Wrath of an old man

Few hours have passed after the situation at the Encampment, the evening makes its presence known throughout the entire province in its natural passage of time.

Up in the night sky is a certain brown sparrow flying, locking its sights below on a particular Bandit group who are seen to be making their temporary camp in a significant distance off-road after finally getting out of the forest.

They are the same band of mischiefs who have been driven away from their Encampment in the forest due to the actions of one of their mates, who unknown to all of them is actually an Elven Mage who is in disguise.

The Bandits are witnessed to be resting in an open area in their camp, but all of them are currently on high alert though, on the lookout for a possible ambush from the Warrior's Guild as evident by their distressed expressions.

Of course, what they don't know is that it was all a ruse meant to deceive them, a lie fabricated by an Elf to keep their filthy criminal influence away from the village that they intend to loot and plunder for selfish purposes.

Around the corner of the camp, the Bandit Boss is seen to be sitting on a log all by himself, gritting his teeth with vexation as he's irritated by their current situation.

'Those damn sons of bitches from the Guild!!' The Boss mentally screamed with rage. 'If it wasn't for them, then we would have left first thing in the morning and push through with our plans of raiding that farm village.'

As the Bandits are occupied in guarding the camp, one of them saw someone seemingly approaching the camp from a small distance.

"Who goes there?!!"

Sheathing their respective weapons, the Bandits prepare themselves for whoever is brave or foolish enough to approach them, hoping that it is not the Warrior's Guild as they feared.

As the figure finally made its presence known to the whole camp, the Bandits could only sigh in utter relief at seeing the one who approaches them.

It was just, in fact, a frail old man wearing brown hooded robes with a wooden staff that he uses as a support in his struggle of maintaining to stand properly.

"Hello there, young ones." The old man greeted them kindly in a weak voice, his face obscured by the hood of his robes. "I'm just a poor old pilgrim traveling throughout the land. Would you be so kind as to spare me at least a small portion of your food? I'm hungry and haven't eaten for days."

Old Man

Lvl 4

Health: 211 / 211

Stamina: 90 / 90

Mana: 30 / 30

The Bandits simply stared at the old man and then turn to look at each other. After a few seconds, they all started laughing mockingly at seeing how feeble the man is right in front of them.

"Haha, maybe." One of the bandits approaches him arrogantly. "What's in it for us all?"

"Yeah." Another from the group spoke from the sidelines. "Why would we be fucking wasting our precious food for someone old and pathetic like you?"

"What's this then?"

The Bandits all heard a booming voice as they saw their Boss joining the scene. The former then gave way as the latter approaches the old man with his menacing huge figure.

"Look, Boss!!" A Bandit spoke with a tone of ridicule. "This fossil has the audacity of asking us for some food."

"Is that so?" The Boss answered with villainous intrigue as he stares the old man down. Then he assumes a smirk as he said. "Alright old man, I'll give you something to eat."

Without any warning, the Bandit Boss punches him to the face, sending the old man stumbling harshly with his back on the ground.

"There, the ground is not so bad, is it? You can feast on the soil as you wallow on it like the pitiful weakling you are, hahaha!!!" The Bandit Boss laughs mockingly as the rest of his men joined in with the sick entertainment.

As the camp erupted in a burst of sickening laughter that takes pleasure on someone's misery, the old man merely caresses his cheek to where the Bandit Boss has delivered his blow, a deep frown instantly showing on his lips.

"It appears that redemption is truly not an option for vile villains such as yourselves." The old man spoke without a shred of emotion, resulting in the Bandits to all look at him in confusion.

"Huh, what are you babbling about old fool?" The Bandit Boss questions him as the old man simply stood up and wipes off the dust from his robes.

In an instant, the ground beneath the camp started to shake furiously, the tremor of the event shocking every Bandit in the vicinity.

"W-what's this?!!!" The Bandit boss's eyes widen with fear as he and his men turned around in an attempt to escape from the disaster that is currently unfolding.

But before they were given the chance though, the ground violently burst open in a mighty rupture as huge wooden branches emerge out from the earth to engulf the whole area, spontaneously entrapping all of the bandits in its destructive wake.

As the earth's tremor finally ceased, the old man could only stare at the wrapped Bandits with a cold look, eyeing them as their very lives are now on the palm of his hands, equivalent to insignificant ants.

With the old man revealing his true self, the Bandits could not believe as they witness with sheer terror at his status bar shifting to match the very power that he wields.

Old Man

Lvl (??)

Health: (????) / (????)

Stamina: (????) / (????)

Mana: (????) / (????)

"You have defiled the sanctity of the forest's domain." The Bandits then hear the old man saying to them, now with a deep strong voice, the exact opposite of the weak tone that he assumes earlier. "Utilizing the covers of Nature's creation to fulfill your vile intentions to the good people, such monstrosity is unacceptable. For that, perish at the very woods that you have been tainting with your wickedness!!"

Tapping his staff on the ground, the branches that wrap around the Bandits started to react abruptly, crushing their body in merciless anguish until they all expire into pixels.

"P-please spare me, I'll change my ways."

Of course, the last Bandit, the Boss himself, credit to his high health, was the last one remaining, pleading for his very life in hopes that the old man will see to mercy.

"I'm afraid it's too late for you to be saying that, young lad." The old man answers without care. "Your recent depraved action against me only proves how despicable your personality is to the very core. May the Divines judge you for your crimes."

The branches enwrap the last of the Bandits even tighter, causing the brute to scream in complete pain and agony as the wooden limbs assume its deathly grip until such is the time of the Bandit's inevitable pixelated demise.

The old man could only sigh in slight grief looking at the death that he caused as shown by the floating crystals that presently lay all over the ground.

Despite all that, he did not regret his actions, not even in the slightest.

Their death is all but a necessity to ensure that Nature's assets won't be defiled any further by the likes of them.

Seeing the entire field lay to waste, the old man cast a spell to fix everything.


Resulting from the chaos that was ensued by him, the old man chanted a spell of an unknown language, fixing the entire field, thus returning to its original state slowly before the destruction he caused, like it never happens in the first place.

"The woods of Whitemoor are safe once more." The old man muttered under his breath quietly as he simply stood tall, his posture unwavering.

With everything said and done, the brown sparrow joined the old man as it perches on his staff.

The old man is indeed familiar with the bird, a smile forming on his lips as he petted the animal.

"I thank you for all your efforts in keeping an eye on those brigands." The old man said with gratitude at the sparrow.

"*Chirp!!*" The sparrow tweeted enthusiastically at the praise given by him.

As they turn around to leave the scene, the old man inquired something with the bird as he rubs his chin.

"During your eavesdropping of the Bandit Encampment in the woods, you mentioned something in our telepathic conversation about an Elf disguising as one of the Bandits, am I correct?"

The sparrow chirps with a nod, remembering witnessing the whole scene in the Encampment, including the Elf being injured in his arrival.

Piqued by this scenario, the sparrow opted to observe more about this "Bandit". At first, it was all normal, with him being given a potion and just walking around the camp. Then, when chaos befalls unto the whole Encampment due to the "Bandit" being injured by some Warriors, the group was immediately reprimanded by their leader as he questions the "Bandit" about the situation.

Apparently, the answer seemed to be unfavorable as they all panic and started packing their belongings.

While the Bandits were occupied, the sparrow also saw the same "Bandit" leaving the scene discretely amidst the distraction, much to the animal's suspicion. As such, the sparrow investigates by now pursuing him. To its absolute surprise, the sparrow witnesses the "Bandit" unequipping his Fur Armor, revealing to actually be an Elven Mage as he joins with a Cat-folk.

Listening to the pair's conversation, the sparrow was able to deduce about the Elf's true intentions of driving the Bandits away from their Encampment to save a village, Oakwood, from getting ransacked.

"I see." The old man returns the same gesture with a smirk. "Intriguing, to think that someone would risk his very own life and get involved in the gruesome affairs to save an entire village. And him being injured? I believed it was all just an act."

The sparrow responded by chirping in confusion at the old man's last statement.

"Think about it." The old man said. "Why would he go through all that trouble of driving the Bandits away if there really are Warriors from the Guild lurking around nearby. He could have just simply reported the Encampment's location to them, saving himself the trouble. He even took the effort of disguising as one of them, with the hopes of finding a plan in sending the Bandits away. His mere purpose is not to kill them but to save the village from their wretched hands. This shows that despite his lack of power, he makes use of other means to make the best out of the situation. Of course, I would have eventually killed them when they decided to stay any longer, but he does not know that."

"As a result of now knowing of such an interesting character." The old man added.

"I have a new task in mind for you."