Delicate affairs

Around half an hour have passed after the quartet regaled Malic their story of what has transpired to them in the Bandit cavern camp, the latter was seen with a frowning look as he leaned his head with the support of his hands at his desk.

"Hmm, this is truly disturbing." The Guild Master said as he remained collected despite the alarming reports that were detailed to him by Gray and his companions. "So, this incident is certainly connected to the seven Guild Warriors who have not reported here many days ago despite the estimated time already being passed in the completion of their respective contracts."

"Yes, sir." It was Hans who made his voice known in the conversation with his posture remarkably firm. Thankfully, the young Warrior was out of his ragged state, having been given some decent civilian attire by Isamu while they were on the way here. Of course, Hans had the option of retiring first at his own quarters in the barracks for some rest since he was subjected to the gruesome tortures by the bandits for many days. Still, the young Warrior decided that such troubling information concerning the guild should not be delayed any further and came here with the group as soon as possible.

Lily also told Gray and his companions that she was responsible for saving them via a magic circle that she conjured at the heat of that earthshaking moment a while back.

"So, that magic circle," Gray said as he eyed Lily with a look of curiosity, delving into a conversation with her. "That was your doing, huh."

"Yep!!" The orange-haired girl answered enthusiastically with a wide grin on her face. "The High Druid instructed me to monitor you at all times during the past three months as an unassuming little sparrow. When all of you entered the cave, I came in as well to follow. Believe me, I too was shocked when I felt that earthquake suddenly occurring all of a sudden. I did what I have to do to save you all by quickly turning back to my human self and summoned the magic circle from a hidden corner to bail you all out from that nasty scenario."

"W-wait." The elf said as his demeanor instantly turned cautious around her. "You were stalking us for the past three months?!"

"Stalking is such a strong word, don't you think?" The female druid giggled cutely as she eyed Gray with a sweet smile of her own. "I believe the proper term is monitoring, as I have mentioned earlier. It's all for your safety, of course. After all, it would be a shame if someone of your remarkable status would not be able to fulfill your task as per divinity's intentions, hehe. That and your Master approve of it as he opted to leave me alone while in my line of work."

"Uh-huh." The elf responded in unamusement, feeling slightly suspicious. He then turned his sights once more to Rarsu with an accusing look. "Care to explain, Master?"

"Meh, she wasn't doing any harm, so I allowed it." Rarsu nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders in response. "And because of that, you were saved from the earthquake, is it not? I may not harbor any liking to her Master, but even I could see the benefits that came from this arrangement. She'll prove to be a valuable ally for you."

"Right." Gray nodded in understanding despite his slight reluctance about the whole matter. He then turned his attention back to Lily, this time with an appreciative look. "Although I don't appreciate the stalking, I suppose I'll make this day an exception. You have our gratitude for saving us."

"Anything for the good of this land and her people." Lily simply replied in acknowledgment with the same gesture of smile.

While the talk between Gray and Lily was going on, Selena stared at them from the background with a calculating look. Her eyes focused suspiciously on the orange-haired girl, not exactly trusting her.

After the elf finally dealing with his personal grievance to the human girl, the lizardling cleared his throat to call everyone's attention for his remark about the current case they are in.

"Hmm, first the thief and now an Alchemist with an obsession for music." Rarsu stroked his chin in thinking while still sitting on his chair. He then looked at Malic with a teasing grin. "So much for being a town renowned for its excellent security due to its Warrior populace, hehe."

"Yes, such a pain in the ass indeed." Malic rubbed his temples due to the stress of their current predicament. "I believe I should suggest the Count in bolstering security in the outskirts of the town and deploy more patrols around the area."

All of them agreed at the Guild Master's remarks.

"Anyways, now that we have some vital information about this potion loving freak, what's our next course of action then?" Gray boldly asked two of the high ranked individuals of the town. "We wouldn't just leave that asshole kidnapping people left and right, correct?"

"Of course not," Rarsu replied to his apprentice. "But we can't act rashly just like that, especially if our culprit is a man, a noble most likely with great influence from Flocaster or possibly a rich merchant. No ordinary citizen is capable of paying a huge amount of gold for the services of a group of well-armed bandits. Not to mention, his music, hmm..."

"Music and Flocaster." Gray pondered on the words, causing him to remember a certain event in the Fighter's Retreat three months ago when he danced like a madman in his drunken introduction of the Gangnam Style to the tavern's patrons, resulting with his invitation at the Bardic University of the said town. "I see. I believe that our Alchemist may also be a Bard."

"A Bard… yes, it's a plausible conclusion." Rarsu nodded in agreement. "Or as I said earlier, perhaps a mere noble or merchant as well who possess some love for the musical arts. Either way, we know one important thing that he's from Flocaster presumably."

"Yes, a vital piece of knowledge that we got from this ordeal," Malic said as he conjured three pouch bag of gold coins from his Inventory and handed it to Gray and the others. "Well, if you don't have anything more to say, then I believe this meeting is finally adjourned. Here is your reward for all of your troubles."

With the quest being accomplished, the proper notification has greeted the trio, courtesy of the System as each one of them were granted their respective similar rewards.

- Complete Malic's task. [✓]

- Find out about the Bandit's plans [✓]

Quest Rewards granted:

4,000 XP, 2,000 Gold

As a result, all of them leveled up by the XP that was granted by the System.

Gray spent 2 attribute points in Intelligence, a point in Willpower, and two points Endurance this time around. As a Mage-Warrior hybrid, he'll be alternating Speech, Dexterity, and Endurance until he'll get the proper equipment that'll boost his stats significantly, covering the weakness of the attribute that he is low at hopefully. The elf also felt that Willpower is a necessity as he doesn't want to be succumbing to any mind-control spells or magic from anyone anytime soon, calling it a safety measure in his part.

Isamu distributed his attribute points by allocating two in Strength as always, a point in Endurance, and the last two in Willpower, the last attribute for the same purpose as Gray as well as having a good amount of Stamina Regeneration in his physical combat power. Hopefully, there will be a nice armor set waiting for him that'll boost all of his needed stats remarkably.

Selena's case was the easiest as she usually allocated two points in Intelligence for spell-power, a point in Strength and Dexterity for close combat in conjunction with her < Bane's Embodiment>, and a point in Endurance for some slight hardiness. Of course, like the rest of her companions, the girl also hopes for some gear of her own, which will increase her overall combat capabilities. As a Sentinel with a human body foundation, she is fortunately eligible in donning a gear that is otherwise restricted by some of her fellow kind with a more different kind of body shape or type.

"So, what now then?" Gray inquired Rarsu and Malic. "Are you going to send someone to Flocaster to deal with the culprit?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Malic answered the elf while shaking his head with a grimace.

"Wait, are you saying that we're just going to remain still while that alchemical son of a bitch is free to roam around abducting people whenever he pleases for his sick experimentation?" Gray definitely was not amused as he voiced out his opinion at the Guild Master.

[+4 GOOD]

"Nothing of the sort. We still have to follow the required protocol and consult the Count with such delicate matters first." Malic responded with a severe expression. "If the culprit is truly from Flocaster, then we have to be careful in our investigation as we have limited jurisdictions of the state of affairs from another town. Some of the nobility there can be quite fickle and are wary of outsiders meddling around as per my experience of my ventures of that town in the past."

"As much as I hate to admit, Malic here is right." Rarsu frowned at the old Warrior's remarks. "Make no mistake though, that Alchemist certainly will get the punishment that he deserved and knowing the Count, I'm sure he'll share the same sentiment as us. There are still some sensitive procedures that we should not bypass for Chadena and Flocaster's relationship to continuously flourish."

"Hmm… fine." Gray, despite being slightly in discord, agreed with them in the end as he has little power of such affairs. "Hopefully, the matter will be settle immediately."

"Yes, if there's nothing else, you may all take your leave," Malic instructed the young occupants of the office. "Rarsu and I will be having a chat with the Count later. As a result, we'll be swamped today and won't be available sometime until tomorrow. In the meantime, you are all free to do whatever you want. We'll brief you sometime tomorrow or perhaps at a later date regarding the result of our endeavors with Chadena's court. We'll be expecting that you'll be available when the time comes."

The group, including Lily, nodded as they all complied and left the office, having been granted freedom in this lovely afternoon that they find themselves in this current time of the day.