A Godly return

"You, you actually did it."

Isamu could only stare at Gray in deep awe as the latter rejoined him in their same hiding spot after the events that happened in the Encampment a while ago.

"When I saw the Bandits leaving the Encampment, I could not believe my eyes." The Cat-folk said as he saw Gray switching his equipment to the lunar robes that the Elf usually wears.

"I'm just glad that I was able to pull it off," Gray responded, sighing in utmost relief. "With those Bandits gone, Oakwood is now safe from their terror."

"Safe indeed." Isamu wholeheartedly nods with the highest regard. "I may have technically failed my mission from the Guild, but this is definitely a better outcome. The people's lives are far more important than some fancy Quest rewards. I'm sure that the people in the guild will see reason."

"I'm glad you see it that way." Gray grins at him in appreciation. Then his demeanor changes to a frown as he added. "I just hope that letting them go is not a mistake on my part. My only regret is not having the power to kill those bastards at where they stand."

"Heh, even so, you did what you have to do. For that, you're still a Hero in my book." Isamu pats the Elf's back in assurance, causing Gray to smile once more with gratitude.

"Oh, and before I forget," Isamu added as he reached out something from his Inventory. "I did tell you that I'll make it worth your while when you decided to accompany me in my Quest. Here, for your troubles."

"Are you sure?" Gray reacted as he saw a pouch filled with gold being handed to him. "You did fail your Quest."

"Nonsense!!" Isamu merely answers the Elf with glee. "An agreement is an agreement. Take my gold, it's the least I can do for such selfless actions."

- Accompany Isamu in his task.

Quest Rewards granted:

1200 XP, 700 Gold

"Very well." Gray does not want to insult the Cat-folk's way of expressing his gratitude to him, thus accepting the reward.

"Heh, it's getting pretty late," Isamu comments, seeing that the skies are getting darker by the second. "Let's get out of here while we still can."

"Good point." Gray agrees as they started to leave the scene.

The pair of Warrior and Mage now set their intentions of making their way to the northwest, where the town of Chadena is located.

After a few hours, they manage to find a safe spot for them to prepare a camp somewhere along the road, now that they are out of the forest.

As the bonfire warm their skin from the cold breeze of the night, the two turned themselves in for a good night's sleep, hoping for the dawn of a better tomorrow.


"Open your eyes, my child."

While in the solace of peaceful slumber, a familiar angelic female voice made its presence known to Gray as her divinity reveals itself to the Elf's perception.


Disoriented by having just woke up, Gray rubs his eyes annoyingly to clear his blurry vision.

As the Elf recovers his sights, he was definitely in for a world of surprise at finding himself in a familiar garden once more, owned by a certain Nature Goddess he met during his time at the Chantry in Oakwood.

"What in Sylvia's freaking name?" Gray tilted his head in confusion at why he is here in this place once more. "Am I dreaming?"

"In a manner of speaking."

Gray was slightly taken aback at hearing the familiar voice coming from behind.

Turning around, indeed it was no other than the Goddess of Nature and Wind, Wynather smiling with intrigue at the Elf.

Basking on her holy presence, Gray instantly unequips his , remembering her clear disdain of the outfit that's influenced by the Evil God Fenrir. With his actions, the was revealed in its majestic glory, much to Wynather's approval.

"I see that you have adhered to my blessed teachings during our first meeting." Wynather smiled with complete approval at the Elf, most especially at seeing him wearing her Divine Artifact. "Well done."

Gray could only chuckle sheepishly in response to the compliment given to him.

"So, why am I here again?" Gray asks with genuine curiosity at why he was summoned in this place.

"Your noteworthy actions in the mortal plane have not gone unnoticed in my own two eyes," Wynather spoke with a dignified tone. "Although you have utilized deception and trickery in fulfilling your goals, I suppose such undesirable methods to an extent can be forgiven as long as you don't lose your way in the pursuit of goodness. You have my thanks for saving Oakwood yet again."

"I only did what I feel is naturally right," Gray answered with unyielding conviction. "I only worry that by letting those Bandits go, they might just spread conflict and transgression to wherever their path greets them."

The Goddess merely smiles at his statement.

"Every action that we partake has its own repercussions," Wynather stated with wisdom in her every word. "We are granted the freedom of choosing our own actions, but we can never be set loose by the binding shackles of the consequences that accompany them. With my subtle guidance, the cycle of cruelty and violence shall near its very end as nature's fury would eventually come for the ones who dare defile my splendid creations."

Gray was a little bit confused by her speech.

"So, what you're saying is that the Bandits will eventually get what they deserve?" The Elf questions her in clarification.

"Of course," Wynather assures him with absolute confidence as fit to her Godly status. "Perhaps even sooner than you might expect."

"I see," Gray replied as he definitely felt relieved upon knowing that those Bandit bastards will suffer for what they are about to do. "Thank you, Lady Wynather."

"It's my pleasure, Champion." The Goddess addressed him happily with his bestowed title. "Now that's everything said and done, I suppose that concludes my business with you. Do continue to impress, my child."

Gray simply gave a nod as Wynather bids her farewell.

With a snap of the Goddess' finger, the Elf was sent away as he disappeared from her realm, returning him to the mortal plane.

"Fufufu." Wynather chuckles as she rubs her chin in total excitement by her Champion.

"Choosing him is definitely the right choice. I wonder what more exciting things will he show to me and my fellow Divines."

The Goddess of Nature and Wind could only hold nothing but high expectations for someone interesting like him.