A lesser Evil

- The act of assuming another individual's identity for the purpose of entertainment or infiltration. Whenever you equip certain equipment, you have the option of altering the display of your status bar for others to see, granting an effective disguise unless exposed directly or indirectly. Higher Speech grants additional benefits to be unlocked.

Note: Alteration is only limited to lowering Level, Health, Stamina, and Mana for now. Once exposed, your true status bar will be automatically be revealed for all to see. (i.e. Unveiling skills that are out of place, etc.)

Gray smirks in exhilaration as he remembers the description of the new skill that he acquired, useful indeed in the troublesome situation that he currently finds himself at.

Checking his status bar, Gray mentally nods in approval as this is the one that is presently being shown to the other Bandits in his vicinity, thus not putting him out of place among the group. It is also one of the factors that allow him to enter the Encampment without suspicion in the first place.


Lvl 12

Health: 815 / 815

Stamina: 642 / 642

Mana: 431 / 431

The Bandit in disguise opted to investigate the area, walking around the Encampment calmly like he is part of the unorderly system.

Of course, Gray must be extra vigilant now that he is inside an area filled with Bandits around the corner and is at risk of exposure. Meaning, he should operate his actions minimally, only doing what is necessarily required.

Speaking of the outlaws themselves, their numbers unmistakably are overwhelming as Gray initially suspected.

The first thing that the Elf did is to count how many Bandits are garrisoned here in this Encampment. In his efforts, he was able to find out that the Bandits' total strength is at 29, all scattered around the place as they seemed to be utterly distressed, scattering around chaotically.

It appears that rumors spread rather fast as they all bought out the convincing lie about him being injured by a band of Warrior's Guild members who are supposed to be nearby.

"Have you heard? One of our mates came here severely wounded, barely escaping from the Warrior's Guild who happens to be near the forest!!"

"What in the blazes?! Truly?!"

"Yeah, I also heard Old man Jimmy mentioning it to others as well since he was the one who personally had a chat with the injured man himself!!"

"Wait, those self-righteous bastards from the Guild are nearby?!!"

"And they're all Level 23 from what I heard!!"

"Divines curse us!! We're all doomed!!"

Gray merely chuckled mentally with absolute delight at their various nervous expressions, finding their fear and panic absolute music to his elven ears.

[+2 CHAOS]

'Hehe, so this is the power of Speech.' Gray could not resist himself at smiling in an intrigued manner at the chaos slowly befalling unto the whole Encampment that resulted from his lie. 'With such Overpowered attribute in my very fingertips, I truly am excited at how far will this power bring me in my conquest here in Silverhart.'

He also took notice of the Bandits' status bar, them averaging at Levels 12 to 13 with stats that are mostly similar to his fake persona. In his observations as well, Gray shook his head in disappointment at the lack of racial diversity that this group of violent people possesses, all of them being humans.

Fortunately, his has covered most of his head, including his pointy elven ears, thus allowing himself to blend in properly among the outlaw crowd.

In the topic of his current equipment, the set of Fur Armor that he wears actually came conveniently from the Bandits that he and Isamu have killed two days ago.

As the Bandits' nervous chatters fully engulfed the entirety of the Encampment, a giant muscular man emerges himself out of the large tent at the front, his expression clearly annoyed at the preceding that ensues from the newest issue.

"CAN YOU ALL FILTHY MAGGOTS JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH UP!!!" The giant man burst his booming voice loudly for all the Bandits to hear. Indeed, they were silenced by the mere intimidating presence of the man right in front of them.

At the man's arrival, Gray wonders with interest at the giant man capable of giving orders to the Bandits.

Bandit Boss

Lvl 15

Health: 2083 / 2083

Stamina: 912 / 912

Mana: 200 / 200

'So that's the big boss himself huh.' Gray thought with a frown, especially at seeing how particularly powerful his status bar is among the usual Bandits. 'No wonder everyone around here cowers like terrified chickens the instant he entered the scene. It seems that engaging him directly in combat is freaking a big NO. At least not alone.'

Taking a closer look at the Bandit Boss, the man is also witnessed to be equipped with a sleeveless plate armor that accentuates his muscular arms, with leggings and boots of the same material. His gauntlets have front steel coverings that protect the back of his hand.

The Bandit Boss appears to have calmed down a bit as he properly addresses his men. "Look you stink wads if you are going to be babbling that loudly, then you asses might as well be giving those Guild Warriors our location."

'Heh, look who's talking.' Gray comments in his mind with an unimpressed look. 'You're the loudest one of them all for shouting earlier.'

The Bandits didn't even dare to defy their boss out of fear as they opted to remain silent and agreed with him.

Gray took note of this information. It would seem that these Bandits are ruled by fear and force.

"Now, what to do?" The Bandit Boss stroke his chin in ponder. "Fighting against a bunch of Level 23 is definitely a suicide. I for one refuse to die by the hands of those stuck-up Guild bastards who have been making a fortune by slaughtering us Bandits like pigs. Alright, who's the fucker who manages to escape from the pricks?"

"I am, boss." Gray immediately raised his hand calmly as the Bandits turn all their utmost attention to him.

"Hmm." The Bandit Boss straightaway set his gaze on the disguised Bandit. "Where were they exactly when you encountered them?"

"Somewhere in the outskirts of the forest, south from here," Gray answered as he confirms the Bandits' fears. Then he continues his statement, grinning mentally as he adds more fire in the chaos that is unfolding at this very moment.

"I also overheard one of them asking for the location of our Encampment before finishing one of our mates."




Indeed, Gray's last remark instigate another series of dread expression from the Bandits, causing all of them to look at each other in deep turmoil.

"Tsk, typical Bandit hunters." The Bandit Boss gritted his teeth in frustration. "It appears that we have no other choice."

The Bandit Boss then made his announcement. "Our plundering of the small village in the south would have to be forfeited. Men!! Pack only what's needed, we're getting out of here and head somewhere north!!"

"But what about the others who are still outside?" One Bandit questions him.

"Leave them." The Boss simply answers without a shred of care. "We don't have time to waste our resources for those fools."

"Y-yes, Boss!!" The Bandits all agreed with slight hesitation as the Boss quickly dismiss them to commence the departure.

As they all prepared themselves in leaving the Encampment, Gray nods to himself in triumph seeing that the crisis has finally averted.

Oakwood is finally safe from the wretched clutches of these outlaws.

After a short while and with every Bandit occupied, the Elf leaves the Encampment in discrete, his purpose being fulfilled.

Sure, he was disappointed in letting a group of brigands go in freedom, them to just cause crime and mayhem in other places.

But in his current state of power, he can't exactly do much.

His priority is saving the village, not killing them.

A lesser Evil if one could see in the Elf's perspective.

So he had to intervene directly before it's too late.

In conclusion, he only does what he thinks is most beneficial at this very moment, utilizing the best of his capabilities to prevent a disaster in Oakwood from occurring.

Realistically, he can't exactly be the noble hero with favorable outcomes at all times.

But that won't always be the case.

Once he becomes powerful in the future, all hell's wrath shall be loose upon anyone who preys on good people with their vile self-interest.

That's a promise of a lifetime.

Meanwhile, in a tree nearby, a brown sparrow is revealed to be observing the preceding from the branches, its eyes filled with utmost interest.