, returning back to the forest clearing where they have once met.

But the only difference is that Sylvia is no longer with him anymore.

"Good luck mortal." Sylvia's voice was heard from nowhere. "I look forward to the things that you will do in my world. Try not to die early why don't you?"

With that, her presence completely faded away, marking a new beginning for the boy as he grins widely at the new wonderful possibilities to be offered in this magical world.

Although Gray now notices that a herd of rabbits seemingly gathered right in front of him, their sharp deadly fangs baring as they seem to have come back to avenge their fallen rabbit comrade.

Gray now faces the animals without fear, his eyes glowing violet as he grinned maniacally at them, wanting revenge for one of their kind in biting off his hand earlier. His hands are also shown to be filled with violent Arcane Energy, ready to vanquish the critters into oblivion.

This indeed is the start of an exciting and magical adventure for the .

Starting with the murder of rabbits that is.