Of Boscage and children

After making their report with Malic, the four now turned five finally departed the office as they go on about with their respective businesses, finding themselves at the barracks area of the Guild located on the second floor.

Hans gave his final bow to his four acquaintances who he had the pleasure of meeting under such unfortunate circumstances which thankfully have circumvented due to them rescuing him.

"Once again, you all have my sincere thanks for saving me from that horrifying place." The young guild warrior said with genuine gratitude on every word. "I could only shiver at the dreadful thought of suffering the same fate as Paul if you haven't come to my rescue."

"It's nothing really." Gray smiled at him in a friendly manner. "I only did what's right. And also, I get to test out two of my awesome new spells against those bandit whoresons, so it's somewhat an enjoyable experience for me, except the part where our lives were almost forfeited by the quake, hehe."

[+2 GOOD] [+1 CHAOS]

Hans returned the gesture with the same expression as he started saying his farewell to the group. "I suppose that this is where we part ways. Thankfully, the Guild Master was considerate during our meeting and granted me two weeks of recuperation in the Barracks without paying the rent with some gold coins to start. It's certainly an honor meeting you all."

"Same." Gray nodded with acknowledgment as he saw Hans making his leave to the direction of the quarters.

With the five going back to four, Gray faced his companions and inquired them at what they are going to do next.

"Well, we do need some rest after a long day of bandit hunting," Isamu suggested while crossing his muscular arms. "In the meantime, I'm heading back to the farmlands outside."

"The farmlands?" Gray tilted his head in confusion, seeing as how Isamu is a guild member with a room that he called his own here in the barracks area. "I thought your training with that Krothu fellow is finally over?"

"Haha, yeah." Isamu scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "But Sir Krothu told me that I report to him after my business is done here with the Warrior's Guild. As for his reason? He didn't tell me. That and well..."

A small blush instantly assumed on the cat-folk's embarrassed face as with a sheepish grin. "I did declare something out of a divine's holy name while death almost claimed us inside the cave. To not follow through with the actions honorably with sacred conduct would bring a great frown and disapproval with the God of War himself"

[+3 ORDER]

Hearing Isamu's response, Gray realized the cat-folk's state of embarrassment as a wide playful grin graced forth on his youthful face.

"Well, my friend." The elf said. "I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your romantic affairs. I'm sure she'll accept your confession despite your racial differences, haha. No offense, of course."

Around two months ago, the first time when Isamu told Gray about the former's love interest during their weekly drinking at the Fighter's Retreat, the latter was a bit baffled at how the romantic affairs of this world work, given that a cat-folk like Isamu was attracted romantically to a human female like Sarah.

The elf out of sheer curiosity, brought up that particular topic to Rarsu the moment when he went home that particular night, with the lizardling telling him that it's indeed uncommon for two people of different races to pursue with one another in a romantic sense, but the circumstances are definitely not unheard of.

Although such cases vary like how human-elf relationships are less rare than the intermingling of other races, given the somewhat similar physiology that each of the former in that relationship possesses. A notable example of this is the human Guild Master Malic with his elven wife, Shael.

Gray also learned that a child from two parents of different mortal races is possible. The offspring produced from the intercourse has a 50% chance of assuming the race from either its father or mother, meaning the concept of a half-race does not exist in this world. This however does not apply to the lizardlings as their physiology is only capable of reproduction with their fellow race.

After being enlightened about the matter, Gray decided to not question it any further because hey… different world, different beliefs. He's not anymore bounded by the logic and laws of the previous world of where he came from and won't be a racist ass about such sensitive matters.

Although deep inside, the elf could not help but be disheartened a bit, seeing as he never had a girlfriend before, not even a single one back from his time on earth. Hopefully, things will turn out better for him in this brand new life of his in this fantasy-driven world.

Nevertheless, Gray fully supported the cat-folk's amorous endeavors, finding it slightly amusing at teasing Isamu with his comical reactions about the whole matter.

Selena simply nodded in response, her eyes gleaming with amusement as she gave her approval with a thumbs up.

'Go get her, tiger.'

Lily merely tilted her head in confusion as she was left out of the three's ongoing conversation. She was undoubtedly dense by the current state of romantic affairs that they are talking about, with her having no experience as well regarding the matter.


With Isamu bidding his companions a hearty farewell, Gray and Selena now made their way into their home of the famed Magus' Emporium for some rest.

While the pair are walking, Selena could not help but feel distressed as she consulted her soul-brother regarding her alarming concern.

'Big Brother.' Selena created a telepathic connection strictly only for the two of them as her voice sported nothing but unamusement. 'I can't help but notice… Why is she following us?'

Indeed, the 'she' that the Sentinel is referring to is none other than Lily as the Druid was witnessed trailing behind and following the soul-siblings nonchalantly with a carefree demeanor. Gray and Selena turned her heads behind to looked at her for a moment. The female Druid beamed pleasantly in response and gave the two a friendly wave with her right hand.

'I'm not exactly sure, but I have a suspicion.' Gray returned his attention back to Selena and answered in the same manner of mental communication. 'Probably to keep an eye on us constantly as instructed by this High Druid Master of hers.'

'And we're just going to allow it?' Selena raised an eyebrow as she looked at the elf. 'She's been stalking us for the past three months. I believe she has seen enough and I don't trust her.'

'Me too, sis. I'm not exactly comfortable with some stranger snooping into our affairs.' Gray agreed with her. 'Still, Master kind of agreed with her in following us. Besides, she did save us from inevitable death, so I'll be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for now.'

'I'm not sure.' Selena was hesitant about her brother's decision. 'I still can't help but think that she has some ulterior motive behind in accompanying us. After all, she's from the Order, and if what Master told about them is true, then we have every right to be wary, especially you Big Brother, being the Paragon and all.'

'Well, I can't deny that.' Gray smirked mentally. 'But as the saying goes little sis, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. If she monitors us, as she likes to call it, and we might as well do the same thing to her. If we can manage to soften up her edges, then we may be able to find out more about this High Druid that Master spoke venom of. I'm sure she won't act rashly, and if she wanted us dead, then it would be more logical for her to leave us to our fate at the collapsing cave a while back.'




'Hmm, you certainly have a point.' Selena realized her brother's intentions. 'Very well, Big Brother. I'll try to be on communicable terms and be less hostile towards her.'

'Thank you for the cooperation, sis.' Gray nodded with approval at her choice.

As the trio kept on walking, they eventually arrived at the Boscage, the Garden district that the siblings grew accustomed to for the whole duration of their stay in Chadena.

"Look, it's Big Brother Gray and his sister!!!"

The three heard a child's voice coming from a distance, turning their heads to locate the source of the sound. They all witnessed five children running towards their direction with cheerful smiles on their faces.

"Hey, squirts!!!" Gray greeted them upfront with a grin as he was all too familiar with the children, being a common yet welcoming figure himself with Selena in the Boscage. He then ruffled the hair of the leader of the group, a young boy around seven years of age, like the rest of his fellow playmates.

"Big Brother Gray, come play tag with us!!!" Another child voiced out with vigor as expected of his demeanor fitting for his age.

"Yeah, and show us another of that cool magic of yours!!!" This time, it was a girl who excitedly yelled out.

"The Gangnam Style, Big Brother, we want to see it again!!!" The tallest of the group said out loud with glee while mimicking the said dance style.

Upon witnessing Gray being bombarded by the adorable children, a giggle was heard from Lily as she was unquestionably enamored by the heartwarming and funny scene.

Selena, who was beside her, turned her attention to Lily, who was sporting a sincere expression of admiration at how Gray handled the children.

'Hmm.' Selena continued to meticulously observe the female Druid's reaction. 'I suppose she's not a bad person, that's a start."

While the elf was talking happily with the group, he felt a tug on his robes coming from his side. Acknowledging the act, he saw a young girl with a sad look while clutching a small injured white rabbit on her arms.

"B-big Brother Gray." The girl called out to him with a pleading expression, her eyes watery from the tears that she shed.

"What's wrong, Mary?" Gray appeared to recognize the young girl, having been accustomed to the children and their antics. So naturally, he knew each and one of their names as well.

"It's my pet rabbit, Mr. Pebbles," Mary uttered with a sorrowful frown as she presented Gray her wounded pet. "He has a bad wound on his leg."

"A rabbit, huh." Gray paled a bit slightly as a certain unwanted memory seemed to have resurfaced in his mind, involving his first encounter with a particular rabbit that welcomed him first here in Silverhart by ripping out his arm. Of course, he would help Mary to the best of his abilities and won't be an unreasonable bastard just because of his dark experience with the poor creature's rabid kind. "I believe I have some herbs from my Inventory that will help him."

[+1 GOOD]

As Gray was about to perform the medication, he was stopped by Lily as she approached him and Mary with a comforting look on her face.

"Allow me." The Druid offered to help the young child in distress as she gestured for the permission of touching the rabbit. "I can heal him more effectively with my magic."

[+1 GOOD]

Mary timidly looked at Lily as she nodded and accepted the Druid's help. The Druid then touched the rabbit as a glowing green light suddenly appeared from her hand, spreading it throughout the injured animal.

As the light dissipated, so does the wound as the rabbit instantly got back up and started sniffing Mary's hand, much to the young girl's utmost joy.

"Wow, Mr. Pebbles' wound is all gone now!!!" Mary yelled happily as she looked at Lily with an appreciative expression. "Thank you, Big Sister!!!"

Lily simply smiled sweetly in response, as she too patted the girl's hair just how Gray did to one of the other children earlier.

Gray and even Selena could only nod in approval at the kind act that Lily displayed to Mary.

"A Healer, huh," Gray commented as he stood closer beside her, impressed by her act. "That's really kind of you."

"The poor creature was suffering and would perish if no immediate action is undertaken," Lily responded with a sympathetic tone. "As a Druid, I can feel an animal's pain to a deeper level. No innocent animal deserved such an unfateful end."

"Right." Gray agreed with her as he saw Selena this time being comically nudged by the children to play with them. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to indulge my inner child with some game of tag. You're free to join us if you want."

And with that, Gray left Lily's side as he joined Selena and the children to play at the garden park of the Boscage.

Lily merely chuckled hilariously as he saw the elf running around the area playing tag with Selena and the children.

'Gray Allister.'

The female Druid thought with a smile as she concluded her observations regarding the elf for the past three months.

'He's kind and gentle, especially to the children. At the same time, he's also ruthless and won't hesitate to do whatever means necessary to take down his adversaries and achieve his goals. Master seemed cynical about Mister Gray's personality though as per my reports to him, being a walking time bomb that would either be a great asset or a detrimental liability as told by his own words. I should continue my observations about him to perceive his worth in joining the Order while at the same time, befriending him.'